January 29, 2004

The Bachelorette II
By Wendy Thompson

Q. Before anything else, tell me your opinion of Brian R’s temper tantrum.

A. I believe Brian R. was more upset by being rejected than actually not being able to enjoy Meredith’s company again. It is a shame he showed such lack of self-control on national TV. I feel his volatile temper is worrysome.

Q. What about Rick and Todd? Last week you said Rick was on his way out, and you were right.

A. I was not surprised to see Rick go. This was one of those instances when someone’s physical appearance and casual conversation creates an erroneous first impression. Meredith’s opinion of him deteriorated quickly after they had their one on one date. Todd was one I felt was going to stay a while longer, but after observing their body language during their one on one conversation I realized Meredith did not have much in common with him.

Q. Talk to me about Meredith.

A. Meredith is one of those individuals who portray themselves exactly as they are, whether you like them or not. She is coming across as someone who is taking her role seriously, and is behaving admirably. She may not be as flashy and exciting as some viewers would like, but she is definitely not acting or going out of her way to please the show’s producers. She is also considerate with the men, and it is evident she has earned their respect.

Q. All right, let’s get down to the men. Which ones surprised you by receiving a rose?

A. Things are becoming clearer, and I am able to identify a couple of men who I cannot see Meredith developing deep feelings for. One is Ryan M. and the other is Sean. I do not see any chemistry between Meredith and either of these two men. Ryan M.’s talkative personality seems to overwhelm her, and I have not seen Meredith overly excited while being with Sean. I feel the extra rose Meredith requested was meant for one of them.

Q. What about the rest?

A Brad is a question mark at this moment. I believe Meredith feels some type of attraction towards him, but I cannot see anything that would lead me to believe he is going all the way.
Lanny may surprise us in the end, and I am not discarding him just yet. Something is definitely going on between Meredith and him, but I believe crafty editing is creating smokescreens, as usual.

Q. How do you see Ian?

A. It is too evident Meredith and Ian feel comfortable when they are together, and their conversations are fluent and not strained. I still have my doubts about him going all the way to the end, but it is possible. I need to see them interacting a little more to be certain.

Q. Talk to me about Chad.

A. Meredith seems to like Chad enough to continue offering him a rose every week but, as much as I try, I do not see sparks between him and our girl. Friendship maybe, but not love.

Q. Matthew seems to have moved up in your list.

A. I do not know what is going on between Meredith and Matthew but there is something happening there also, even if we are not shown many scenes where they are alone with each other. It may just be crafty editing avoiding the obvious, but the kiss Meredith gave him was real enough. I could even see a glimpse of a sparkle in her eyes when she was with him. We’ll have to keep a close eye on those two next week.


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