Q. I know you have to let it all out, therefore, just vent.
A. I am beginning to feel the Producers allow the main character a certain amount of freedom, when it comes to choosing what I call "the elite group", as long as certain individuals with entertainment value are also "offered" a rose and allowed to stay. I honestly believe Jen is an intelligent person, therefore that is the only logical reason I can come up with for her to continue giving Fabrice a rose. I am unable to find another explanation, especially after watching everything that transpired on their one on one date.

Q. What do you think about his interaction with Jen on their date?
A. It is highly unlikely any "emotionally stable" individual would have such mood swings unless he, or she, was acting. During their date, "Chevalier", excuse me, Fabrice was openly crying one minute, and trying to force himself on Jen the next. What an uncomfortable moment for everyone watching this! The big surprise was watching Jen offering him a rose later on; it makes you wonder what goes on behind the cameras.

Q. Give me a rundown on the remaining men, beginning with Jerry, who seems to be everyone's favorite.
A. I honestly see Jerry as a good-looking guy who signed up to be on the show for self-promotion and adventure, and not specifically to find love with Jen. He appears to be the type of person who feels more comfortable on his own than involved in a serious relationship, at least at this stage of his life. Jerry may like being in Jen's company, but I do not believe there is anything special there, at least were his feelings are concerned. I do not believe Jerry can develop deep feelings for a woman in just a handful of dates, but I do have the feeling Jen keeps him around for a while.

Q. What about JP?
A. He appears to be a pretty nice guy, mature for his age, but I have not seen any sparks between Jen and him yet, even though both felt pretty comfortable together on heir date. I cannot envision JP wanting to get married and start a family with anyone, at the present time. He appears to be too involved in his business to think about anything else.

Q. And Ryan?
A. Quite honestly, we have seen so little of Ryan that anything could have been happening between him and Jen in the background, but I believe he is just a filler. I am still keeping my options open about him, though.

Q. Ben?
A. There are actually several type of men I cannot envision Jen falling in love with, at least on the practical level, and Ben is one of them. After all the trepidation about Jen leaving everything behind to be with Andrew, only to miss her family and friends later, I have difficulty believing Jen would go again on TV to fall in love with a ski instructor from Colorado.

Q. What about Wendell?
A. I know ABC is editing this show to death, like all the previous ones; therefore it is difficult for me to say anything specific at this stage.
Nevertheless, I believe Jen appears to be more comfortable and carefree whenever she is with Wendell than with any one of the other men. Jen keeps mentioning she is looking for a man who is not only secure, but also takes life slowly and has a good sense of humor. I believe Wendell may fit this description. Besides, he lives in Chicago, what more can anyone ask for?
I know we have not seen Jen and Wendell kissing yet, but this only makes me wonder how much footage of J&W has been left out by the editors. He is my big question mark at the moment. We will just have to wait and see.

Q. What is Fabrice preparing for next week’s rose ceremony?
A. I honestly do not know, perhaps it is his last opportunity to audition in front of the cameras for a spot on a morning soap. I am going to laugh and loose all respect for these shows if Jen offers him another rose next week, especially after his immature behavior during tonight's rose ceremony.

Q. Talk to me about Jen.
A. I know I am going to get some flack for this, but believe it was a bad idea to recycle Jen for this role. She is neither a “natural” at playing around with men, like Trista was, or someone who does not mind misleading some of the men just to make good television, like Meredith did. I remember Kirsten calling our girl “plain Jen” and everyone getting uptight about it. There is nothing “plain” about her, in my opinion, but Jen is neither a confused Yuppie, like the women of “Sex & the City”, nor is she good at being a flirt, which is the type of woman ideal for this type of show.
Watching last night’s episode I couldn’t avoid feeling uncomfortable watching Jen’s face expressions as Fabrice charged her like a bull, after shedding a few plastic tears for effect. She was clearly not in control, much like she has been during this series. Jen looks uncomfortable in front of the cameras, and even with the help of all the magic available through videotape editing, comes across as someone who is above her head and wouldn’t mind packing her bags and going back home.
I believe the Producers are at fault for the quick decline in ratings suffered by this particular show. I also feel it is too late for them to try repairing it by turning Jen into something she is not, and casting men who clearly were not there for the right reasons. We are watching one of the last shows of this series, maybe even the last one, for as long as the producers continue ignoring what the viewers want the rating will keep dropping.
Jen is in a tight spot after her relationship with Andrew failed for still unknown reasons, since I honestly do not believe her version it was mostly caused by his desire to travel around the Country advertising his family’s wines. If she actually chooses someone and both end up being engaged, only to have the relationship fail in a relatively short period of time, people might begin wondering if Jen may be a little unrealistic in her expectations or may be tougher to please than it is apparent.
She always has been one of my favorite bachelorettes and I wish her well, of course, but all these thoughts cross my mind as I watch her struggling week after week in front of the cameras.
We will just have to wait and see.



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