Q. All right, what do you think of all this?
A. Not many surprises tonight except Fabrice's confession and voluntary pullout. He is no fool and sensed he was not getting a rose. Still, I was pleased to see Fabrice behaving like a true gentleman and not accompanying his words with any theatrics. It made up for his insensitive words regarding the other men's letters to Jen.

Q. What about the four remaining?
A. I am approaching this particular series with a different frame of mind, perhaps because I honestly do not believe Jen is actually ready for another serious commitment. Like it sometimes occurs in real life, Jen is going to be torn between the one who she wants to have some "steamy" fun with, and the one she believes would make an excellent husband and father to her children, if there is such a man in this particular group.

Q. I know where you're going with this. Let's begin by talking about Jerry?
A. I may be totally wrong but believe Jerry is someone Jen sees as a good candidate for a short steamy relationship and not necessarily a future husband and father to her children (I never said Jen was an innocent damsel, just that she was nice).
Jerry is very smooth and knows how to play Jen like a harp; watching them together I cannot help but compare him to a cat toying with a mouse. He constantly asks Jen leading questions, aimed at lowering her defenses, and then tells her flattering words every woman enjoys hearing.
Jerry’s letter was well written and I am certain pressed the right buttons, but it only indicates he knows how to articulate his thoughts on paper extremely well, not necessarily what he actually feels for Jen. I know some readers will become upset at my comment but I personally believe people are too gullible when they are in front of a charmer, and easily take everything they say at face value.
Don't get me wrong, I do not have anything negative to say about Jerry, but believe he has not developed deep feelings for Jen and is not ready for a full commitment, much less marriage, kids, etc. Individuals need to have a certain frame of mind already developed to be able to enjoy marriage and children, and I don't believe Jerry gave this much thought as he filled out the application to be on the show.
Nevertheless, Jen could toss everything to the wind and keep Jerry for a while, but I somehow doubt she will do that.

Q. What about Ryan, could he be the inconspicuous one?
A. I actually believe Jen has a pretty strong personality and Ryan just does not do it for her. He appears to be a really nice guy, but I do not see any sparks in Jen's eyes when she looks at him. This show is highly edited and anything could be happening behind the cameras, but I just don't think it is Ryan.

Q. John Paul?
A. He appears to be pretty mature for his age but I just do not see Jen loosing her head over JP. I know he studies his facial expressions to make himself look "cute" in front of the cameras (come on, ladies, you should have noticed John Paul pouting his lips whenever he sees the camera panning towards him). Anyway, I do not believe he is ready for a long-term commitment at this time, he is utilizing his little gray cells to continue developing his business ventures.

Q. What about Wendell?
A. Ah, Wendell, something happens to Jen's face whenever she sees Wendell. I don't exactly know what is going inside her little head, but the reaction is there, you just have to put everything aside and look at her eyes.
I find it interesting young people and hopeless romantics usually discard any chances of "real love" when two individuals simply enjoy each other's company and become great friends, way before anything else develops. Little do they realize those are two of the main pillars necessary for any long-lasting relationship. I don't mean a temporary fling lasting a year or two, but a real life-long love affair. They have not shown much of Jen and Wendell together, it could be for a reason. I will know more after I see them interacting with each other during the home visits.
These home visits will be very important, in my opinion. I feel Jen need to have the possible “in-law’s” unconditional support (remember what she said about Andrew’s family) and she probably would not go ahead with the relationship if they appear to be “standoffish” towards her.

Q. We’ve had numerous questions about M&I. What are your thoughts on the subject?
A. The fact neither one has come out to deny any problem exists makes it almost certain their relationship has hit a wall. Anything can happen, but I would be surprised if they announced anything while Jen’s show is still running. That is the last type of publicity ABC wants at this point.
I do believe the longer both are separated the less chance both have of a successful reconciliation.



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