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From Cosmic Conspiracies

HI, I was recently sent a report from a guy in the middle east which he read in a local newspaper. It states that an F16 shot down a UFO during Desert Storm in the early 90's and that several countries are trying to cover this up. Visit and look under UFOS. ALSO NOTE THAT THE ABOVE URL IS 'COSMIC CONSPIRACIES' NEW DOMAIN ADDRESS . WE STILL HAVE A MIRROR SITE AT ~

Dave at 'Cosmic Conspiracies'

"F-16 shoots down UFO"

A high level source has revealed that an American Air Force F16 gunned down a UFO over Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm and five nations are trying to cover up the encounter. 'I don't know all the details but I'm sure that when this story comes out it will shake the world,' says Colonel Gregor Petrokov, a senior Russian official.

'It is a cover-up waiting to explode'. Colonel Petrokov says he was one of the first experts at the crash site in a barren desert region 250 miles northeast of Riyadh, the Saudi Arabian capital. 'The Americans won't admit it was a UFO their plane shot down, but the debris was not from any known aircraft,' he says. 'The Saudi's with me were so frightened that they asked American, British and French investigators to come to the crash site immediately'. The Colonel says he was visiting in Riyadh at the time and that he and a small Russian team were able to inspect the wreckage before American forces from Desert Storm arrived. 'The craft was circular and made of a material I've never seen before,' he says. 'About a third of it seemed to be missing, possibly blown away by the American missiles.' The Saudi's wouldn't let us touch anything, but we saw instruments, machinery and other things that completely baffled us.' He says the markings on the instrument panels and dials were not in any language he was familiar with. 'It seemed to be a relatively small craft, maybe 15 feet across,' he says. 'There were three chairs, probably for crew members, but they were so small they seemed to have been made for children. Evidently space aliens are only about three feet tall. Most amassing, though, is the fact that there were no bodies at the crash site, nor did there appear to be an engine in the craft.'

'The American Missiles may have scored a direct hit on the engine, causing it to disintegrate,' he says 'But I checked with the Saudi radar technicians and they claim their instruments didn't show anyone ejecting or bailing out from the craft. Search helicopters were all over the area, which is a desert, and they did not spot any survivors in the vicinity of the crash.' During interviews with the radar technicians, Petrokov was told that the blip identified as the UFO appeared out of nowhere as four F16s were streaking towards Baghdad. 'One of the American planes broke from formation and headed for the UFO' he says. The alien craft started moving southwest, away from the F16 and the American pilot gave chase. When the F16 was within three miles, the alien craft seemed to fire something at the plane but missed. The American then fired two missiles. Both hit the saucer. There was a terrific explosion, and then the crash. When American investigators arrived, Petrokov says he and his team were immediately ordered out of the area and flown back to Riyadh. 'There were things they didn't want us to see more, I think, than the fact that the craft was circular, that there were no survivors and that it was made of a foreign substance' he says. Petrokov says members of his team were able to sneak pictures without the knowledge of the Saudi's or Americans, but he was ordered to turn them over to Russian authorities the next day. Petrokov says American army engineers gathered up all debris and carted it away for shipment to the U.S.

The COSMIC CONSPIRACIES web site, includes additional information on the UFO CRD (Crash/Retrieval Database). This site is beautifully constructed, with dazzling graphics and informative articles. It is one of the best ufo-related web sites that I have visited for some time-Christopher Montgomery. You are encouraged to visit the COSMIC CONSPIRACIES web site. That URL is:


Subject: [UFOscotland] F16 SHOOTS DOWN UFO
From: "Cosmic Conspiracies" (
Date: Sun, Aug 20 2000 1:10:56 PM BST
F-16 shoots down UFO" Source:


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