By Wendy Thompson

Q. This series is driving me crazy, is there anyone Charlie really likes?
A. I believe you are taking Charlie, and the women, way too seriously. The last thing anyone should be doing is romantically trying to match up Charlie with one of the bachelorettes. Speaking of the series, I found this week's show a little boring and not as entertaining as the premier, but it could just be my personal expectations being set too high every week.

Q. You said, last week, there would be a small group of favorites developing. Please tell us which ones do you envision in this group and why.
A. Presently I believe this group is composed of Sarah W., Kimberly, and perhaps Jenny.
Charlie is physically attracted to Sarah W. He feels at ease in her company and both appear to have similar personalities. She was beginning to be my undisputed favorite until I heard her conversation with Charlie in which every other word was "like". Where do young people get this annoying habit? My little gray cells took a beating trying to decipher what she was actually saying; it actually sounded like code. At the end, I still say Sarah W. is my ongoing favorite for Charlie, but only after I allowed my senses to recuperate during a commercial break. Understand when I say "my favorite" I am referring to MY FAVORITE FOR CHARLIE, and not my particular favorite bachelorette on this show. This title goes for someone who was already sent home.
Kimberly doesn't seem to click with our Bachelor except when she takes her clothing off and shows him what she looks like in a bikini. No deep conversations flowing between these two, but this is not an intellectual match anyway, and Charlie DOES like to smooch with her, therefore she qualifies to be in my "group".
I also included Jenny as the third "favorite", even though we have not seen many interactions between her and our boy. Call it an early guess and no more. I will keep her on the list, or remove her, according to what I see in next week's episode.

Q. What about the rest?
A. I do not see any chemistry between our boy and Anitra, Kindle or Sarah B., who I particularly feel may have found Charlie a little boring. Perhaps he spends more one on one time with them and I will be able to see if I am right.

Q. And Kara?
A. I find Kara to be very pretty, and she also appears to be very likeable individual, but I do not envision Charlie becoming involved with a single mom, honestly. He does not appear to be the type to change his personal lifestyle in order to accommodate to the needs of someone else's child.

Q. Last, of course, is Krisily.
A. Of course, there has to be a "Krisily" in every Bachelor show! I am referring to the classical opinionated, abrasive, and unpopular individual who appears to have lost her good manners and sensitivity somewhere in time. I give these types of characters the benefit of the doubt, and can only say her attitude, on this series, may be slightly theatrical and merely for the show's benefit. Anyway, she is definitely temporary and will not go ALL THE WAY, whatever that may mean on this particular "farce".
I would enjoy gathering up all the tacky bachelorettes from past and present shows, Krisili, Krista, Trish, Lee Anne, Kirsten, and Christi, and have them "compete" for a brilliant, rich, and handsome Bachelor on a deserted island. I bet THAT would be entertaining! Anyway, it’s just wishful thinking.........



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