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Ask Chrissy

Heres how

Thank you for visiting my advice page. if you need advice email me and i will help you the best i can. oh and if you havent noticed i like yu-gi-oh. i like all kinds of anime as well.

Here is a little info about me:

Im 17 and a junior in high school. i plan on going to college and becoming a marine biologist. i like to help people and i dont judge people till i get to know them. i know it seems strange for a 17 year old girl to like yugi but like my friends say. im strange. i dont mind being strange but im not obsessive or anything. I am an active member in Prada G guild and i also am in Duel Masters Guild in another account.

you see well it all started out with this gurl who is my friend named melissa. people say she is snobby and is a brat and i cant help but not to say she is too. well she liked fell in" love" with drew and demanded me that i talk to him. before all this i barely talked to drew. i mean all we said was jus a hi. but then we started walking together and finding out we have some things in common. melissa had a b-day skating party. she invited drew and his friends and me and kari,that girl that talked to u last time. well we all skated and was a pain 4 me but i managed. kari and me were jus trying to make it around the ring at least once and who was with us the most was drew. he was trying to help us. well there was a time whee i skated with my ex there. i noticed that he wasnt the one who i wanted to hold hands with. i really wanted drew to be next to me and hold my hand. but then again it was melissa's b-day and i didn't want to make her mad at me. well then time went on and melissa found feelings for someone else. but drew and me cont' to talk. we got kinda closer where we started hugging each other. i remember a time on the last day of school where we both hugged and it wasnt a one arm hug but a real hug that meant something. i jus knew that when i was in those arms i didnt want it to end.(i know this sounds corny but its true) well time went by and i saw him on friday and saturday. last night i called him and we talked for like a hour and well yeah. but the thing is is that im not sure if i have well wanna go for the guy you know? i saw his little sis which is what my friend called a stuck up prep. and i agree. i also found out that during 7th grade he asked out this gurl named jenny. who is a prep too. well i start to think. and i mean there is a whole lot of differences between us and well it gives me a negative feeling. my other friend said that there is a lot of differences and it all goes in my favor. but i still have that negative feeling. it really hurts to like someone and i really dont wanna feel it again. so i really dont know who to like. so yeah well i gottago. later, bubbles

Bubbles I know the feeling all to well. If this guy likes you i would give him a shot. having differences isnt as bad as it may seem. if you were exactly alike you would never have anything to talk about and debate. it would get very boring. its also good that there is common ground. Also his past relationships are just that. if he realy went for the prep type his relationship wouldnt have ended. i've had the negetave feeling as well but i never did anything about how i felt and i payed for it. dont wait to long or he might get tired of waiting. i think you should find out if he likes you and go from there. if you realy like him dont keep him waiting, he may be feeling the same way. I hope this help you. Chrissy

Hey, I have a problem. See, I'm going to this bike camp this summer. I went to it last year, and I was going out with my b/f. Well, we broke up around New Year's and so we started telling eachother stuff. Well, I told him a bit more about this camp that he would have hated to know while we were going out. WELL, now, we're going back "out" and I can sense that he really doesn't want me to go.(For the reasons that I told him some stuff) And I don't know if I wouldn't agree with him be cuz, let's just say that I really like him, but when he "neglects" me, I start wondering, if ya know what I mean. And it seems every summer he does exactly this. So, what am I supposed to do?


Moon elf, If you realy like the guy give him a chance. i understand the you broke up once and are now going back out. if it happens again though dont give him another chance. Guys cant always pay attention to a girlfriend but if he neglects you alot then i think you should bring it to his attention. it may be hard to do but if he truly likes you he will understand. Its seems like he may care about you but i cant be sure because i dont know what exactly you told him about the camp but see how things go. if the neglect doesnt change i think you should break it off with the guy and find someone better. i hope my advice helps. chrissy


Here are some great sites for you to check out.

Prada G guild
Gpetz (great anime bgs ect.)
Duel Monsters Guild
I Got my background At Tinkerbell's Treasures
