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Claims California Researcher!

WE CONTACTED Erik Beckjord in San Francisco and inquired of him regarding his claims that Bigfoot may have ET origins. We asked him for more information. Erik replied "Everything you need to know is on our web site." This bigfoot web site site was designed for netscape navigator, which is best for viewing graphics and image enhancements. His story adds a new twist to the ET hypothesis.

The supposition that bigfoot, a kind of neanderthal-looking ape-man has some ties to ufo's and extraterrestrials is nothing new. Timothy Goode mentions several cases where Bigfoot was seen in conjunction with high UFO activity and animal mutilations. One thing cannot be overlooked. Whatever it is, this creature continues to haunt the remote forests of the Pacific Northwest of the USA.

Bigfoot From Outer Space?


Bigfoot is a spaceman...
That's the theory of a California researcher who offers blurry photographic evidence to debunk the Yakima story that says the furry creature is man in a monkey suit. What some thought were zippers on the beast first caught on film in 1967 by Yakima native Roger Patterson are in fact metal cylinders of possible alien origin, says Berkeley-trained researcher Erik Beckjord of the San Francisco-based Sasquatch Research Project.

"Beckjord says his analysis of the Patterson film shows that there's more to it than a practical joke of mammoth proportions."

"I have seen UFOs and I have seen Bigfoot, but I have never seen them at the same time," Beckjord said Thursday in a telephone interview. Beckjord contends his analysis of Patterson's film, after computer enhancement, reveals the cylinder. He identified the cylinder in the photograph Wednesday. But his evidence isn't enough to conquer skeptics who say Bigfoot is the Yakima Valley's biggest home grown hoax. "I'll never underestimate the minds of people and the lengths they will go to say things, but that's a new one to me," said Yakima attorney Barry Woodard, who is representing a man who says he wore the monkey suit in Patterson's film. Woodard's client took a lie detector test last year that reportedly found his story of the Bigfoot film to be truthful. The monkey-suit man, who has yet to be identified, wants to eventually sell his story to television or other media, Woodard said. Deals have been in the works for more than a year, but Woodard won't say who is interested in the hoax. But with recent Bigfoot sightings in Washington and Oregon, Beckjord says his analysis of the Patterson film shows that there's more to it than a practical joke of mammoth proportions. Beckjord says the 6-inch by 2-inch metal cylinder, which is coincidentally the same size and shape as a 16-ounce can of beer, on Bigfoot's right arm in the Patterson film shows that the creature isn't a product of evolution, but rather a product of technology. "An ape doesn't have a cylinder on its arm, unless it's an experimental creature," he said. The cylinder photo, displayed on Beckjord's Web site -- -- looks less than convincing at first glance. But Beckjord is a believer, saying it could be proof of the biggest event in history -- an alien visit to our planet. Roger Patterson's widow, Patricia Patterson, declined to comment Thursday on Beckjord's findings. The 25-year Bigfoot researcher, who holds a master's of business administration from the University of California, Berkeley, is open to other theories. He says the object on Bigfoot, found in the 350th frame of Patterson's movie, could represent some sort of governmental intervention. The seldom-seen creature could be an experimental android, he said.

The most convincing proof that Bigfoot is from the nether regions of the universe is a lack of archeological data.

"It would be the perfect spy for wilderness warfare," he said. The big fellow might have escaped or, "he could be cruising out there on behalf of the U.S. government," said Beckjord. The cylinder could contain a number of devices, Beckjord said, ranging from radio equipment to medical gear. Beckjord said two bulges at either end of the cylinder, which is not covered in hair like the rest of Bigfoot's body, likely serve as mounting hardware. That brings Beckjord back to aliens. The most convincing proof that Bigfoot is from the nether regions of the universe is a lack of archeological data. Earth creatures, like bears and cougars, are found marauding in urban orchards or run over by unsuspecting motorists, he said. "There's no roadkill ever at anytime," he said. "All of the existing animals you can find dead sometime." But Bigfoot seems to avoid such trouble. So elusive is the creature that no Bigfoot remains have ever been found, suggesting to Beckjord that they can come and go from the planet at will. The hair and monkeylike features may be adaptations for life on Earth, he added. "This could be huge," he said, noting that Bigfoot, in theory, is our first extraterrestrial visitor. "Bigger than Bosnia." (Reference #1)


FROM: Issue 108 - 11th August 2000 The United Kingdom UFO Network - a free electronic magazine with subscribers in 58 countries. e-mail us: fax us: (44) 0870 0883592 web site: Source: Yakima Herald-Republic () Publication Date: July 17, 2000 By TOM ROEDER YAKIMA HERALD-REPUBLIC

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