Q. Whoa! Goodbye Wendell. Wasn't he your favorite?
A. Yep, my sophisticated theory went right out the window! As a matter of fact, several of my ongoing theories evaporated tonight.

Q. Let's talk first about the families, which one is your favorite?
A. Jen seemed a little uptight during her visit with Ryan's family. This is my personal opinion, but I believe she overreacted a little. Jen was the visitor, therefore it was good manners and HER responsibility to try to accommodate to their awkwardness in front of her. Jen may be used to the lights and cameras, but Ryan's family definitely was not. Jen acted as if she only felt good whenever she was the center of attention and in control of the situation and conversation. His parents probably talked about Thailand because it was a “safe subject”. Perhaps Jen would have enjoyed it better if they would have asked the same silly questions like "What do you see in our son", etc.
I believe Wendell’s family was a little too loud and overwhelming for her. Again, she did not feel in control, and did not enjoy their topics of conversation either.
Jen's visit to JP's family was fairly neutral, and went pretty smoothly. His parents are very low key and likeable. Is it me or JP appears to be a little too much into himself and his materialistic accomplishments? Not only did he show off his restaurant’s “chef”, but did he also have to drive Jen around in his Mercedes? I thought ABC provided transportation. He reminded me of Aaron and his fighter plane decorated apartment. JP is mature in some areas, but is also a typical 25 yr. old in others. I was expecting him to pull out his new camera flip-phone and take a photo of Jen.
It might surprise a few readers to know I was really impressed by Jerry's family. His mother appears to be a really sweet and loving woman, and all of his family appear to be very sharp and intuitive. I especially liked Jerry's brother, who seems very mature and wise for his age. Jen was very gracious with them, and appeared to be at ease in their presence. She was foolish to invite Jerry's brother to follow her into another room only to begin interrogating him for additional information on Jerry. What did she expect his brother to do, gossip? I feel the producers set her up for this and wonder how foolish can Jen continue to be.

Q. Talk to me a little more about Jerry and his family. Please elaborate as you were doing before we began our Q&A. We were talking about the possible reasons for Jerry not to like going back to his hometown.
A. Tonight I believe to have learned a little more about what makes Jerry tick. Please understand I am basing all my suppositions from analyzing bits and pieces of conversations, as well as carefully observing face expressions and interactions among the participants. It is my opinion Jerry's hometown only brings back bad memories for him and also feel he did not have a pleasant childhood there.
Having a physically challenged parent can bring tremendous pressures to a child. Other children, and sometimes even adults, can be cruel and disrespectful towards physically challenged individuals and their family members; something not easily forgotten by their victims.
Also, most children brought up in these types of households are forced to mature faster than others brought up in regular households. Keep in mind they are often used as translators and even problem solvers by their parents, who have no other way of communicating with the "outside world".
As for Jerry, I believe he does love his mother and siblings, but there is something there that continues to hurt him whenever he comes home, and a simple TV show is not going to give us a glimpse of what it is. I just hope he finds the inner peace he needs to be able to place everything in order and move on with his life.

Q. Anything else you wish to tell me regarding Jerry or his family?
A. Yes, after having witnessed Jen sending Wendell home, it is possible she may actually offer Jerry the final rose, even though I feel he is not developing any type of feelings towards her. Don't jump all over me now, I am of the opinion Jerry is a pretty nice guy, even if he knows how to manipulate others fairly well, but that is not a sin and I have nothing negative to say about him.
Jerry appears to have an internal wall built between him and the outside world that Jen is not going tear down anytime soon. Take a good look folks, most of the time it is Jen who takes the initiative and goes for Jerry, and very seldom we see it happening the other way around. That should tell you something! One thing is to be in love with the love story, but there is no way to edit around the facts.
Having said that, I do not see any magic between her and anyone else left on the show.

Q. What about Jean Paul?

A. My opinion of him remains the same as last week, he is not ready for any type of long-term commitment, much less with Jen. He is into his commercial ventures.

Q. And Ryan? Some readers believe he may be Jen's secret "love" on this show.
A. If he is, the producers have created a bulletproof smokescreen between Jen and him. Now that I have watched Jen kissing more men than just Andrew, I am able to say she kisses Ryan with the same mediocrity she used to kiss Andrew, especially after their show finished taping. Just because Jen enjoys his company does not mean she is actually falling for him. I would be surprised if she chose him in the end.

Q. Hold that thought! Now talk to me about Jen.
A. Life is funny, in a way; if I would have been able to see all the footage of Jen interacting and kissing other men, as I have during this show, I would have changed my opinion of Jen and Andrew as a couple. I can now see Jen never kissed Andrew with deep passion, nor did she appear to be deeply in love with him, and it is no wonder to me that their relationship deteriorated within a year.
I have also noticed Jen has a subconscious habit of patting a man's back whenever he kisses her and she is not too romantically involved with him, much like patting down a little dog. I've seen her do this several times, beginning with Andrew, but I did not pay too much attention to this at the time. Logically, the longer we are able to observe a person, the more we actually learn about their character traits.

Q. So what does this all mean?
A. It means whatever happens during the final show, Jen will not come out of this with a long term relationship, much less a happy marriage. She took a big gamble to be on this show; having a second relationship go awry on National TV is not going to make her look good.
I believe viewers have become so disillusioned with these shows their level of expectation has dropped significantly, today most are satisfied if the main character just finds someone to date for a while. Yes, she may come out of this with a “prolonged fling”, but that was not the reason for her to come on the show. She could have stayed in Chicago and done that.
I do not wish to get ahead of myself; therefore, I will wait and see how everything unfolds before voicing any more opinions on this subject.



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