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hApPy !!
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~*~My Blog~*~
Sunday, June 12, 2005
~*~JuNe 12tH, 2005 !!~*~
Mood:  flirty
Topic: hApPy !!
hey !! o my gosh i'm lyk so happy !! Ashley and my boyfriend (donovan) get to come over friday !!
I know for sure that ashleys comin, she myte stay the nyte too !! but i havent even asked my boyfriend yet lol ... i know fo a fact that his parents wont give a shit if he comes over lol !!
O my gosh !! guess what ?!! wen donovan comes over, i know that we will be cuddling on the couch, we always do. Last time i was sittin up on the couch, and donovan laid beside me and laid his head on my lap ... it was so sweet ^_^
and omg i had a dream about him last night, i had a dream that i was layin on my couch in the basement, and i dont think anyone was home...and he laid right on top of my body...i was laying on my back, and he was on top of me. We fell asleep in each others arms, i dont remember much after that, but...i really enjoyed that dream ^_^ it was so sweet.

i can't wait till they come over, but most of all i can't wait to see him ^_^
my friend angela always goes "AWWW" lol its so funny. well, nothin much goin on here...just sittin around typin in my blog.

Well, i don't know what else to say so i guess i will talk to ya some other time !! ^_^ TTYL!! BYEE !!


Posted by journal2/babygirl402 at 6:48 PM
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
~*~JuNe 9tH, 2005 !!~*~
Mood:  on fire
The reason why i'm sayin ouch is because i gotta reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly
bad sun burn today !! it hurts like heck !!
i look like a lobster !! (lol) my boyfriend said that i should go to Red Lobster lOl !! he cracks me up !!

Me n Ashley called him today on the phone ... we talked to him for a while ... that was pretty nice.

I love him so much. I get to see him this weekend !! ^_^

He's havin a graduation party this Saturday !! ^_^ Ashley n Corey are invited ... but ashley cant come because she has a dance recital -_-

Which really sucks. And also ... Corey can't stay the nyte because his mom won't let him stay the night with a girl ... yeah, like i'm gonna go n do somethin to him !! yah ryte !! (EEK!!)

Anyways ... well ... i had a great time today other than my BAD BAD sun burn !! -_-

It hurts so freakin bad !!

Well ... i'm sure that i'm going to have a good time Saturday, but i just hope i don't look too bad for the party -_-

Ashley said that its gonna be okay, but i just dont wanna look lyk a fool infront of all his family and everything. But, i'm sure i can cake on some makeup lol ^_^

I hate this freakin sun burn !! one minute i'm hot, and the next minute i'm gettin the chills !! i mean, whuts the F'n deal !?!

O well, i guess i just have to live with it for a while.

Ashley and i went to Eastern House for dinner, it was really good. We did each others makeup before we went. Mi makeup looked really really good !! ashley did mine. It was like a brownish tone and black mascara and black eye liner ... it was all good.

I'm not so sure what i'm gonna wear to the party yet, but i'm sure i'll find somethin.

Well, i think i'm gonna go watch sum TV and head to bed, i really dont feel good. -_-

Talk to ya soon,


Posted by journal2/babygirl402 at 11:01 PM
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
~*~JuNe 8tH, 2005 !!~*~
Mood:  chatty
hey ... omg im lyk so freakin excited !!
My friends are comin ova TOMORROW !!
it's gonna be lyk so0o0o awesome !!
Well ... we'll prolly go swimmin as soon as thay get here ... corey myte get here earlier than ashley cuz ashley still dunno wut time she comin ... but she fo sure comin !! ^_^
HmM ... i'd say she gets here either the same time he gets here ... or noon !!
Either way we're all gonna have lots of fun together !!
Well .... wish i cud talk sum more but i'm hungry and i havent ate breakfast yet and its lyk 11:20 so TTYL !! BYEE !!


Posted by journal2/babygirl402 at 1:18 PM
Updated: Wednesday, June 8, 2005 1:19 PM
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Monday, June 6, 2005
~*~JuNe 7tH, 2005 !!~*~
Mood:  happy
hey well today iz mi first day tryin this whole blog thing, and i have ta say dat it wuz prettii kool makin dis site !! i'm lyk so excited though !!
becuz my friends corey n ashley are comin ova this thursday !! and i cant wait cuz its gonna be so0o much fun !! we're gon swim almost lyk all day !! its gonna be so much fun !! we always have a great time together !!

my friendz and i always have such a great time !!
i'm so lucky to have such great friends !!
corey is comin ova at 11:00AM and ashley, i dunno wen she comin but i kno fo sure she comin...i think she'll prolly come around the same time or mebbe at noon !!

either way, its gonna be so much fun !!
corey has to go home at 3:00 cuz he has to go to guitar lessons. ashley dont have to go home till i think 7 !! so me n her gonna hang out even more !!
^_^ im so excited !!

well, i think im gonna go watch sum t/v fo a while den get ready fo bed so TTYL !! BYEE !!


Posted by journal2/babygirl402 at 11:01 PM
Updated: Wednesday, June 8, 2005 1:25 PM
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