By Wendy Thompson

Q. Weird show! What’s your opinion on last night’s episode?

A. I am having difficulty warming up to this show. We have yet to see Rob interacting, on a one on one date, with any of the women. In my opinion, group dates are fine when you are trying to identify and single out the women who are beginning to attract the main character, but there has to be extensive one on one conversations in order to get to know the other person intimately, and ensure your original choices were correct. So far, we have only seen Rob enjoying himself with some of his favorites. I believe there is much more to a possible long-term relationship than trying to sneak in a few minutes of sensual kissing whenever possible. Rob appears to talk to the women but he does not communicate with them. I can give him the benefit of the doubt, and understand the situation can be somewhat intimidating. It is not easy to be in front of 10 or 15 women who are giving him all their attention. TV cameras and sound engineers also constantly surround Rob whenever he is with the women, something that may be extremely distracting. I still feel it is time he begins to get to know these women’s personalities on a more personal level.

Q. Let’s talk about Rob.

A. I’m trying very hard to understand him, but so far, Rob has not impressed me much. He appears to be in awe of the whole situation, and is more interested in enjoying the fantasy than trying to see if there is one in the group whom he might have any long-term feelings for. I don’t know what happens behind the cameras, but from what I could see last night, his conversations with the women are superficially short and meaningless. He is down to five, and I don’t believe he has any feelings for any of the women yet, or vise versa.

Q. I know you were not too impressed with his behavior last night.

A. I personally believe Rob got carried away and drank a little too much wine. There seems to be, in these types shows, a repetition of people who don’t know their alcohol limits. They drink more than they should, act foolishly in front of the cameras, and later apologize for situations they should have been able to control. I feel he behaved very disrespectful towards the women. I would have seen it under a different light if everyone had become slightly “happy” and had enjoyed one big memorable party, something all would had fondly remembered after the show had ended. But downgrading the women, and making them uncomfortable with his rude behavior, is not my idea of everyone enjoying a memorable party. There is one observation I would like to add, I believe no one is capable of doing something, while intoxicated, he or she wouldn’t do if they were not under the influence. Definitely not always, but in most instances, all alcohol does is bring down people’s inhibitions and self-control to the point of building up enough “bravado” to act out whatever they felt or secretly wished they could do. Rob’s apology might have been exceptionally convincing, after all, he is an attorney, but his actions reflected some of his perceptions towards women in general.

Q. There you go! The “knight in shinning armor”, as always. Let’s move along and talk to me about some of the women he let go.

A. All right, Wendy, don’t get too carried away! As for your question, I believe Rob, at this point, has let go of some really nice women, but it is his choice that counts and not ours. It was apparent throughout the episode he didn’t “click” with any of them, except Stacy, but his attraction towards her was purely physical. Melissa has a great sense of humor, but I believe Rob just saw her as a possible friend.

Q. Give me your opinion of Erin.

A. Erin appears to be nice, but I am still not convinced she is being open with Rob, and is probably more interested in the money, at this point, than in him.

Q. Lauren?

A. Lauren appears to be somewhat materialistic, and, at this time, I find it difficult for her to turn down the money for Rob.

Q. What about Kelly?

A. Kelly has been so obvious from the onset it makes me have doubts if perhaps she will surprise us in the end. We must remember the network’s habit of editing people’s personalities to reflect something they are not. I believe she is definitely going for the money, unless I see a drastic change in her during future episodes.

Q. I know you have some reserve about Paige. Why?

A. This might surprise some readers, but, as nice and friendly as she is, I am not totally convinced Paige is as innocent as she is trying to let us believe. I might be totally wrong, but I believe she is somewhat overly experienced for her young age, and not as squeaky clean as she is being portrayed. Anyway, I believe she will be let go soon. It is my opinion Rob is keeping her around because she does a great job of feeding his ego, and he is also trying to enjoy “snuggle time” with her before saying goodbye. The age difference is too much for them to have anything in common, once we get past superficialities.

Q. All right! Talk to me about your favorite, Laura.

A. I feel Rob likes Laura’s personality, and also finds her physically attractive. I believe she is self-assured, has a strong personality, and knows what she wants out of life. Like most contestants in her thirties, she comes across as being competitive and aggressive to younger women, but that is human nature. She probably feels awkward competing with women in their twenties, especially for a man of her same age group. I still don’t have any definite thoughts about her, but given the right man, I believe she would turn down the money and follow her heart. I just don’t believe Rob may be that man yet.

Q. The million dollar question, and excuse the pun. Who do you believe will go all the way, and, will she choose Rob instead of the money?

A. I knew you were dying to ask me that! It’s difficult to say, at this point. I believe none of the women have developed any strong feelings for Rob yet, nor does he act like he feels anything but physical attraction towards any of them. Laura appears to be in front, right now, but that can change anytime. I will have a much better idea by next week. I don’t know the format developed for this show, but Rob will have to go out on one on one dates sometime. I can’t tell what is going on between him and the women just yet. All we have been shown, so far, are group dates and meals where everyone is together. I need to see him interacting with the women on a one on one basis, in order to have a better idea of where everyone stands.

Q. Thanks, A.T. for your time. We will talk next Tuesday.

A. I hope Rob snaps out of his daze and begins to turn on the charm! Right now, I believe he is minus a few thousand.

Q. Minus a few thousand?

A. At this point, I believe Rob would have to pay most of the women to choose him instead of the million.

Q. A.T., you have a wicked sense of humor!



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