Q. Let's talk about Jen a little. Don't hold back; just say what is in your mind.
A. The only positive thing I can say, in reference to Jen’s show, is she stuck to her guns and was true to herself. Having said that, watching her struggle thought this series reminded me of Bob’s show. Here are two individuals whom I believe should have gracefully accepted the public's adoration the first time around and not spoil everything by trying it a second time.
To this day I believe Bob's popularity would not have deteriorated so quickly if he had stayed in everyone's memory as the slightly overweight funny guy in Bachelorette. I can only say the same about Jen, whom I believe has also made her public image deteriorate pretty badly by agreeing to do this series.
Her televised breakdown was totally unfounded, in my opinion. I cannot believe Jen was not aware of the dynamics of the show, and the fact she would have to "string along" the last remaining bachelors in order to make the series interesting and suspenseful. I would have believed a little remorse from Trista, after all that was the first Bachelorette series, but not from Jen who should have known what was coming. Actually, I never thought I would be saying this but, after watching Jen's series, my opinion of Trista has improved significantly.
Tonight, I saw a Jen who behaved, in my opinion, liked a confused & spoiled child, and not like a mature woman in her late twenties. Perhaps I am now able to understand better what may have happened between her and Andrew, and actually feel she was really not the right woman for him after all. I have always said Andy is not perfect, and needs to mature a little himself, but I am now able to see Jen would have never "fit" in. Andrew needs a wife that is more secure, unselfish, mature and levelheaded than Jen is, you just have to see the strong but quiet personality of his mother and sisters to understand what I am talking about.
I may be wrong but I feel these last few weeks only emphasized that Jen is neither emotionally ready nor mature enough to decide whom she is going to spend the rest of her life with. Personally, I believe Jen is a little too unrealistic and self-absorbed to know what she wants out of a relationship. I am still trying to decipher some of the gibberish Jen said in reference to what she was looking for in a man. It is very easy for any individual to describe in extreme abstracts what qualities they are searching in the other person, but he or she also needs to have both feet on the ground, and look at life with a certain level of maturity and common sense, in order to avoid hitting a wall every time they become emotionally involved with someone. It is OK to take a "leap of faith" once in a while, but it is advisable to have a clear picture of what's on the other side or you risk jumping head first into an abyss.

Q. Talk to me about Jerry.
A. I like Jerry, and so do most of the viewers, he behaved like a true gentleman last night.
Jerry is self assured and actually too mature for Jen, both emotionally and intellectually. Jerry knows the effect he has with the opposite sex, and is what I call "a natural" at extracting whatever feelings he desires on women. No ladies, this does not mean I feel he is a villain, but Jerry is no shy introverted fool, he is someone who knows the power of what I call "controlled silence", or the art of keeping the suspense alive by not elaborating too much on any given subject. I actually believe Jerry would stand out in the entertainment industry, and with some acting lessons would never be out of work.

Q. And JP?
A. He will get over the rejection soon enough! I never saw much romance between JP and Jen anyway, and both are probably glad nothing came of their TV relationship.

Q. What do you believe is in store for Jen's future?
A. Honestly, I do not know. One thing I will say though, Jen currently has an uphill battle avoiding being compared to Jessie or Bob. Not all viewers appreciate having their time wasted every week, while they watched this series, only to see Jen come out of the show without a relationship and milking her five minutes of undeserved fame. One thing would be for Jen to go back to Chicago and disappear into oblivion, another quite differently if we begin to see Jen's articulate face popping out of every other TV show for the next few months. Like I stated before, she is entitled to a career in the entertainment industry, like anyone else, but I also believe fans are finicky; they love you to death as long as you conform to their pre-set standards, but are quick to turn their backs on you if your image no longer fits their definition of what is "acceptable". I end this article by openly asking Jen one great question posed to her by a viewer: "What will it take to make you happy?" Personally, I do not believe Jen knows the answer that question yet.

Q. Did you see the promo of the next Bachelor?
A. I think I may pass on this next Bachelor series beginning in March. I have not seen one episode and can predict this aspiring actor is not going to fall in love with any of the bachelorettes, much less marry one of them and live happily ever after. I also believe most of the women will possibly be aspiring B-movie actresses, and some of the situations will be scripted. To be honest, the promo looked more like a preview of The Surreal Life than an ABC Bachelor Show. What a shame!



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