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FOR LOVE OR MONEY-2 07/15/03

By Wendy Thompson

Q. Nice premier, what did you think of it? Do you believe this one will be more popular than the previous series?

A. I believe we are going to have an interesting show. Women compose the majority of the viewing audience for these programs, and they prefer watching a woman being romanced by a group of men than the other way around. That is why Bachelorette was so successful, as I believe this series will be.

Q. Give me your opinion of Erin. Do you believe she has a strategy?

A. I feel Erin is basically a nice and straightforward person, but this is a show, and she can not be completely honest with the men or else the whole concept crumbles. She appears to be levelheaded, and it is my opinion Erin is more practical than romantic in real life. We will see her make decisions based on common sense more than feelings, even though her voiceovers will say otherwise. Unlike Rob, Erin knows about the money, and although I believe there will be a twist in the end, she will be concentrating on her two million.

Q. What did you think about the men she let go? Some of them were really nice!

A. I think some of the decisions she made last night, pertaining to who would be dropped, reflected part of her strategy. I don’t know if you realized almost all the men who left where the handsome “model types”. I am certain she had clicked with Chris, but socializing and falling in love is not her primary concern. Erin is no fool, she knows these type of men have all the women they want, and would never refuse one million dollars in exchange for one they have just met, even if they say otherwise in front of the camera.

Q. Let’s narrow it down to individuals. Talk to me about some of the men.

A. Wendy, the series just began and I do not know these people very well yet. I sense there are some that will not go far, like Munch, Thomas, and Eric. Others like Deric, Greg and Chad V. might stay long if they play their cards right. It is really too early to tell and I’m just crystal balling, therefore, nothing I say is written in stone. I need to see Erin interacting with each man, on a one on one basis, in order to have a better idea. If I am correct, they showed a scene where some of the men get out of hand next week, and that might have a bearing over who is sent home. It appears to be customary ensuring there are several adults who begin partying and behave like out of control children. I am curious to see what happens.

Q. Be adventurous! I know it is early but, give me a wild prediction on who might go all the way.

A. You want a prediction? Although it’s sunny outside, I predict it’s going to rain. Seriously now, it is too soon to predict anything. I will have a better idea in a couple of weeks.

Q. All right, A.T., you win! I will talk to you next week.



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