February 5, 2004

The Bachelorette II
By Wendy Thompson

Q. I have to begin with a question about Andrew and Jen. As you know, both were seen in a restaurant recently, and the fans imagined they might be getting back together again. You didn’t make things any easier with your recent remark fans should wait till Feb.14th. We’ve had over 80 e-mails asking you to explain your comments. What’s going on?

A. It is difficult to tell. The fact both are communicating is a good sign, but we should not read more into it than necessary, nor begin rushing them for a solution. We are an impatient society, and one who constantly wishes to control how quickly relationships develop, when people should get married, and even the speed in which wars should end. Anything can happen but, if the situation is going to change, it will occur relatively soon, and A&J will not necessarily rush to inform the press about it.

Q. Fair enough, let’s get back to the Bachelorette. I was sad to see Lanny go. What was your impression of the hometown dates?

A. As usual, the hometown dates were very informative. It is my personal opinion neither the horses nor the farm were to blame for Meredith’s decision, since she was aware of his career and lifestyle from the onset, and continued to offer him a rose every week. I knew Lanny was not going to receive a rose after I saw Meredith’s interactions with his family, especially his mother. Contrary to what some individuals may believe, family compatibility is extremely important in most relationships where the family structure, of one or both of the participants, is very strong and united. As the weeks went by, Meredith may have felt closer to Lanny, but this family visit made her realize she would not fit in. It is evident Meredith has a strong personality, as does Lanny’s mother; I noticed both felt they were not going to get along very well in the future. Do not get me wrong, Lanny’s mother is probably a very loving, nurturing, and religious individual, but her controlling and opinionated personality may probably represent an obstacle in her son’s future relationships, unless the woman he chooses is as flexible and easy to control as Lanny’s sister in law is. I wish Lanny good luck; he’s a pretty nice guy!

Q. Talk to me about Ian.

A. Something made me uneasy about Ian tonight, and it is much more than the fact he appears to be shy. I always cringe whenever I see someone attracted by the other person’s aura of mystery and casual indifference, as I believe Meredith is to Ian. I just hope, in the end, she does not let herself be carried away by the “intrigue and adventure”.
I am also curious to know the reason why Ian did not wish to introduce Meredith to his father and stepmother. I suspect it was not because they may not get along, but for a much more “superficial” reason. Ian’s younger brother seemed much more mature and levelheaded than he is, and it was difficult for him to hide his uneasiness during Meredith’s visit. Apparently, he knows Ian is well over his head on this one, and the only reason he was chosen for this show was because of his good looks.
Don’t get me wrong, Ian appears to be an easygoing friendly guy, I just do not believe he is ready for a long–term relationship, much less marriage and a family. A good friendship and some romance perhaps, but I honestly do not see him and Meredith enjoying a long-term serious relationship. Sorry ladies, something about Ian’s life is not right, and it is much more than him being carefree and laid back………

Q. Do you still feel the same way about Chad as you did last week?

A. I don’t know, I do not see any sparks between them when they kiss. I realize they’re on TV and must behave, but please, a little more romance in the kissing department would make everything appear to be more realistic! She may even choose him in the end, since he does know how to make her laugh, but I still have my doubts.

Q. Elaborate a little more on Chad please.

A. It makes me uneasy to see a man his age still living full-time with his mother, even though I could understand if the situation was only temporary. I also do not know if he had already discussed his unemployment with Meredith, and last night was just soap opera melodrama, but I do not like the fact he lied to her. This apparent little white lie could be the tip of an iceberg since, once it begins, there is no telling when and if they will ever stop.

Q. All right, what about Matthew?

A. Well, both Meredith and Matt enjoy each other’s company, and appear to be at ease with their relationship. Meredith seems to be the controlling one, but this does not mean it could not work, as long as both accept their respective roles. She felt very comfortable during this home visit, and her face appeared to “glow” several times throughout the date, especially whenever she looked into his eyes. I would say unless ABC editors are playing us like a fiddle, Matt could be one of the two standing, perhaps even the winner. I will have to think about it one more week though, since it is too obvious and I do not trust the producers.

Q. A.T., stop being so comfortable! Give me a prediction.

A. At this moment, I would simplify everything by saying Ian represents “mystery and adventure”, Chad represents a nice friendship and good laughs, while Matt represents warm snuggles, romance, and a feeling of being completely at ease in his company. Who will win in the end? Who knows…………. A.T. is still confused!


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