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X-PPAC Update - 2/22/00 - Important Announcement

X-PPAC Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
X-PPAC Update - September 22, 2000
Politics of Disclosure Town Hall Meeting

X-PPAC, in cooperation with numerous cosponsors, is in the process of setting up the first campaign related Town Hall Meeting in history where national candidates would engage in unscripted Q&A addressing the Politics of UFOs/Dislosure. National media coverage is assured. A formal announcement along with coast to coast advance media saturation awaits only the fixing of a date which will be sometime during the first two weeks of October. Negotiations have taken place with seven presidential campaigns and three California Senate campaign. All aspects of production and financing have been addressed. You may follow the fast-paced development of this project at this webpage: Donations A major election is underway. National and international developments addressing the politics of disclosure have taken place. Now is the time for those who care about the process and outcome of history to step to the plate. If each person on this update list were to donate $10 to X-PPAC right now, the entire cost of the Town Hall would be covered in full. If each person on the list were to donate $100, full page ads in the Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle could be placed to appear the day of the Town Hall directly engaging the key issues of disclosure and cover-up. A media frenzy would result. X-PPAC is ready and willing to do its part to resolve the political deadlock that has held this issue hostage for 50 years. All it needs is your support. Contributions payable to: X-PPAC 4938 Hampden Lane, #161 Bethesda, MD 20814 Secure credit card contributions at: Only individuals or other PAC's may contribute $5000 limit per year per person U.S. citizens and Green Card holders only

Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
Phone: 301-564-1820
Fax: 301-564-4066
4938 Hampden Lane, #161 Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Spread the word about X-PPAC & the politics of disclosure. Contribute online at: or mail to: 4938 Hampden Lane,161 Bethesda, MD 20814
"There is almost no limit to what you can accomplish, if you are willing to give away the credit."


X-PPAC Update - 2/22/00 - Important Announcement From: Date: Fri, Sep 22 2000 7:25:24 PM EDT

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_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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