February 5, 2004

The Bachelorette II
By Wendy Thompson

Q. You were correct saying Ryan M. was going to be sent home soon.

A. I do not believe there was ever a genuine attraction between Meredith and Ryan M., since it was obvious to me Meredith felt a little overwhelmed by him. Sometimes I wonder how some of these individuals, who otherwise appear to be intelligent, can honestly visualize the main character being romantically attracted to them, when it is obvious they are not. I also cannot give you a rational explanation why she kept Ryan M. around all these weeks. Meredith should have learned not to trust anyone who is willing to wear the type of slippers both he and Rick had on during the show…..
I don’t know if you have noticed Ryan M., Russ (Bachelorette 1), Lee Ann, Cristina, and Christie had similar problems accepting reality, and all went through their respective shows insisting they enjoyed an invisible “special connection” with the main character. I am beginning to find it curious there is always at least one “confused and obsessive” suitor on each series, and all of them have stayed far into the process……..

Q. What did you think about Kelly Jo’s visit?

A. It was nice to see Kelly Jo again. As I watched her in last night’s episode, I couldn’t shake the feeling Bob was wise in not choosing her over Estella; especially since I believe he knew he was going to end the relationship a week after the show aired. Unlike Estella, Kelly would not have allowed him to walk away as clean as he did…. OUCH!

Q. Give me your opinion of Ian?

A. I am not too sure about him……I’m letting it go for now.
Moving along, during their one on one time, I noticed Ian’s body language was not indicative of having developed romantic feelings towards Meredith. There is something in the way he looks at her I cannot put into words, but his behavior towards Meredith is closer to manipulation than infatuation, or any feeling closely resembling being “in love”. Both enjoy each other’s company, but Meredith is always the one going out on a limb for him.
This appears to be one of those instances where the woman is attracted to someone mostly because they appear to be “unreachable” in her eyes. The reasons for this are complex; therefore, I will leave it at that. I believe Meredith is pretty sharp, and will hopefully have a clearer vision of what Ian is like in the next couple of weeks. I do not believe Meredith and Ian would last very long as a couple.

Q. Do you still feel the same way towards Chad?

A. Chad appears to be a really nice person, witty and with a great sense of humor, but there is also something about him I can’t put my finger on………. I believe Meredith enjoys his company, and he makes her laugh, but I do not see anything else developing between them. I may be wrong but I did not see any sparks flying between Meredith and him while they kissed on their one on one date. As a matter of fact, their romantic scenes were missing just that, “romance”.

Q. Talk to me about Lanny?

A. Lanny has persevered for quite a while on the show, considering Meredith does not envision herself living in a ranch with horses; a clear sign he has impressed her in many ways. He is reserved, calm, and has the manners of a gentleman. He also has one of those personalities that is difficult to decipher. Nevertheless, he has impressed Meredith every time they have been together. She appears to feel very comfortable with him, and it is also evident he has become very fond of her.
There is something definitely growing between these two and the hometown date will clear some of the doubts Meredith still feels over the type of life she would have if she chooses Lanny in the end. One thing for certain; Meredith is very fond of him and would spare his feelings by letting him go next week if she felt they were not meant to be together.

Q. What about Matthew?

A. Matthew is just one big handsome, tender, likeable, and fluffy teddy bear, as far as Meredith is concerned. She doesn’t only find him physically attractive, but also admires his sincerity and feels well protected whenever she is with him. Both feel comfortable with each other, even though Meredith seems to dictate the pace in which their relationship evolves. He is probably one of the two chosen to meet her family, and could very well be the last one standing. I could envision him and Meredith enjoying a long-term relationship once the show is over.

Q. Looking forward to next week?

A. The hometown dates are usually very indicative of how things will pan out in the end. I am especially interested in seeing the interaction between Meredith and Ian’s family, as well as Lanny’s. We will see what happens....


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