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LOVE: The Greatest Gift of All

For you Chan,
every occasion was an event to celebrate.
For us, your birthday was
and always will be an occasion to celebrate.
You taught us the value
of unconditional love and family.
We were truly blessed to have your love
while you lived on earth.

We are now blessed to have your love
as our special angel.
You watch over us and show us the way
on our journey through life.
We cherish our memories of you
and remember always your gift to us...
The greatest gift of all...LOVE
Author Unknown

December 11, 2000 – Chantel's
20th Birthday

A beautiful child was born to me on this
day 20 years ago at 3:25 am. This child is
my angel. God gave me the most beautiful
girl to love and to nurture, and I did,
but for only 17 short years. Today is
your birthday and my heart is so
heavy with pain from missing
you so much. Today you would be out of
your teen years. Today we would have
celebrated in an even more special way,
your 20 and your dear brother 18. To
have a brother born on your birthday
was something very special. It is
something that the two of you will
always share. You are not here in body
but I know you are with me in spirit.
Today I am very selfish, for I wish
I could kiss you and hug you and tell
you face to face "Happy Birthday".
Today is a day that always brought me
joy, for the memories of celebrating
your birthday is so special. This is
the 3rd year we will be celebrating
without you. In my heart I can still
see your smiling face on each of your
other birthdays. I would make a special cake
–half for you and half for Kyle, until you
were older; then you each had to have your
own. This birthday brings me so much pain
but yet I have to feel happy for Kyle,
who has reached his "manhood". 18 –an age
you didn’t reach. It’s so hard to believe!

What would you be doing now? How would
you look? (besides beautiful as always)
How would you act? I am lost in the year
at age 17 forever. Forever 17 is what
you are to me. I will sit here today
and think back to all the previous
birthdays and parties we had for you,
think back to all the fun and laughter
we had. We love you so much, Chan. We
will always love you. I wonder who will
remember today as your birthday? My
biggest fear is that you will be forgotten. I know that family and some of
your friends will be thinking of you today.

Kyle, Dad and I are going to spend some
time together celebrating Kyle’s 18th
birthday. I know you’ll be with us, too.
So, as we go through the motions of
surviving another birthday without you,
I just want you to know that you are in
my thoughts and heart all day. I love
you my sweet angel and I can’t tell
you how much I miss you...we all do....
your candle will be lit today. Hope
you like the flowers.


Twenty Today

You would be 20 today and having fun
No longer a teen, my "Channy Pan"
I think of all the things
you would have done,
But for you, there was another plan.

You’re not here with us
to celebrate this day,
Oh Chan, why did this happen to us.
To you.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
I think of all the things
we still had left to do.

There should be 20 candles on your cake,
Special gifts and wonderful memories,
Friends and family to help us celebrate.
But for us it was not meant to be,

God took you home
to be with Him in Heaven,
Before we could celebrate
this special day together,
So celebrate with the angels
my dear child,
Happy birthday in Heaven Chan,
I love you, now and forever...
Love Mom xo
©Chantel's Family

A Mother's Love

A Mother’s love is unique and special;
Nothing else can quite compare.
When you think she’s given all she’s got,
She’ll still have love to spare.

When the object of her love is taken
For whatever the reason be,
An important part of her goes with her
A part no one else can see.

You may understand her grief and sorrow,
You may feel a great loss, too.
But what that child meant to her is different
From what the person meant to you.

She spent nine months with this life within her,
Growing and maturing day by day.
Truly depending on her for existence,
In a very real and vital way.

A bond is shared
between mother and daughter
The first moment of her birth;
Unspoken, unrehearsed, though it be
No word can measure it’s worth.

on your 21st Birthday

On this day December 11th,
you would have been twenty one
Celebrating with candles and cake
-making a wish just for fun. Little
did we know that at age seventeen
would be the last birthday that would
ever have been. In all this time the
decisions made The "ifs" and "whys",
haunt me still They remain deep in my
heart and they forever will. Your
spirit for living is greatly missed.
You gave much to others leaving memories
of bliss. For now we will have to be
content with birthdays past For you
will always be a part of us that will
forever last. Still sadly missed and
deeply loved every day, Mom xo
©Chantel's Family

Put Your Grief Away

How many people have come to you
and said to "put your grief away"
Is that something they think I can do
Where must I put it, I pray?

I held my child close to my heart;
Even when she became a woman
I knew that although she was grown
I was still her greatest fan.

And, I treasured each passing day
that I had her in my life
Not one moment did I take for granted
the love from her; she was my light

She would have been a year older
Oh that tears my heart in two.
I miss her laughter & her cheerfulness
What am I supposed to do?

When people tell me to put my grief away
I just want to stand up and shout
Oh how can you pretend to know this grief?
You can't know what my pain is about.
Oh I pray that you never have to know
all the grief that I feel this day
And that you never know how it feels
or hear someone say "Put Your Grief Away ".
Happy 21st Birthday, Sweet Child of Mine
Author Unknown

This page is dedicated to the family
of Chantel Plante.
This page designed by Sonya Pace
of Legacy Creations -All Rights Reserved.