By Wendy Thompson

Q. Hi A.T. We're getting to the home stretch. I am certain you were not surprised to see Lauren go.

A. I am surprised she wasn’t sent home last week, but believe something happened between Laura and Rob that made him decide to let her go first. Even though Lauren was honest from the start, in reference to preferring the money, she was the woman Rob felt least attracted to. I don’t believe she was too taken with Rob either. I feel few people have the talent of consistently acting the part of someone who is in love, and carry it off successfully. Most of the time, the other person becomes aware of what is going on, but chooses to ignore it. It is my opinion your body language will eventually give you away.

Q. Are you surprised Paige is still around?

A. Paige is a survivor. She is doing an excellent job of making believe she is in love with Rob. I can’t help but liking this mischievous little actress. I could give her the benefit of the doubt and agree she might enjoy Rob’s company, and would possibly date him in the real world, but she would never give away one million dollars for anyone she has just met. It would be totally inconsistent with her personality. Anyway, I have the feeling she is next to go. I might be wrong, but I can’t envision Rob developing feelings for someone like Paige, for many reasons.

Q. What are your thoughts regarding Erin?

A. Erin is still somewhat of a mystery to me. This show does not allow the viewers to really get to know the women. Their off-camera comments are too short and shallow to make any conclusions. Personally, I don’t feel Erin has developed any feelings for Rob, and I believe her chances of choosing Rob over the money are slim.

Q. You told me last week you thought Kelly might go all the way. Do you still believe this?

A. I have been reluctant to swallow the “money hungry Kelly” story because it has been too obvious from the onset. My opinion is divided as to who will be Rob’s choice, but Kelly is probably my favorite at this moment. I can’t help thinking NBC is trying to play mind games with us. They first portray an unpopular Kelly, which viewers choose as the “queen of mean”. In the middle of the show, she claims to be developing feelings for Rob, and insinuates having second thoughts about the money. I’m fantasizing with the idea she will continue being “impressed by Rob” and become his final choice, only to transform herself again into the “materialistic Kelly” and choose the money. I might be totally off base, but this scenario keeps floating in my mind.

Q. Talk to me about Rob. He seems to have put on his “nice guy” image.

A. After the hot-tub episode, Rob appears to have improved his relationship with the women. Even though he is pleasant with them, I see him lacking any special magic that would make any of the women choose him over one million dollars. I feel NBC should have found a real handsome charmer with the gift of gab. Someone who would actually make some of the women think twice about choosing the money. Perhaps the women’s feelings for Rob and the million are inconsequential, and that is part of the last minute twist.

Q. Ah, but there IS a twist, after all. What do you think it is?

A.Your guess is as good as mine as to what it will be. Most likely some variation of Rob’s relationship to the money. I’m curious to find out what it is.

Q. So you believe it will be between Kelly and Erin? Give me some specifics.

A. I could change my mind next week, depending on what I see during the one on one dates, but I believe those are the two that will prevail. I feel Rob will go for Kelly, and she will choose the money. You must remember there is a twist somewhere, so we will have to consider that.

Q. Thanks A.T. for your time. We will talk with you next week.



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