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Summer 2004
Thursday, 4 November 2004
Plans Plans Plans.....
Mood:  lazy
So anyways sad to hear the dumbass, aka the president, just got reelected president. Damn it I hope all of our international relations do not go to crap in the next four years. Well Colorado is getting very cold right now.... gonna snow soon. I talked to dr. Denniston this past week and he did not really have anything to tell me. I am still not sure of anything except the fact that CSU does do 2 assisstantships for Repro people here so I am actually considering applying. I really am sick of school, but at the moment am looking at getting my PhD. I could make more money but do I really want to be in school for six more years? I will probably also be applying to University of Flordia to Lori Warren's equine nutrition program. I dont really want to move to Flordia but does it matter where the wind blows me for the moment...I am still going to be relocating to Texas, it'd just be easier if I could be there next year so I am familiar with the area again. . Here is Jenny, my roommate, and I with our Halloween costumes. I was a cowgirl and she was a skank. I am going home with Jenny on Thanksgiving to Oregon so I can see Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. I have never been to the Northwest or seen the Cascades so I am super excited, plus I love road trips! My nephew Dillion is going to get some postcards of me on my trip so I think that that is super cool.

Posted by journal2/autofiere at 12:43 PM MST
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Monday, 25 October 2004
New pics
Mood:  down
Super tired again, fell asleep in several classes before deciding to screw O-Chem. But I wanted to post some pics too. My buddy Shahayla was in labor yesterday and I can't wait to hear what she had.

Posted by journal2/autofiere at 3:14 PM MDT
Updated: Monday, 25 October 2004 3:19 PM MDT
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Saturday, 23 October 2004
Summer 2005: Return Home to Ireland

I am returning home for the summer! I will be backpacking across Ireland next June sometime. Go me.

Posted by journal2/autofiere at 2:07 PM MDT
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Summer 2004
Mood:  lazy
So I am super tired right now, not for even any special reason, just tuckered out. I have projects galore this weekend and an Organic Chem test next week so lots of studying this weekend. Go me :( However, I have finally narrowed down my choices for Grad School. My five schools are: West Texas A&M, Texas A&M, Sul Ross University (Texas), Kansas State University and University of Kentucky. My favorite of the moment is West Tx, as they have a graduate course in Equine Business Management. That sounds super cool and great as I would love to manage a facility. I was like, Kansas, but actually the area is very pretty and I would be close to my parents in case they moved to Missouri. The University of Kentucky is great as they do a lot of Nutrition work. Texas A&M does all four- Business, Nutrition, Reproduction, and Excercise Science. KS does mainly Reproduction. Sul Ross I dont have any idea but they have a great horse program. I am glad that I have lots of time to decide which is my favorite as I wont graduate for another year. It seems as forever as I am super sick of Colorado. It does not help I dont yet have a car and am stuck to where I can bike or walk to. Yuck.

Posted by journal2/autofiere at 1:35 PM MDT
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