By Wendy Thompson

Q. I know this is off the subject, but did you see Jen and Andrew in The View? Don’t they look great?

A. I am glad to see they are happy and in tune with each other. Their body language says they appear to have settled into their individual roles in the relationship. I don’t know if you noticed Andrew not only had his arm around Jen, most of the time, but he also caressed her arm frequently. Andrew also subconsciously caresses Jen’s hand with his thumb while they hold hands. Jen was also visibly affectionate with Andrew and looked happy. She also showed signs of feeling comfortably close to him. These simple but tender signs of affection are usually indicative of having deep feelings for the other person.

Q. Big surprise last night, but we will get to Laura later. Talk to me about Rob.

A. Rob behaved well with the women. His dates went well, and he behaved respectfully towards all the women. He also appeared more at ease in their company. I still don’t see him developing any feelings or creating a special bond with any particular one. This makes it hard to tell which one he is going to let go, and which one will move on another week. In my opinion, he is still in the red when it comes to his chances of being chosen over the money.

Q. What happened between him and Laura?

A. I must confess being surprised Laura was sent home. I feel this is a highly edited program, and NBC chooses not to air too many details of Rob’s conversations with the women, when they are interacting separately from the group. I am almost certain something transpired, sometime between the morning Laura prepared Rob’s breakfast and the selection ceremony, which caused Rob to loose interest in her. Laura was visibly surprised with the outcome, therefore; I don't believe it was anything too obvious. He appears to have insecurities where relationships are concerned, and possibly does not like overbearing women. Laura did become overconfident, and began pressuring Rob for information, which could have been the cause of his disenchantment. It could also be he sensed she was not romantically interested in him. I believe this is one of those instances when we will never know what really happened between them, but I believe Rob felt attracted to Laura more than anyone else in the group.

Q. What is the story behind Paige?

A. I honestly don’t know why he is keeping Paige every week. It is apparent Rob has no feelings for her, and believes she is too young for him, as he clearly stated in last night’s episode. By the way, I thought he was a little too insensitive in the way he told her, even if he appeared to have been joking. I believe Rob is a little immature, but I still can’t understand what he finds in common with someone of Paige’s age. Ten or twelve years difference in age is not too problematic when your dealing with couples past their thirties or forties, but it is very noticeable between people in their late teens or early twenties. I might be wrong, but I am beginning to believe Paige is priceless in her ability to play mind games. It was a good strategic move to walk by Rob and leave him waiting for her right before the ceremony. Her explanation to Rob as to why she decided to do this was admirably convincing, and he appeared to have swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. I can’t help liking Paige, and feel she should have applied to be on Survivor. I believe few would “survive” her wide range of talents.

Q. What about Erin?

A. Erin doesn’t appear to have any feelings for Rob at this time. At least she is honest, and claims to be thinking more about the money than Rob. She is very pretty, and seems like a nice person, but there are no visible sparks between them. I need to see more one on one interaction between her and Rob to determine if they have “clicked.” There is a slight possibility she might be the last one standing.

Q. Talk to me about Lauren.

A. I thought Lauren was going to go sooner, since I don’t believe Rob finds her physically attractive. She appears to be materialistic, and is openly going for the money. I feel she would choose to keep the million even if she did have some feelings for Rob. Somehow, I’m of the opinion she would enjoy the money first, and worry about finding love after she has spent it.

Q. What about Kelly?

A. I’m still somewhat doubtful about Kelly. NBC made too much noise in the first episodes about her love for money and materialistic tendencies. They also made her look as someone who would fit the role of a close relative of Cruella De Vil (from 101 Dalmatians). This fact alone should be cause for concern. Now it appears she is beginning to like Rob, after all. Either she is laying the framework for an acting career, or the editors are playing us like puppets. She remains a big question mark, but could also be the last one standing after the smoke has cleared.

Q. Thanks, A.T. for the interview. We will talk with you next Tuesday.



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