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Drug/Alcohol Addiction Recovery Program

The Homa Therapy In-residence Drug/Alcohol Deaddiction Program has been developed to provide a simple, holistic approach and solution for people suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol.

The aim of the program is to offer anyone at any level of addiction a way out. The basis of the program is to train the mind how to react positively to all circumstances in life.

We take help from nature's cycles, their effect on mind and the potential of Agnihotra copper pyramid fire to mould the atoms of the mind and help make it full of love.

Homa Therapy Mind Training Program is taught, giving the addict the ability to practice and use the Homa Therapy In-residence Drug/Alcohol Deaddiction Program to live a sober/straight lifestyle.

As part of the Mind Training Program a few simple and easy to do Hatha Yoga exercises are shown along with breathing exercises, depending on the individual and age group.

Seven Guidelines of the Homa Therapy In-residence Drug/Alcohol Deaddiction Program are given as a roadmap to achieve and maintain happiness and freedom from addiction. The Mind Training Program is a prerequisite for following the Guidelines in that it is the foundation upon which the Guidelines were established.

The Alcoholics Anonymous Program is studied, discussed and put into practice in a group setting.

A Cleansing Diet Plan is provided which helps to facilitate the cleansing process necessary to the addict's recovery.

A Daily Program is provided of physical work such as gardening, landscaping, carpentry and cleaning (depending on skill level) balanced with class instruction, group meetings and self study activities such as reading of pertinent literature and self reflective writing.


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Last modified: Saturday July 30, 2005.