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ChalleNGe Academy Memories

On January 11th, 2002, I arrived at Fort McCoy for the biggest challenge of my life. I was going to spend the next 5 months of my life living as a cadet at the Wisconsin National Guard ChalleNGe Academy. The Academy is a boot-camp like structured environment located on a military post in western Wisconsin. Cadets live in groups called platoons in Army barracks, wear uniforms, eat at specific times, and follow all the military customs and courtesies. The Academy is a place where kids are given the opportunity to learn discipline, integrity, courage, honor and commitment. They learn to respect themselves as well as others. They are given the opportunity to face some of their biggest fears and overcome some very large obstacles. They learn good leadership as well as followership, and learn the values of teamwork. They are given the chance to turn their lives around for the better, and earn their HSED in the process. The list goes on as there are many other things that a ChalleNGe Academy graduate leaves with that can never be put into words. The Academy experience was definitely not the easiest thing I have ever done, but I can say without hesitation that it is the BEST thing I've ever done. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. This website offers an insight into the world of the Challenge Academy. It is meant for past graduates and their parents to look back and smile, current class parents to get a feel for what their cadet is doing at the moment, and future candidates and their parents to get an idea of what they're about to begin. I offer pictures of daily cadet life and activities, pictures of the Academy staff, as well as testimonials from graduate cadets to let you know that you CAN make it through. Enjoy!

My Academy Memories
Cadet Andrews' Academy Memories
Brandon's Journey
Old Barracks
New Barracks
Chow Hall
638 (Cadre Office)
RPM Staff
Director/Deputy Director
Other Academy Staff
Rappel Tower (the small one)
Rappel Tower (the big one)
Drill Team
Testimonials from Graduate Cadets
*** ChalleNGe Academy Official Website ***
Amanda's ChalleNGe Academy Website
**Ask Hilston**
CA Reunion/Gathering 8-16-03
Packers Visit the CA 9-23-03