What can Pye do now she’s trapped in Algadon and her best
Friend Dusty is missing? Set out to find Dusty to start with.

But the journey is long. Along the way she accidentally wishes
her pet caterpillar Stretch would do just that. Now there’s not
enough candy in the whole world to feed him, but at least Pye
has a ride. Soon she also has help.
Meet Elby, the more willing than able Elven knight in magic
armour, and his grumpy and somewhat reluctant mentor,
Garmond. And mustn't forget Dawn, the colourful and confusing
Sunset Frog. Will she ever make it home to her children? Maybe
Master Mag, the wise old Dragon has the answers, but unless
you bring him something shiny he’ll never tell. His enthusiastic
grandson, Reiki might though, unless the sun comes out and he
decides to take a snooze instead.
Meanwhile, watch out for Captain Brawley and his army of clicking
Bed Bugs. Not to mention his magic spear- unless you urgently
need to wake Reiki up of course. That spear is the one thing
guaranteed to get his attention.
Ah, the darkness, little Pye’s greatest fear and evil Faida’s
terrible wish. This green cloaked Queen seeks a spell to erase
the sunlight forever. But who will get to the spell book first?
Pye and her friends? Captain Brawley? Dusty perhaps? Or will
Faida succeed and plunge Algadon into eternal darkness?

Pye Extract by Gina Burgess & StGeeves

Whoa, Stretch! Maybe I should walk," Pye cried grasping
handfuls of the catapillar’s bristles to keep herself from being thrown
over his head. The wave like roll of his body was bad enough on flat
terrain, but going downhill made her very queasy.
"Duh, oh, sorry," Stretch replied, his voice muffled by the lolly
in his mouth.
"Ohh, Stretch, stop, stop. I have to get off."
"But we're almost there. Almost. We are," Dawn insisted. "Stretch is
faster than you. Pye. He is. Much faster."
Pye gave a loud groan but held on tighter to her blue friend. "Well,
at least the sun is shining," she reasoned. That morning they'd awoke to a
huge rainbow arching over the Sugarcane Village and the warble and chirp
of birds and cicadas accompanied them as they continued on their way.
A warm breeze fluttered through her hair and she'd long since stripped
off her dressing gown, instead using it to cushion Stretch's stiff bristles.
Finally they reached the bottom of the hill and Pye beamed, pleased
with herself for not falling off. Perhaps I'll ask Daddy to buy me a
pony for Christmas, she thought. Ahead she spied a grove of golden
willows shading a small creek. Along the banks were spotted
mushroom rings like at the first meadow, only some of these were
even bigger, almost as high as her head.
"Oh goodness, look, Stretch," she pointed, "Can you see a funny green
man sitting on that mushroom?"
"Yes, but he's not laughing. He doesn't look funny to me, Pye," the
caterpillar replied.
"He’s certainly strange. Look his head is huge and bald like Grandpa's.
And his eyes! They look like big yellow light bulbs." Then she gave a small
squeal. “He vanished! Dawn did you see that? There’s a ghoul down
there. Stop.”
"Oh dear, that’s rude," rebuked Dawn. "It's rude to stare. Garmond's
no ghoul. My friend. He is. My friend."
Pye looked pensive. "I'm sorry, Dawn. Mummy would be very
angry if she heard what I just said. Beauty is as beauty does. It's just
that I've never actually seen a green person disappear before. Well,
I haven’t seen a green person at all before either. Except on Disney.
Actually, I haven't seen anything like everything I've seen since I got
Dawn blinked and cocked her head to one side quizzically.
"Nevermind," Pye said quickly. "Do you think he'll come back
and help us find Dusty?"
"Perhaps he will. Perhaps. I hope. He’s still there. Not green,
but there."
Pye frowned and shook her head. “Have you any idea what
she just said?” she whispered to Stretch, who just grunted and
continued to suck on his lolly.
As they drew closer, she spied a tall white horse drinking
from the creek and she craned her neck for a better look. "Didn't I
just wish for a pony?" she remarked. “Perhaps this place really is
magic.” Then she gasped. "There's a boy! Stretch, a real boy!" Leaping
off his back, Pye raced ahead of Dawn toward a startled Elby.
Levelling his lance, the knight prepared to face the charge.
With a shriek, Pye skidded and slid to the ground. Forcefully
tearing her eyes from the sharp point of the lance, she stared up at
her attacker. His thick hair was as blonde as her own and he wore a
blue tunic under silvery blue armour. He reminded her of a Prince
Charming in her favourite fairytale.
Suddenly she caught sight of Elby's long pointed ears and
oddly angular eyes. "Eeeek! A goblin! Get away! she screamed
scuttling backwards.

