January 15, 2004

The Bachelorette II
By Wendy Thompson

Q. Hi A.T. Well, lets begin with your first impression of Meredith.

A. Meredith looked well. She was down-to-earth, humble and very genuine, even to the point of appearing nervous in some scenes. I do not blame her, since it is my opinion the future of this series depends on the outcome of this Bachelorette and the next Bachelor series.
I may be wrong, but I also noticed a slight change in Chris’s demeanor throughout this first episode; but it may have been due to something completely unrelated to the show, perhaps even due to being mandated to continue informing everyone when there is only one rose left. I am certain poor Chris would party hardy at the thought of not having to state the obvious every single week.

Q. Do you believe this show is experiencing a backlash from the events surrounding A & J’s split and even Bob and Estella’s short lived relationship?

A. Well, both events occurring so near to each other have definitely not helped the show’s image. It is possible viewers are beginning to wonder why couples coming out of these Bachelor shows do not have the same success rates as some of the couples from other reality TV shows. These other couples may not be in love, but at least it is evident there is still some type of relationship between them, since they are apparently still dating.

Q. Do you believe the show is in trouble?

A. I believe the fans need to see some successes coming out of these series, in order to look forward to watching future installments of Bachelor or Bachelorette shows. For the time being, Trista and Ryan are the only couple still together. It is possible the public will loose faith and interest in these shows if Meredith’s relationship fails as soon as the show ends, and it will deteriorate further if the next Bachelor series also end in a failed relationship.

Q. Well, let’s get back to Meredith. Do you believe she’ll do a good job?

A. I feel Meredith is going to be a much different Bachelorette than her predecessor. She will possibly come across as being less flashy than Trista, but a little more straightforward and direct.

Q. Speaking of the men, what do you think about the ones she gave a rose to?

A. Meredith made good choices, in my opinion. I believe there are some nice men among the fifteen that stayed, and the show should be interesting to watch.

Q. Any favorites in the horizon?

A. Go ahead Wendy, why don’t you just ask me who is going to win? Seriously now, I need to see the men interacting with Meredith in order for me to get a feeling as to which ones will be her favorites. This is just a guess but, for the time being, I would venture to say Ryan M., Ian, Ryan R., Damon, Matthew, and Rick have a good possibility of staying around for a while, unless they say or do something completely off the wall next week. I somehow do not believe Damon will be the last one standing, but this is just a gut feeling. Tonight, I saw Meredith’s face light up in the presence of a couple of men, but he was not one of them.

Q. Give me one name.

A. She definitely liked Rick, but sometimes first impressions are erroneous, and we will have to see how their one on one date goes, in order to have a better idea if there is any real attraction there or not. Next week should be interesting, we will see some of the men’s true personalities come to light, and there has to be some tension beginning to build up among some of them.


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