By Wendy Thompson

Q. What were your first impressions on the show?

A. The show’s concept sounds interesting, and has the possibility of a surprise ending. I believe some people would be amazed to see how many individuals would not leave their loved ones behind for one million dollars. Ironically, the ones who scuff at the possibility do so because they have never felt the type of love I am speaking about. The only obstacle I see in having a finalist turn down the money is Rob himself, who didn’t come across as someone who was too comfortable interacting with the women.

Q. What was your impression of Rob?

A. We just saw the first episode last night, and I have not had enough exposure to anyone’s personalities, but the big question seems to be if Rob is worth someone turning down a million dollars for. This is really what it all boils down to. I believe he is physically attractive and undoubtedly intelligent, for you must have above average intelligence to become an attorney and pass the bar exam, much more if you specialize in criminal defense. His personality is what I find lacking excitement or appeal. It is somewhat curious to see how someone who spends most of his days speaking in front of a crowded courtroom, trying to successfully charm and convince others to believe in his cause, can be so boring and unexciting when speaking to women. I might change my mind as the weeks go by, but I feel I am going to have a tough time dealing with his monotone voice. I also feel he must become more articulate and exciting when interacting with the women. It could have been due to Rob feeling overwhelmed by the whole situation, and being the center of attention of so many women at the same time. I hope he begins to feel more comfortable with time, and makes the process more interesting. I noticed, during next week’s previews, Rob apparently gets himself in trouble with some of the women. I look forward to seeing what that scene was all about.

Q. Talk to me about the women.

A. I honestly do not have much to say about the women yet, and will probably have a better understanding of their personalities by the end of next week’s episode. I am beginning to believe these networks choose certain types of women just to spice things up. Quite honestly, I can not understand how Cristy got through the screening process. I am not going to get too much into her personality since she is gone.

Q. Which ones do you believe will go for the money?

A. Some of the women who stood out, in my mind, as being somewhat materialistic, are Kelly and Lauren. I am still not certain if there are others who are just acting innocently, since some did not receive too much exposure in front of the camera.

Q. Which women did you like?

A. I liked several, but you must realize these are only my personal choices for Rob. His criteria might be totally different than mine. These are Laura, Page, Alima, Christina, and Erin. All have what appears to be nice personalities, and, given the right man, could decline the money. Any one of these women could go the distance, but it is too soon to tell for certain.

Q. What about the rest?

A. Melissa has what appears to be a wonderful sense of humor. She is currently in the same group as Melanie and Stacy. I don’t know, at this time, what their odds are of being the last one standing. I will have a better opinion on the women after next week’s episode.

Q. Do you really believe anyone of these women would decline the million dollars?

A. As I mentioned before, it is possible. I just wonder if the type of relationship the couple is going to have, at the end of a TV show lasting only several weeks, is strong enough for her to make a sound decision. If she turns down the money, there is no assurance the relationship going to last anyway. Will they end up happily ever after? If not, she is always going to bring up the subject of “the million that got away.” We will see what happens.



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