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Gossip and Comment Page


¡Qué Pachanga!

Overheard at the Reunion

People who came to Acapulco

Classmate List

Organizing Committee

Chat Room

20th Anniversary Reunion

Anecdotes, Comments, Gossip

"I Lost my Shirt on Saturday Night!"

Hey! Did anyone see my white cotton "oaxaca" shirt. I remember I took it off to go for a swim and never found it again. If anyone has it please take good care of it and hope it brings you as good luck as it has brought me.
Ricardo K Dadoo

"La Pachanga"

I arrived back in Austin late last night still reeling from the emotions and possibly the cubas. Thank you to all who organized and kept things rolling. It was good,and just a bit overwhelming to reconnect with so many fine people. My life was truely touched. One final comment to many friends I did not have time nor energy to chat with, when you are faced with a life threatening situation its the memories of real times that keep us going. Memories of Aca will sustain me.
Tina Kelbaugh de O'Donoghue

"30th Reunion"

Who came up with the idea of a cruise? Coach Coleman? I think that would be a great idea.
Roberta and I took a Carnival Cruise a couple of years ago (Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas) and it was worth every penny. There is something to do every minute.
Norwegian has a cruise that sails from Houston to Cozumel and an island off of Belize where you can swim with dolphins.
Check out for ideas.
Lets start planning now, ok, ok - how about in 12 months.
If we get enough people interested we may get a group rate.
A ver si se animan!!

Brian Saale

"Baby Doll???"

I hadn't arrived home from work yet (on Friday), but Mom was there. The doorbell rang, the maid answered. She said, "Que ahí está Baby Doll, que si puede pasar?"
Needless to say, Mom asked the maid to ask again...
After a few minutes, Mom realized that after the maid asked "¿De parte de quien?" the person on the other side said, "Debbie y Roy".

Barbara Estrada

"Memories of Acapulco"

(Muchas,muchas gracias a todo el comite organizador por todas las memorias creadas para todos nosotros. A Sonia, all I have to say is: You are the hostess with the mostest", Martha Stewart no te llega ni a los talones. Que reventon tan increible. Cuando estabamos bailando en Villa Alejandra, pense:this looks like an old film, sometimes it reminded me of a Fellini movie,wild and comic, sometimes like the title of another italian film: "Life is beautiful", sweet and full of love. Me siento muy afortunada de tener amistades tan profundas, de saber que la vida esta llena de gozo, y sobre todo de tener la oportunidad de reestablecer lazos con gente tan especial.

Cecilia Muris Zinzi


It was so good to see all of you .
Thank you !

Lucille Jameson


No tienes idea cuanto lamento el haberme perdido de "La Pachanga", pero estoy seguro de con la generacion del ' 76 no hay limites. Recuerdo algunas gentes en 1996 que decian en casa de los papas de Sonia en Pedregal. "Es imposible superar este fin de semana." Pues parece que si lo lograron. Estoy seguro que la siguiente va a estar mejor y no pienso perdermela.
Por otra parte he estado siguiendo muy de cerca la evolucion de el sito red que aun sigues construyendo. Te has convertido en una perita en sitio web (siempre has sido una perita dulce). Que Barbara! Kudos! Yo frequentemente voy al cuarto de conversacion (Chat Room) y nunca encuentro a naiden. You might as well put it to rest! Estaria bien el que dieras una lista de quien esta en que IM .
Un abrazo

"> Pablo (Zatz)


I am most impressed by the outcome of your reunion. Pero ni se diga del site que tienes!!!!! It is GREAT!!!!!! Congrats!!!!

Monica Estrada
Class of '85

"Nice Pics!"

Gracias Jim, Genie y Barbara por hacernos llegar las fotos. I wish we were still there or arriving for the next round! Besos a todos

Debbie Frenkel


THEY WERE THE BEST OF TIMES...fabulous memories fill my summer days of the incredible times, parties, conversations, laughter giggles we all shared three weeks ago!!! You all are the greatest friends! Aunque you solamente estuve en el Americano dos años, all my 17 years in Mexico were celebrated amongst you all in Acapulco finding some wonderful connection of our lives together in Mexico.

THEY WERE THE BEST OF TIMES...fabulous memories fill my summer days of the incredible times, parties, conversations, laughter giggles we all shared three weeks ago!!! You all are the greatest friends! Aunque you solamente estuve en el Americano dos anos, all my 17 years in Mexico were celebrated amongst you all in Acapulco finding some wonderful connection of our lives together in Mexico.

Fuerte abrazos,

Patty Gwynn Edling

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Webmaster: Barbara Estrada