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The crazy life of me that is just making it into the public's eye...

Howdy all!

Finishing my first year at Marshall University as a Elementary Education major. Fun Fun!!! Well, actually it seems like a pretty dull major so far. Looking forward to working with the little kiddies soon. Being a student is alright, but I can't wait until I become the teacher.

Did the marching band this year, Clarinet. Next year I will be a memeber of the Saxophone section. Taking lessons right now from Brian. Maybe if I started to practice I will actually get somewhere with it. HAHAHAHA!!!

This semester I have gone crazy with my digital camera. It has a video recording option. I have an estimated 50 - 15 second films on my hard drive from hanging out with my friends. Even though I recorded them all, they still make me laugh my head off. If you are ever interested in seeing any of them, e-mail me and I will hook you up. =P

My Favorite Web Sites

My LiveJournal

Donating My Hair to Locks of Love

Home-page of the Peanut Gang

My College
MU Marching Band

Marshmallow Peeps Experiment

Abandoned at the Mall Adventure
My Journal
Pictures of my Family and Friends

I know the links are thrown all over the place. I wanted it that way. Well else could I do that was "crazy"???
