Hogwarts Saga




An undignified beginning. Remus is offered a job! Girls’ nights out. Else screws up!



Saga Crew


Professor Medeni Ci-Jones, Deputy Headmaster Sirius Black,

Remus J. Lupin, Sunny Daylee, Hex Holmstrom, Maeve Moondaughter,






Minerva McGonagall, Madam Rosmerta, Slade Hawk, Else Culpepper, Severus Snape


April 6th, 1:56 am


This is definitely not a good start. Slade thought as he half-fell through the door of The Three Broomsticks. How he had ended up in a crumpled heap on the cobbled street outside was a slight mystery, though he suspected that it had something to do with his father and their earlier, somewhat...heated discussion about Slade's spending money - or lack, thereof.

he thought in annoyance, striding over to the bar, how does he expect me to maintain any sort of reputation if I'm relegated to pauperdom?

Then there was the small matter of his attire to contend with.
Red robes?! Indeed, Slade was clad in a set of blood red robes that he had no memory of putting on. This was obviously someone's idea of a very bad joke.

Muttering a few choice curses under his breath, Slade looked around self-conciously. As a future Slytherin, it would hardly be in his favour to be sporting Gryffindor house colours.

Slade was now very, very angry. He wanted someone to blame. He wanted revenge. But most of all, he wanted...
"A small Gillywater, please." he murmured, flashing Madame Rosemerta his most charming smile.


April 6th, 11:18 pm


Else turned to see another most undignified entry into the room. It took the onus off of her effort! She smirked at the boy in the Gryffindor robes. Something wasn't right. He had the disposition of a Slytherin about him. But surely a Slytherin would be proud of their house. She sniffed haughtily. And turned herself fully to watch the progress of this grumbling enigma…


April 7th, 2:54 am


The drink disappeared in a few great gulps, and as he set the glass back on the counter, Slade became aware of someone watching him. Shifting around in his seat, he was surprised to see a woman smirking at him...and the strangest animal hybrid in existence."Merlin's nasal hair!" Slade yelped, staring at what appeared to be a tiger with wings. As if realising the volume of his outburst, he looked around to see if anyone had noticed, cheeks glowing red. Engage brain before speaking, he thought furiously, digging around in a pocket for some change - at least the action gave him an excuse not to look at the other inhabitants of the room.

Throwing handful of coins on the counter, Slade waited for his change before turning back around.
Slytherin. The air of haughty superiority was practically textbook. Got to be. Hopping off the barstool, Slade made his way over to the staircase that led upstairs. Students, he had been told, were staying here for the time being.


April 5th, 9:15 pm


Else was not best pleased with the room arrangements ... an owl post to the Headmistress was well in order .... She grumbled out loud to herself. Her cobra, Septimus, was wisely keeping his distance ...

Grrrr! It would appear that with all this uproar and funny business going on, the student teachers are stuck in with the students! Pah!

What happens if I start courting with a young man? Double PAH!! Not that there's much chance of that .... (mumble, mumble, whine) ... grrrr!

She sat down, hard, on her bed to finish the owl post to the headmistress. Time to get blunt, she felt. Shame really, she would hate to get on her bad side. She quite liked the lady and what she stood for. However, this insult of sharing a room with mere kids was a huge dent to Else's ego.

As for the chance of a boyfriend ... maybe a change of attitude could help that along the way ... but who in Merlins name would want a sour tempered Parselmouth as a friend, let alone a girlfriend. Else's mood could have cracked granite at 1000 paces ...


April 6th, 9:53 pm


A couple of hours moping around with a face like one of a bulldog licking skelegrow of a nettle had a positive effect. Else began to calm down. She read a couple of her books and started to make a cup of groundsel tea. Wonderful stuff that.

She picked up a muggle book she had had since a little girl: Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper (no relation, though). For a muggle, he had quite good insight into natural remedies. She had developed some of these a bit, making her own unique line of potions. In fact, the groundsel tea wasn't as innocent as it sounded. Apart from the soothing, cleansing and slightly purgative benefits, it had a side effect a little akin to too much liquor. Snape would probably call it a truth potion! Else tended to speak her mind after a cup or two.

And, unfortunately for most in earshot, when Else had an opinion EVERYONE was entitled to it.

She put the cup and book down and stretched out on her bed. It had been a long week what with all the hassles at the school. She closed her eyes to relax .....

What IS that noise going on downstairs, Septimus? Lets go and have a look.

Then she remembered. The School Party.

This may be a good chance to meet the prospective pupils, check out the promising ones and take note of the troublemakers. A most productive excursion, I think ... And with that she hoisted Sep over her shoulder and headed downstairs to investigate ....


April 7th, 1:29 pm


What a Non-Event! No one had approached her to talk to her. But, whatever! She stopped, catching sight of a note addressed to her. This had the Headmistress' seal on it. She opened it and read, jaw dropping and eyes practically falling out of her head. She had been given another room! It HAD been a mistake after all, sharing with students. She had now got her own private quarters. What a turn up for the books that was. She sat down on the nearest bed, pulled out her quill and wrote a reply

Else first of all thought that this was some sort of a joke, but no, the signature did in fact check out ... maybe that rather blunt letter had worked ... however, etiquette dictated that she should sit down postwith and owl a reply ...

Dear, and most revered, Headmistress.

I notice that I have again been shifted around like the proverbial sack of Screwt excrement! However, I must thank you for this rather generous gesture. Surely there are more deserving folks that I for this room. I shall make this a short correspondence as I now have the dreadful, and unexpected, duty of 'moving house' !

Many thanks again for your kindness in this matter.

Your humble servant
Ms. Culpepper.

Else rolled her eyes in despair at the thought of lumping countless tomes and volumes, pots and potions, owl and cobra down the hallway ......
Not of course that she was ungrateful but, after all, she had only just unpacked everything!


April 7th, 3:54 am


If Else's eye-balls were nearly coming out of her head when she read the message from Prof. Granger, they were certainly out on stalks by now! This was like something out of dreams!

She noted a double bed. Surely the Headmistress hadn't taken her quip about courting a young man that seriously ... Anyway, the object of her desires seemed to have disappeared of the face of the earth. And he had never even looked at her in that kind of way. He probably hadn't even looked at her ... full stop!

Anyway - time to ponder how cruel life could be later: now she had to unpack and settle in ... again!


April 7th, 4:12 am


A note tacked onto the door of the room read:

Dear Rosie.

I have just received your message, and by the time the reply reaches you, I should be well and truly settled in. I notice that the bathroom is co-joined. So when you get back, rattle on the door and I am very, very sure that we can find something juicy to discuss!

With that tantalising little bit, I shall sign off now and await your knock. Thanks again for your hand in securing this most excellent room!

Yours, with great respect


April 7th, 5:44 am


Madam Rosmerta watched the lively pub fill with students seeming to have a good time. Then, the strange Ms. Culpepper caught her eye with a wink, gesturing that she was going upstairs. Rosmerta reached over the bar and grabbed the shoulder of the first person she could find. Luckily, it was the Gryffindor prefect.

'You! Prefect! Miss...'

'Daylee, Sunny Daylee,' Sunny replied in surprise.

'Right! Miss Daylee. Look, I need a favour, and you're old enough. Would you mind watching the bar for a bit here? Not too long, perhaps an hour. I will pay you handsomely to do it... there is something I've just got to do... I'll pay you 15s for each hour I'm gone... just keep the butterbeer flowing.'

Sunny looked at her, amused. 'Oh, no, you don't have to pay me... it will be fun, and besides, it will give me something to do.'

Rosmerta gave her an appraising sort of look, then shrugged. 'Well! We'll sort it out when I return. That's a good girl... send me an owl if you need anything. Twitter here--' she gestured to a tiny saw-whet owl asleep on the top cabinet--'knows how to find me. Thank you, love.'

And with that, she made her way through the crowd and up the stairs to the private quarters.


April 10th, 12:02 pm


Maeve entered the warm, bustling pub, acutely conscious of Hex's hand cupping her elbow. He had taken her arm to escort her through the door and had yet to let go.

They found Sunny, the Gryffindor Prefect, plying Butterbeers at the bar.
"Hey, Sunny!" Hex greeted her as they walked up to the counter.

Sunny beamed when she saw them.
"Hey there. About time you showed up!" There was something in her smile that made Maeve blush.

"Butterbeer?" she asked then.

"Thank you," Maeve said, accepting a foamy mug.

Hex took one for himself and took a sip. Maeve watched him look around the room.
"Hey, listen, I just want to say hi to some of the other Hufflepuffs over there," he said. "You want to come with me, Maeve?"

She shook her head shyly.
"No, thanks. I think I'll keep Sunny company."

He looked crestfallen at her refusal and her heart soared.
"OK then. I'll be right back." Hex gave Sunny a level stare. "Keep the barflies away, will you?"


April 10th, 12:56 pm


Sunny winked at Hex. You got it, Hex. I'll get out my fly swatter.

Hex smiled. Thanks. Be back in a few.

The two watched as Hex headed off to the table. Then Sunny leaned over the counter. So Maeve, tell me...

Maeve looked at Sunny as if expecting her to ask something terribly embarassing. After all, the woman did seem to know she liked Hex. Sunny stifled a giggle and reached for a butterbeer for herself. How's your research going?


April 11th, 9:30 am


"Oh!" Maeve smiled and dove into the safe topic. "Well, I like to think that I have made some progress. I found some information on Lethifolds in Professor Ci-Jones' books, and Hex just told me that you found a Lethifold in the Chamber of Secrets."

"Yes, we did," Sunny confirmed.

"I really don't know whether the Lethifold is the root of our problem -- given that an enchanted Occamy has been found as well -- but a Lethifold is a highly dangerous creature and definitely must be eliminated. So far the only known defense against it is the Patronus Charm. I'm trying to find a way through which the charm can be used to protect anyone, even those who don't have the skill or knowledge to cast it." Maeve took a sip of her Butterbeer. "There has to be some way to ensure the generation of a proper Patronus whenever it's needed, or something to harness the active element in one that could keep the Lethifold away every time...a talisman, perhaps...maybe I can find something about that in the library."

"Maybe, but for the time being, take a break," the Gryffindor prefect advised. "You're at a party, after all!"


April 7th, 5:56 am


Rosmerta entered her room and looked around. She smiled as she read Else's note.

It had been a long time since she'd had a female confidante. She kicked off her turquoise sequined heels, sat back, and smiled to herself.


April 7th, 5:52 am


Madam Rosmerta knocked on the door to room 103, and was relieved when she heard it creak open.

'Ah, Else! I got your note. Come on over next door--I'll make us a cup of tea and we can have our little chat...' She gestured toward the next room over, then took the few steps down the hall into her own quarters.


April 7th, 5:59 am


Else knocked on Rosie's door. She was sure she had heared it open and close ....

That you Rosie? Else here .... er ... hello??


April 7th, 6:19 am


Rosmerta opened the door, a steaming cup of tea in her hand. 'Come in, Else, come in. I've already made the tea--I'm afraid I prefer just plain Earl Grey with lemon to any other... erm, concoction.'

She gestured Else into the room, to the two wingback chairs by the crackling fireplace. Rosmerta settled down in one and put her feet up on the handy ottoman, then patted on the next chair.

'Sit, Else! What do you want to talk about first?' Her enormous blue eyes twinkled, reflecting the flames in the fireplace.


April 7th, 6:12 am


Else followed on ... happy to finally get to chat....

So lets go dish .... where shall we start?

This would prove to be an interesting evening. She could feel it in her bones.


April 7th, 6:50 am


Else fidgeted with her cup, before looking into Rosie's startlingly pretty eyes ...

I ... er ... guess I ... um ... could do with a bit of advice, more than anything at the moment. You seem to ... er... how can I put this without sounding rather insulting ... seem to be .. um .. pretty knowledgable with the way men think and act.

Else was now the colour of a ripe plum.

It's just I'm crazy about-a-bloke-who-hasn't-even-noticed!
This came out in such a rush that Madam Rosmerta's eyebrows raised most rapidly. Else was truly in no small discomfort at this rather peculiar confession.


April 7th, 8:45 am


Rosmerta looked at her shrewdly. 'Have a cuppa, dear, and let me tell you: I have some small experience with the male species. You, Else, look as if you're in a bad way here.' She smiled, took a long sip of her tea, and patted Else on the arm. 'And I think I know who you're on about. A certain teacher, isn't it, who was here before and is now about to return. I'll tell you one thing: I've never seen him with a lady friend. And one would begin to wonder why not... unless he's been carrying a torch for someone all these years. That's something I know all about--carrying a torch.'

She sighed, then took another sip of tea, staring pensively into the fire. After a few moments of introspection, she put down the teacup and turned back to her guest. 'So, go on, out with it. Tell Rosie everything.'


April 8th, 4:30 pm


Else took a great swig of tea, and wondered where to begin. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case could be, the 'speak-your-mind-side-effects' of her earlier cup of groundsel potion tea had not entirely worn off ...

I was at Hogwarts years ago, but got myself in a bit of a fix and finished up my education at Beauxbatons. This ... um ... fix ... er.. well ... I kinda fell for someone a bit out of my league and it ..um.. started to affect my studies. So Albus and I had a talk and it was decided I should ship out and finish elsewhere. Y'know try to maintain a bit of dignity all round. Else was maintaining a deep shade up plum red and fidgeting about with her cup. Rosie urged her on, with huge delight at this rather strange confession. Else mumbled quietly into her tea I fell in love with my potions master!

What was that? Bit louder?

SNAPE! Else practically hollered, I have fallen head over heels for a guy who has probably never washed his hair, never cracked a smile and most definately NEVER been kissed!

The two women looked at each other over their tea for a while then burst into gales of laughter. This was clearly going to be a 'funny' evening in more ways than one ...

And, to cap the lot of it ...<he he he he> ... I don't think he has the faintest idea! For all his baffling intellect about simmering cauldrons, shimmering fumes ... blah blah blah it would appear that he can't really see further than that beaky nose of his ... The raucous laughter of the ladies started afresh.


April 9th, 4:40 am


Rosmerta fanned herself off, wiped tears of laughter from her eyes. She looked at Else and burst into laughter again.

'Snape! I knew it. It's about time, although I have to say I definitely question your taste in men, Else! No that there's anything wrong with Severus, it's just... it's just...' She smiled and patted Else's hand. 'But looking at you, I see that it's a case of like attracting like. Now don't be insulted! You simply have that good Gloomy Gus thing going for you, as does the most exquisite Potions Master.' She took a sip of tea, still smiling broadly. 'And who am I to say anything about anyone's choice in men! Heaven knows I've made my mistakes. Several of them. One very big one.'

She stopped and drew in a breath. 'But we're here to talk about you, not about me! So, what can I do to help facilitate this little obsession of yours? You already have the best room in the house.' She grinned and winked, and held Else's hand conspiratorially.


April 9th, 7:32 am


Else grinned widely. Her taste in men! There was nothing wrong with Severus. Well, he could do with a bit of a tidy up, she guessed, a hair wash maybe ... other than that he was just perfect. She voiced these thoughts to Madam Rosmerta. Again they were off, slapping the arms of the chairs, wiping their eyes and shaking with mirth.

Oh Rosie. If the staff and pupils could see me like this, my reputation and popularity would truly soar. Merlin forbid that should occur! A hairy pox on that darned groundsel infusion I drank earlier! I fear that you are seeing a much different me to what I would like to show the world. Else was trying to edge slowly away from the subject of matters of the heart. But Rosie was having none of it.

So, what CAN I do to facilitate this little obsession of yours?

Rosie was like a rotweiller with a bone on this one. She wasn't gonna let go for anything. Else resigned herself to spilling the whole can of worms...

I recieved an owl today from Sev. Nothing spectacular, just something on the lines of: "Ms. Culpepper. I have noticed you are here. Pray tell what brings you back... Severus Snape". I do declare that the man even writes in the same tone of voice that he speaks in! Nothing to really write home about, but I guess he knows I'm here now.

And ... ?

So I replied and said I was back teaching. But I did NOT, before you ask, put a row of little xxx along the bottom! Another hoot of loud laughter from the pair of them .... I signed it Ms. E. Culpepper, too! Nice and polite and in the manner of a lady of my breeding. Even more raucous laughter. But after I had sent it I remembered that I wanted to ask some advice on the amusing side affects of that bergamot infusion ... well, he is rather good at potions and ... er ... so I asked if ... um ... it would be convenient ...ONLY of course, if it were convenient, that we should ... er... now how did I phrase it? ..... Oh yes ...."Get our heads together and work out some solution to the problem". Then signed it Else. Oh dear! At least I think I signed it 'Else' and not 'yours, Else'. That could be somewhat compromising, could it not? What kind of dunderhead am I, Rosie? Oh dear me!

Oh Rosie ... I am open to any suggestions and help you care to give here. I fear I may have dug myself into a rather big hole ... I couldn't press you for another cuppa could I?
Again, the room echoed to the mirth of the two friends. Goodness knows what anyone passing by would think!


April 9th, 7:17 am


Strolling nonchalantly into the room, Slade raised a cursory eyebrow at the list on the door. Since when did I have a job? Shaking his head, he closed the door quietly behind him and looked around. Spotting a free bed, he flung himself down and buried his face in the pillow. It had been a long day so far, and things didn't seem as if they'd get better any time soon. He had no money - with the exception of what was in his Gringotts account, but that was half a world away in Diagon Alley - and he wasn't really sure what he was meant to be accomplishing.

A burst of raucous laughter made him wince and put the other pillow over his head. There was probably a very good chance he could suffocate like that, but Slade was willing to take a chance, especially when the alternative was listening to the cackling from down the hall.


April 9th, 10:09 pm


This situation was rapidly becoming very tedious. Slade rolled off the bed and hit the floor with a hollow thump. "So much for a nap," he grumbled, bad temperedly.

Clawing his way up the wall, Slade pulled himself into a standing position and marched purposefully towards the door. It was time to tell those two hags to keep the noise down.


April 11th, 12:12 am


The ceaseless cackling had led Slade to the door of room 104 and he now rapped on it hard.

There was a good chance that his piercing glare would set fire to the wood before the room's inhabitants had the chance to open the door.

If there was one thing Slade hated, it was sleep deprivation.


April 11th, 12:32 am


Else and Rosie abruptly stopped their laughing, eyes turning to the door.

Expecting anyone, Rosie? Rosie shook her head. Whoever it is sounds a little disgruntled by the way they knocked... Tell you what, I'll get it - I'm nearest.

Else put down her cup, still smiling like a loon after laughing so hard, stood up and opened the room door. What she saw made her grin even wider ... or was it a sneer ....

Ah! The child with the demeanour of a text-book Slytherin, but with the dress sense of a wet-behind-the-ears Gryffindor! Pray tell us, what can we do for you ... Mr. Hawk, I believe?


April 11th, 4:50 am


So, it was the smirking Slytherin and - Slade peered around her to catch a glimpse of her companion - Madam Rosmerta. One eyebrow raised sardonically, and Slade inclined his head slightly.

"You are quite correct, Ms. Culpepper." his tone barely scraped the boundaries of respect, but Slade was, quite frankly, past caring. He was currently impoverished, exhausted and dressed - in the words of his current host - like 'a wet-behind-the-ears Gryffindor'. Things could not possibly get much worse.

"I came to request that keep your ca - laughter down to a somewhat more tolerable level...if you please." Slade finished lamely, trying to stifle a yawn as he leaned against the doorframe.


April 11th, 5:10 am


'Excuse you, but this is my bloody inn. I think I can make whatever noise I like,' Rosmerta said from her chair. 'Why don't you go back downstairs with your little Hogwarts friends? Butterbeer is on the house--you look like you could use one. Or... take a room elsewhere if you don't like my accommodations.'

She glared at the student rather fiercely.


April 11th, 5:26 am


Else gave a cruel chuckle at Madam Rosmerta's harsh reply. It didn't bode well to rattle this woman's cage. However, she did feel a little sorry for the boy. She could see a lot of herself in him. He could be worth watching. He looked like he could go far if he wanted to ... Yes, a bit of a prod in the right direction and he could do great things.

I guess we were a mite raucous, Rosie. What say we let the little chap get a bit of rest - a little beauty sleep .... She turned back to Hawk and critically surveyed him up and down. She pulled out her wand, pointed it at him and mumbled something under her breath. The robes changed colour to a more fitting shade of deep green. Off you go. Still standing there? Don't say I don't do you kids any favours. Turning her back on Hawk now...

Shall we get back to the matters in hand, Rosie?


April 12th, 10:27 am


Rosmerta waved her hand in disgust at the door as Slade left. She pulled out her wand, a beautiful white willow creation, about 11" long, and waved it around the room. 'Insulanus Totalis!', she incanted. A hush enveloped the two women. Rosie raised both eyebrows and grinned, then set her wand back on the table.

'There. Now all the sound will be contained in this room, and it won't disturb any more ickle first years... so, Snape, is it... he's the matter in hand?' She laughed so hard that she doubled over.

Else turned a bright shade of red, but couldn't help smiling.


April 12th, 9:34 pm


Else could hardly catch her breath. She could feel her cheeks burning. Maybe she could knock up some sort of potion that would stop her blushing at the slightest thing! Now, there was a thought ...

Insulanus Totalis, eh? Turning back to Rosie, with a grin a mile wide, I think I may have to remember that spell! You never know when it could be useful....

Rosie spluttered, eyebrows rocketing skywards. Else, again, blushed rather deeply. I'm not really sure what that look on your face is implying (although I have a good idea), Rosie girl...! Suffice to say, I think we should call a halt before I say anything that could be held against me!

Say 'Snape' ... Go on. Say 'Severus Snape'! Else looked at Rosie, wondering if her friend had finally fallen off the sanity-bench. Else maintained a rather blank expression as she tried to fathom out this strange request. Rosie was obviously finding this amusing ...

For the life of Merlin, Rosie. I have NO idea what you are going on about but - just for you I will say it: Snape! There you go. I can see that this is making you very happy! Rosie was almost rolling on the floor in delight ... Else was still rather puzzled. She took a huge lungful of air and shouted: SEVERUS SNAPE! Sevvy Sevvy SNAPE! You happy now Rosie?? What IS your problem, woman?!

Rosie took a while to get her breath back. Something had clearly amused her.

There you go! You have now said something that, I am sure you would definately like held against you! Else had been reeled in like an idiot with that rather poor joke. She tried to scowl and look offended but ended up exploding into wild hysterics. It would appear that Rosie and Else were quite a double act.

My ribs hurt with all this laughing. Ohhh my life! You rotten so-and-so. What a terrible thing to say. Although, the thought is rather appealing, don't you think? Incidentally, I hear that he could be back on the grounds either today or tomorrow. I can tell you this, thought Rosie. I will not be the one doing the chasing. Else glanced out of the window at the sky. I think that I had better go back to my room. I've got a few things to catch up on and finish packing away. I reckon the bar will be quite full too.

Still smiling broadly, they parted company, Else thanking her for her hospitality and insisting that she returned the complement... very soon.


April 12th, 9:55 pm


Well, it had been an interesting and extremely enjoyable evening. She had needed to let of steam and get that lot off of her chest.

She looked around the room at the last few scatterings of her belongings. Time to get the place tidied up especially if she was expecting company. Else finished the job quickly. What now? She didn't want to go down to a crowded bar just yet - maybe later - but she didn't want to sit around idle.

Septimus was asleep, Turbo was still out delivering a message to <wistful sigh> Severus and the room, although perfect, lacked the personal touch. An idea came to her and she picked up her wand:

Orchideous! She repeated this almost two dozen times until the room was filled with bouquets of large ornate blooms. They were beautiful shapes, exquisite scents ... but ... they were all black or various shades of purple! Else shrugged her shoulders at this ... It would appear that 'colours' wasn't something she did well.

She kicked off her 'sensible' shoes, rubbed her feet, then flopped down onto the large bed with a couple of Herbology books. It looked quite likely that she could be taking up the job of teaching this so it would do well to get back into the swing of it.

Else finally felt that things were 'on the up'. She lay on her back, book resting on her stomach, and wondered to herself if things could actually get better than they already were ....


April 11th, 8:59 am


Minerva McGonagall stood in the foyer to the Great Hall, waiting, looking around. No, the place had not changed since she'd retired from the Deputy Headmistress position years ago. Although she'd enjoyed her quiet life of herb gardening, reading, and transfiguring any poor creature that crossed her path--just to stay sharp, she told herself--it was good to be back here.

When she'd gotten word that her services would be needed, there was no hesitation. She sent an owl to her sister, Maggie, and informed her that she would be returning to Hogsmeade and environs, but that didn't mean they'd be together every day.

Really, she thought, nothing has changed. I'm still the same intensely private and serious witch I always was. But to see these... children all grown up and running the school... it makes me smile. It means we did the thing right, all those years ago.

Minerva was secretly pleased that Professor Ci-Jones and the Gryffindor Prefect had seen fit to include her in their night out at the Three Broomsticks. A gillywater sounded quite nice just about now. Especially after all that dashing about in secret tunnels.

Out of habit, she adjusted her hat to cover the tight bun she always wore, and pushed her square-rimmed glasses up to the top of her nose. She touched her wand, making sure it was in the appropriate spot in her belt, and waited for Medeni.


April 11th, 9:28 am


'Minerva!' Medeni bounced up to her, grinning. She was wearing tunic and trousers instead of robes, as if she expected she'd have to... oh, muck stalls on the way to town or something.

Professor McGonagall looked her up and down, and gave her a small upturn of her mouth in reply -- her equivalent of a a grin.

'Should we walk or fly? Walking would be more pleasant, but flying...' the younger witch sighed, '...would probably be safer.'

'Yes, that's a good point. I'm assuming you thought ahead, and have a broom I can borrow?' Minerva agreed.

Medeni brandished one of the better school brooms from behind her back. As they walked out the front door, securing it behind them Medeni said,
'Now, I know you said you didn't want to hear any mushy Sirius stuff from me, but I had the most awful headache this morning,
and he took such good care of me....'

Her voice trailed off into the Scottish evening as the witches lifted off on their brooms, and headed for Hogsmeade.


April 11th, 3:08 pm


Remus made his way through the passage to Sirius's rooms... well, Sirius and Medeni's rooms now, weren't they? He knocked at the heavy door, waiting to see if Sirius was in.

The tall Welshman opened the door more quickly than Remus had expected.
'Brawd! I'm glad you're here. Our women have abandoned us this night.' He looked stricken for a moment, and Remus had just started to worry Sirius was really having some sort of fit of abandonment when the other wizard dropped his melodramatic pose and chuckled.

'Wouldn't you love to be that proverbial fly, Remus, to see what they get up to? And with Minerva!' He chortled happily, and waved a teacup in query at Remus, who nodded affirmatively.

'Although... if Rosie gets into the middle of it....' Sirius's expression darkened somewhat. He hadn't forgiven Rosmerta for the reaction her note to his sickbed had caused, and wasn't ever likely to do so.

'Let it go, Sirius,' Remus said. Sometimes Sirius actually listened to him when he said this.

Sirius made an impatient gesture with a teaspoon, but dropped the subject. As he handed Remus his cuppa, he grinned again.
'So -- shall we talk about Medeni's magnificence, or the splendour that is Sunny?' Remus sighed and rolled his eyes in amusement. Maybe this hadn't been so great an idea after all.


April 11th, 3:47 pm


'Seriously though, Remus. I mean, I could go on and on about Medeni all night and not get tired of it, but I know you'd be bored to tears. Besides, that's not why I asked you here.' He gestured to the sofa by the fire; Remus sat and took the hot cup of tea into his hands. He looked expectantly at his best friend.

'Actually, I have some official school business to impart.'

Remus recoiled slightly. 'It's Hermione, isn't it. She's going to tell me I have to leave.'

Sirius smiled slightly. 'Don't be a fool, brawd. We talked things over and we both want you to come and teach here.'

Remus raised both eyebrows, considering his friend. 'Me, teach at Hogwarts again? You know I loved it when I did... and I would consider it again, but...'

Sirius shook his head, impatient. 'What's to consider, Remus? We know you're more than qualified to teach whatever subject you want. We also know that this is a great place to live... very safe... and it provides gainful employment--which is a novelty for me at least. Think about it: you'd have a place to stay, a steady job, and you'd be close to Sunny. Of course, that does bring up a whole can of worms when one thinks about student/teacher relationships, but as it's already established, I don't think anyone would care...'

'No, no, it's not that,' Remus said abruptly. He took a sip of his tea and gazed into the fire. 'Last time I taught here, I had to leave when Snape accidentally let slip that I am a werewolf. So there's that angle to consider. But the other--and larger--concern is my private students. I will not abandon the children; they'll have to come with me. We'll have to make room for them at the school, because I won't leave them behind.' He looked at Sirius defiantly.

Sirius looked intently at Remus, eyebrows raised.
'All right.'

'All right? What does that mean?'

'It means all right. I'll work it out. For your students, I mean.' He shrugged, then summoned himself a cup of tea. 'Hermione's eminently reasonable. I don't see how it would be a problem. And if it is... well... no. It won't be. It simply won't be.' He shook his head and sipped the tea, then grimaced. 'Why didn't you tell me this tasted like vinegar, Remus? Now, what subject do you want to teach? Arithmancy? Muggle Studies? Wait, I know... cooking.'

Remus gave his friend a very nasty glance, but it was quickly followed by a smile. 'At the very least, I can teach you how to brew a decent cup of Irish Breakfast tea.'


April 11th, 10:23 am


Minerva and Medeni brought their broomsticks to a halt, dismounted, and walked into The Three Broomsticks, where a raucous group of students were holding forth. Butterbeer flowed freely; there was no sign of concern over the goings-on back at school.

'I think the table in the corner,' Minerva offered, gesturing to the back of the pub. 'It looks to be quieter, and if I'm going to have to suffer through an evening hearing how wonderful Sirius Black is, the least we can do is have the conversation somewhere I'll be able to hear it.' She pursed her lips into a faint smile; Medeni followed her to the table in the back where they deposited their Aurora and the school's Nimbus 2001. Medeni sat, looking for Sunny, who had just appeared by the bar. She caught the Prefect's eye and gestured her over.

'The first round is on me,' Minerva insisted as Sunny joined them. 'Name your poison, ladies, and I'll retrieve.' Her beady eyes rested first on Sunny and then on the Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

'I think I'd like to try Elderflower wine,' Sunny said, somewhat hesitantly. 'Would that be all right?'

Minerva smiled tightly. 'Of course. It's quite delicious. And you, Jones?'

'Never tried it, but I'm willing... I really don't drink much, and neither does Sirius, but...'

McGonagall rolled her eyes, but they were twinkling. 'And so it begins... a bottle of Elderflower wine then, with three glasses.' She headed off to the bar to put in their order.


April 11th, 11:24 am


Sunny watched Professor McGonagall walk away and relaxed a little. She turned to Medeni and smiled. Sorry, Medeni. I admit I'm still a little uncomfortable around her. I don't even know how to address her.

Medeni smiled knowingly and leaned back in her chair. I can understand how you might feel that way. She's a wonderful woman and a very talented witch, but she does seem a bit stern. Don't worry, she has a soft side, though don't tell her I told you that. Medeni winked and chuckled.

Sunny smiled and traced an invisible circle on the table with her index finger.
Maybe I'll feel a little more comfortable after the first drink. I really do need to loosen up.

You'd better loosen up, Medeni repremanded, or this night is going to be rather one sided. I don't want to be the only one fawning over my man.

Sunny couldn't help letting out a loud laugh. I don't think you have to worry about that. Do you think she'd mind me talking about Remus? Do you think she even knows?

Only one way to find out. Ah, and here she comes now.


April 11th, 12:21 pm


Professor McGonagall directed the student helper, who balanced the bottle and three glasses precariously on a tray, toward their table. She looked at the student over the top of her eyeglasses in an appraising sort of way, then sat down. She turned to Sunny and Medeni, then poured out three glasses of the Elderflower wine.

'So, ladies. Here's to health, wealth, and happiness.' She lifted the glass to the air.

'Iechyd da,' toasted Medeni.

'Cheers,' intoned Sunny. The Prefect lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip; a slow smile blossomed over her face. 'This is good!'

Minerva raised one eyebrow. 'Not bad for a house bottle from the Three Broomsticks.' And she actually smiled. 'Of course, there's another toast I know, but I think I'll save it for later... after a few more glasses of this wine...' Her eyes twinkled with mischief; she turned to Medeni.

'Now, Jones. Tell us all about it. And when you're done...' she turned to Sunny. 'When we've heard all about how wonderful the Deputy Headmaster is, I want to hear everything about you and Mr. Lupin.'

Sunny nearly spat out her mouthful of wine.


April 11th, 1:50 pm


Medeni helpfully pounded Sunny on the back a little harder than really needful, a wicked look in her eye. 'Well, I was going to spare you, because you'd asked, but since you've changed your mind....' Medeni leaned in toward her former teacher, and her expression softened unknowingly.

'He's changed a bit from when you knew him, Minerva. That time in prison... as horrifying as it was, even with his built-in buffer... it had a silver lining. He's... he's learned how to treat people. And certainly, he doesn't have a... a use for most of them, but he's... Duw Mawr, athrawes, he's perfect. Adores me every second of the day, takes care of me, lets me take care of him... yes, really,' she affirmed to the former teacher's surprised expression, 'And there's absolutely no doubt at all we're physically suited to each other....'

Minerva held up a commanding hand, and in Teacher's-Voice, said, 'Stop right there. Enough.' Sunny started to giggle faintly into her wineglass.

Medeni insisted on continuing, the glint in her eye having returned,
'Oh, but Minerva -- I haven't even been given the chance to tell you about his reaction to silk!'

Poor Sunny choked again.


April 11th, 1:59 pm


Professor McGonagall raised her glass to her lips and took a very long sip.

'I will never wear silk again,' she said solemnly.


April 11th, 2:34 pm


Medeni sputtered in laughter at Prof. McGonagall's remark and leaned back in her chair in concession. Sunny joined in the laughter and put down her glass to avoid any spills. Well, I certainly don't want to associate Sirius with silk, either. But heck, just hearing about this won't scare me away from wearing the stuff. Goodness knows Remus might prefer silk over cotton.

Sunny looked at Medeni and then at her wine glass. What is in this wine?


April 11th, 2:58 pm


Minerva turned to the Prefect, barely suppressing a laugh. 'Don't feel compelled to take everything so literally, Miss Daylee. Now that we know a bit more about Mr. Lupin's possible predilection for silk over cotton...' She let out a big sigh. 'There are some things a teacher simply does not want to know about her former students. But then again, given enough of this...'

She refilled her wine glass, then picked it up, considering the contents. 'Elderflower wine contains, of course, elderflowers. Just the flowers, mind you; the rest of the plant is poisonous. Typically elderflower is an anti-inflammatory when used as an herbal remedy. But when brewed and left to ferment... suffice it to say, it's quite strong. Strong and sweet.'

Medeni giggled again, then leaned forward conspiratorially, unable to keep the thought under wraps: 'Strong and sweet, just like my Sirius.'


April 11th, 3:29 pm


Medeni cracked up entirely at the look on Minerva's face in response to Medeni's comment. Her uninhibited (and becoming less so) laughs actually managed to be heard about the genial racket of the students, and more than a few heads turned in their direction.

'M-Medeni, shush,' Sunny giggled at her.

Minerva merely raised an eyebrow at her companions, and poured herself some more wine.


April 11th, 4:13 pm


After several minutes of ear ringing laughter, the two women finally sighed and took up their wine again.

Oh Medeni, Sunny said as she refilled her now empty glass. I never got to tell you about a book I found at Flourish and Blotts.

A book? Goodness knows I smell trouble here.

Dare I even ask? McGonagall said, sipping her wine and not quite managing to hide a smile.

I've been meaning to get it ever since Remus' and my day in Hogsmeade. I found it while thinking of possible courses of action I could take with Remus...now that didn't really sound right. Darn this wine!

Spit it out, Sunny. Don't keep us waiting.

Sunny giggled into her wine again and took a long sip, watching Medeni. Finally she consented. It's called 99 Charms That Will Make Him Blush. Figured you might want to get a copy yourself.


April 11th, 11:14 pm


Minerva looked at Sunny, her eyes twinkling with more than just mischief as she tipped back her glass of Elderflower wine.

'99 Charms That Will Make Him Blush? Somehow, Daylee, I doubt that Jones here needs that particular text.'

She laughed.


April 12th, 9:06 am


'Minerva, you have no idea how right you are! I have the power to make Sirius Black blush... or close enough as to make no difference.' Medeni threw her arms over her head, arched her back against the back of the banquette and stretched languorously.

'Medeni, your voice carries!' Sunny hissed at her, suddenly very conscious of their being in public. Minerva looked around to see who might be staring -- or obviously avoiding them. Medeni slid back down, and hunched down in her seat, looking upset.

'I'm sorry... I didn't mean to--'

'Don't apologise -- I'm being stupid again. I know better than to brag about him out loud, and I don't even have the wine for an excuse.' She gestured at her mostly-full glass.

'Now, now, Jones, no feeling sorry for yourself. I don't see anyone in here who doesn't look like a student, and nobody's staring at you. Nonetheless, perhaps we should switch to a safer subject -- like Remus Lupin.' Minerva raised an eyebrow of inquiry at Sunny, who blushed a very pretty pink at her look.


April 12th, 12:49 pm


Before Sunny could answer, Madam Rosmerta worked her way through the crowd of students to the table in the back corner. She looked from Professor McGonagall to Sunny and finally to Medeni, giving the Welsh witch a slow, appraising sort of look. 'Well, well. What have we here?'

Professor McGonagall gave the landlady a quick smile. 'Rosmerta. It's quite lovely to see you again. May I compliment you on your excellent Elderflower wine. You know Miss Daylee, our Gryffindor prefect and Miss Jones, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher?'

Rosmerta looked at Sunny and nodded, then turned back to Medeni. She extended her hand hesitantly. 'Medeni Ci-Jones. We meet face to face at last. Of course, I've heard about you...' Her high heels tapped impatiently on the hardwood floor.

Sunny looked anxiously from Rosmerta to Medeni and back again. Then, she glanced at Minerva, whose smiled had been replaced by an inscrutably closed expression. Medeni sat forward.

'And I've heard quite a bit about you too...'


April 12th, 1:07 pm


'I hope what you've heard about me has been good. I'm afraid I had a couple of students not... appreciate my devotion to my subject. But then, I'm more used to lecturing to adults.

'I must say, the place hasn't changed since I came here as a student. It's still a wonderful pub.'

Medeni wore a guarded expression, waiting to see what the proprietress would say next. Sunny looked almost scared, but hiding it well from those who didn't know her. Minerva was doing her best non-furry cat impression.


April 12th, 1:23 pm


Minerva poured the last of the Elderflower wine into Sunny's glass, then cleared her throat.

'Oh, bother, look at that. It's empty. Rosmerta, would you be a dear and bring us another bottle?' She raised an eyebrow.

Rosmerta shrugged in a hollow sort of way and walked back toward the bar, her heels click-click-clicking across the floor.

Minerva turned to Medeni and winked.
'I'm not in the mood for fireworks tonight. But I do want to hear the answer to my earlier question. How about it, Daylee?'


April 12th, 2:47 pm


Glad my glass could be of assistance, Sunny said and then breathed a deep sigh. Remus is so incredible.

She stopped then and stared off into space wearing a ridiculous smile. She was silent for an entire minute before Medeni cleared her throat. Uh, Sunny, as entertaining as watching you stare into space is, I think Minerva wanted more than that. I know I do.

Sorry Medeni, Sunny giggled. Ah, but I can’t help it. He’s so…gentle, but strong at the same time, you know? And the way he looks at me, and when he holds me…she sighed again.

Medeni rolled her eyes.
Forget that hearts&flowers blather, I feel like being crass. How far have you two gone, then?

Sunny stopped staring into space and choked on her wine again (she seemed to be doing a lot of that tonight.) Medeni, I wouldn't mind saying in private, but this is a public place!

Medeni blew a razzberry. You're just being chicken now! Come on, dish! I'm getting impatient.

Well, Sunny began, blushing furiously. We haven't really...you know, gone all the way or anything. We've...she squirmed and cleared her throat. We've made out and I did finally grab his butt. And we certainly do kiss every time we get the chance.


April 12th, 3:59 pm


Medeni sat back, folded her arms across her chest and considered the blushing Sunny. 'What do you think, Minerva? Enough, or shall we grill her more thoroughly?'


April 13th, 9:19 am


Minerva looked at Sunny critically over the tops of her square eyeglasses, then folded her arms as another bottle of Elderflower wine appeared at their table. She poured some into her glass, her hand only slightly unsteady, and took a sip.

Sitting back, she almost smiled; a dreamy look floated across her eyes.
'I grabbed Albus' bum one time,' she said with a slight giggle. 'But that was the end of that. It was at a school party, and we had been rather imbibing a bit in some Ogden's.' She shrugged, then turned her gaze to Sunny. She waved her hand.

'Does that mean go on, tell more, or stop talking already?'

'It means, dear girl, that I really have no interest in knowing the slightest bit more detail about Mr. Lupin's bottom. Or anyone else's, for that matter.' She shot a glance at Medeni, took another sip of the Elderflower wine, and closed her eyes.


April 13th, 1:01 pm


'Riiiight, right, whatever. You Albanwres hen, you, what were your hands... ah, I don't really want to know.' The Welshwoman slumped back, her hands describing vague shapes before her as she continued, 'You're the one who asked us, anyway. What do you want to talk about, then? The care and feeding of Animagi? (More Sirius.) Why are men so generally annoying when sometimes they're just... what's that Americanaidd phrase, Sunny, "to die for"? (Still comes back to Sirius.) Something, pardon the overstretched pun, more serious?'

Medeni made a derisive noise as she lifted her glass, then took a big sip of her wine. She addressed the glass intently. 'Did you know... that I'm a verry cheap drrrunk? Barrrrgain basement.' Especially with the rolled 'R's, she was sounding very Welshy about now.


April 13th, 2:36 pm


Minerva looked at Medeni, then slowly reached forward and pulled the Welsh witch's wine glass away. Then, in a surprisingly motherly move, she patted Medeni on the hand. This served two purposes: it gave Minerva an aura of being in control, and it stopped the somewhat disturbing images Medeni was drawing in midair.

'Jones, you can talk about the Deputy Headmaster all you want. But I do think you've had more than enough of this. Cheap date you are--that appeals to the thrifty retiree in me.'

She turned to Sunny. 'And Miss Daylee, you can talk about Mr. Lupin and his bum all you like. But first... I have a toast for you ladies.'

Professor McGonagall lifted her glass, but before she spoke, they could see she'd blushed. Sunny and Medeni leaned forward as Minerva spoke in a quiet yet steady voice:

'Here's to you, here's to me;
Hope we never disagree.
But if we do, **** you!
Here's to me.'

Minerva tipped back her wine glass, drained its contents, and sat back. She looked very pleased with herself.


April 13th, 5:56 pm


Sunny threw her head back and laughed when the woman had finished her toast. Not just a few heads turned to stare. Then, remembering where she was, she turned down the volume and managed through her chuckling, Sounds like a very Californian attitude. Reminds me of something my friend used to say. "Life's a joke and then you croak, so give me all your money."

The two women at the table watched the smile disolve from her face as she finished her recitation. She raised her glass half-heartedly and muttered, Cheers, before downing the entire glass. She looked up at the inebriated Medeni and realized that depressed was not how she wanted to feel when drunk.

Alrighty, let's think. Subject of conversation...subject of conversation...OH! I have to tell you this, the funniest thing. It was about this friend of mine in college, a guy. He was so skinny, when I hugged him, I felt like I was hugging air. No...a stick. He was incredibly bony. I got bruises from just saying hello!

Remus, on the other hand, is...lean is the best way to discribe. Not bony at all, perfect for hugging and kissing and cuddling and...well...whatever. Okay, sorry. That wasn't really funny at all. Now I'm just rambling. Somebody stop me!


April 14th, 11:44 am


'All right. I'll step in here, seeing as how I am the senior-most Witch in the group. I do believe...' She glanced over at the big clock in the pub's corner. 'As I sup... sup... suspected, it's gotten rather late. I propose that we walk Miss Daylee back up to her room, and then you and I, Jones, return to the cattle. Castle.' She pushed back her chair, stood, and smoothed the front of her robes. Then she tossed a galleon on the table. 'For the... erm, excellent service and the wine. My treat, ladies.'

Sunny and Medeni stood to join her, Medeni weaving only slightly, and Sunny still looking a little blue. Professor McGonagall patted her on the shoulder.

'Come, Sunny, we'll walk you to your broom. Room.' Minerva and Medeni reached for their broomsticks; the three ladies left the pub area and headed toward the stairs.


April 13th, 9:07 am


Snape peered at the piece of parchment in his hand. Yes, this was definitely the room. He rolled it up and tucked the parchment into into his robe pocket, then smoothed out the front of his clothes.

He brushed the hair back out of his eyes, then raised his hand and knocked on the door.


April 13th, 9:13 am


Else came a foot off the bed, books a scattering. She smoothed down her dress and brushed her hair rapidly before going to the door. She swung it back in a confidant manner - then her legs fair near buckled ....

Sev... um ... Professor Snape. Um ... nice to see you again. C..c..c...come in. I wasn't really expecting to s..s..see you this soon. The place is a mess ....

Else was fully aware she was gabbling, but he was even more gorgeous than she had remembered him ... she really had to get a grip.


April 13th, 9:42 am


Snape raised one eyebrow and looked Else up and down rather slowly. At long last he moved his gaze from her and took in the details of the room. Then, he brushed past her and made his way to the chair, remembering to check first to ensure he didn't sit on any snakes, as instructed by owl post. He turned to Else.

'Miss Culpepper. What a delight. I'm glad to see you are as neat and orderly as ever.' He looked around at the mess; an expression of disdain crossed his face. 'So. Tell me. Which tea is it that has unexpected side effects--the groundsel or the bergamot? I would expect you to not confuse the two, unless you've forgotten everything I taught you while you were a student.'

He looked at her, his face a challenge.

Else felt her knees give just a bit and her heart skip a beat. Was he teasing, or was he being unmercifully... Snape?


April 13th, 9:58 am


Else raised her eyebrow in return. She could feel the colour coming to her cheeks but made a concerted effort to keep control of herself. That guy could outblink a goldfish!

She watched his fluid movements as he brushed past, almost majestic. Else had to stop her mind running away with itself. She drew herself up to her full 5ft 2ins and hissed:

MS Culpepper, NOT Miss! Either call me Else, Elsie or MS. Culpepper! Else would be best but, please not MISS!

As for the mess - well, I have just moved in, so you can get that sour look of your face ... it's not becoming of a grown man to sulk. As for confusing potions ... I have had my mind on a lot of things recently - not all of them beneficial to my health, it would seem.

Else wondered if she had overstepped the mark here, but carried on regardless, gabbling in her usual flustered fashion.

Any case. You did not come round here to discuss my decor or tidiness. I've managed quite well on my own all these years. I haven't lost anything yet...... um ..... er .... Can I get you anything to drink? Maybe we can discuss things in a professional matter over a glass of something - your choice of course. I wouldn't want you to think that I was trying to poison you.


April 13th, 10:06 am


Snape's eyes glittered like black diamonds; a sour smile crossed his lips. He sat back, arms folded, and cleared his throat.

'Miss Culpepper. You think me old-fashioned? I tell you, dear girl, I'm nothing of the kind.' He grinned, and something reminiscent of a sparkle glimmered in his eyes. 'Now, why don't you tell me all about your little experiments with tea. I'm sure I can tell you where you went wrong... or, perhaps, where you went right.'

He stood, staring into Else's eyes. Then he gestured toward the table where her tea-brewing supplies sat at the ready. 'Well, Miss Culpepper? Are you going to walk me through the process so that it might be analysed, or do I have to do everything myself?'


April 13th, 10:20 am


Else's knees were knocking together under her long skirt. He still had that ability to make her feel like a pupil under scrutiny. She walked to the table, kicking her 'sensible' boots under the bed on route.

Right, starting with the groundsel. Roots and leaves used in this. The roots have to be dried slowly then powdered up. The leaves have to be fresh. 3 parts root to 1 part leaves. You following this? Make a decoction out of these items and then use this charm on the resulting liquid. Else dived down the front of her bodice and took out a piece of parchment with the charm scrawled on it, passed it to a rather surprised Snape, and continued on. These dresses weren't made with pockets - you had to stick you recipes somewhere. If it shocked him, tough!

And here you have it. A rather excellent potion that relaxes, cleanses and clears the mind and spirit. But, it makes you speak your mind. For you and me ... no problem there... for lesser mortals - can compromise some folks.

Right, onto the Bergamot. Basically the same method of preparation, but with 1 part root to 5 parts leaves. The charm is the same. This was meant to be an anti-wrinke potion. It works a treat but ... er... it kind of acts a bit like a love potion ... er lust I think would be a better word for it! It can be counterracted by a tincture of bromide salts, but they tend to give you gas....
Else trailed off a bit at the last comment.

I await you instruction, Professor. And it is MS!


April 13th, 10:33 am


Snape turned to her, eyes still glittering. 'Oh yes, I'm following quite readily; I may have taken a break from teaching at Hogwarts but didn't become suddenly stupid in the interim.' He reached for the parchment; their fingers touched briefly. An electric shock passed between them.

Snape scanned the spell on the parchment, then raised one eyebrow. He looked piercingly at Else.

'Miss Culpepper, the charm should be Umor Temperatio, not Umor Temetum. You have cast a spell on your liquid to become an intoxifying liquor, not a blended tea.' He looked at her triumphantly; his nostrils flared slightly. Snape handed the parchment back to her; again, their hands met briefly.

The corner of Snape's mouth curled into a lopsided smile; he brushed his hair out of his eyes one more time.

'I think that explains it. If you have no further need of me, I will see you next when the school reopens... unless there is some other problem that merits discussion?' He moved toward the door.


April 13th, 11:34 am


Else moved forward to intercept him at the door, blocking his exit.

I hope I haven't offended you. You seem in such a hurry to go. You always seem in such a hurry to get somewhere. Slow down for a while, have a cup of groundsel tea. You can even cast the charm on it if you wish. I know how you don't trust other people's efforts.

Else gave a smile and was more than a little surprised to see a half hearted one returned. Probably the set smile of a man resigned to do something he didn't expect, she thought.

Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud. We are on equal peggings now. We are both teaching here, we are both on the same side of the desk and I am sure that we can hold a civilised conversation over a drink. I insist! Anyone would think that I scare you the look you have on your face!

Else had got her normal brash Slytherin confidence back again. She wasn't taking no for an answer. She slipped her arm into his and marched him back into the room, steering him towards the sofa this time. She poured them both a cup of one of her potions / teas and gracefully sat down next to him.

Let's see if your solution to the problem works, dear Severus, let us see! She turned towards him, raised her cup and drank. Snape looked at his, then put it down untouched.

Ah, the impetuous Else! Another soul forever in a rush, it would seem. You could have waited until I spoke the charm before drinking. So, what delight do I have before me? A woman throwing herself at my feet or one that will speak to me her most innermost thoughts? Either way would prove to be a most interesting evening. I think that I will just stick to a small whisky if that is OK by you.

Else could not believe what an idiot she was. She was grateful that she had poured groundsel though. However, Severus was the only person she had never had the guts to speak her mind to ... oh dear me! This could be make or break ...


April 15th, 2:22 am


Snape sat back and watched Else, amused, as the realisation spread over her face that she'd drunk the intoxicating tea. This was going to be good; he could certainly spare a small amount of time to witness this one. He raised an eyebrow and waited, silently.

The moments ticked by; Else fidgeted rather uncomfortably under his gaze. She stared at him for a time, then looked away at anything else in the room.

Severus got up, walked to the counter with the tea-things, and found an unopened bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhiskey. He found an empty glass, broke the seal on the bottle, and poured himself a small amount. Bringing it back to the couch, he sat again by Else's side, sniffing the contents of the glass suspiciously.

'You haven't messed about with the Ogden's, I trust?'

'No... but I should have!' Else blurted out, unable to keep from speaking. 'Severus, I...'

He held a finger up to her lips, shaking his head. A rather cruel smile crossed his face; he took a slow sip of Ogden's. 'I have found, Miss Culpepper, that words spoken without a great deal of thought often come back to haunt the speaker. Consider carefully before you say anything. We wouldn't want to have any... misunderstandings. Especially since we are, as you say, on more equal footing now.' Slowly, he moved his finger away from her lips.

Else let out a deep breath and watched him finish the whiskey ever so slowly. Then, he reached into the pocket of his robes and pulled out a very small clear phial. He rolled it back and forth between his fingertips. She was about to speak, but he answered her question before she even had a chance.

'Veritaserum, Miss Culpepper. I never travel without it.' He looked at it, smiled in an evil sort of manner, and put it back into his pocket. Then he watched Else expectantly.

She was squirming in her chair rather uncomfortably; the hand that held the teacup started to rattle just a touch.

Snape let out a small snort, then stood. He crossed to the table and put down his glass. Then, for the second time, he made his way toward the door.


April 15th, 4:34 am


Veritaserum - the sodium pentathol of the magical world! You won't require that on me, my dear Severus! I fear I have already dug myself into a hole big enough to hide Hogwarts! Else was sweating pints of sheer frustration. She could hear her own thought's forming words, and was totally powerless to do anything. This was NOT good. It was almost like watching a play being acted out infront of her. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves but instead of exhaling in a nice, controlled manner ... out came another load. This time in a barely audible hiss.

You really have no idea. NO idea! Else decided to try to hold her breath, clapping her hand over her mouth. Snape seemed to be enjoying her discomfort. He snorted again.

Take a breath, silly girl. You are turning purple. And, pray tell, what have I no idea about? He stopped short of the door, turning back to face Else who now had gratefully refilled her lungs and returned to a more human colour. However, the look of sheer dread on her face only said one thing: As far as probing questions went, he had truly hit the mother-load. Oh do stop procrastinating. Not becoming of a Slytherin!

Else decided that it was just too much effort to fight the effects of the potion. So much easier to do a snivelling, grovelling apology should the need arise. And that would be hard enough. She stood up, crossed her arms defiantly and strode over to him. Her eyes were almost flashing and her lips had curled back into what would best be described as a snarl. Her manner and poise, if not her thoughts, were in total control.

She stopped abruptly, standing on tiptoes, she had forgotten how tall he was. It was hard to argue face to face - when you weren't.

Sidddown! I can't talk to your bloody buttons, nice, shiny, black, rather attractive buttons ... You really like buttons, don't you? How long does it actually take you to get ready for lessons in the morning? Else was now totally at the mercy of the groundsel tea ....

Do carry on, Miss Culpepper. Remember my sentiments earlier, about 'words spoken without a great deal of thought often come back to haunt the speaker' .... He raised his finger again, presumably to repeat the earlier gesture. She grabbed the 'stray' hand with her own and held on.

Some words have had the best part of my adult life to be thought and ruminated upon. Some things I am sick of thinking again and again. I wish I had stayed and finished my education at Hogwarts and got you out of my system then and there. . “Bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses,” she mocked him with his own, often chanted, words. Well, you achieved it! With me! You had better brew up some full strength antidote or you are going to have one BIG problem on your hands, Severus. Else really felt that she had overstepped the lines on this one. Hung by one of her own potions. The groundsel effects were starting to ease off a little.

And you would be so more attractive, if that was at all possible, if you paid a little more attention to your hair!


April 15th, 8:47 am


Snape grabbed Else's wrist and twisted it hard, then brought his face to within an inch of hers. His eyes were flashing with something that she couldn't read. But her wrist and arm were definitely in pain. She winced slightly.

'What I do with my hair, Miss Culpepper, or with my buttons, or the amount of time it takes me to get dressed in the morning or ready for lessons is none of your business.' Snape's voice came out in a dangerously low hiss; in the corner of the room, Septimus sat up, suddenly mindful of the strange human making noises there. Snape flashed a quick look at the snake but ignored him. 'I suggest that you have a seat and wait for the effects of your groundsel tea to wear off. I cannot imagine where we would be right now had you decided instead to sip the bergamot.'

Slowly, he drew back from her, let go of her wrist, and smoothed down the front of his robes, letting his fingers linger ever so briefly on the very last button. His breathing was slightly laboured, as if holding his temper was the most difficult task he'd attempted in years.

Else sank back onto the couch, burying her head in her hands. Why had she made that last comment about his hair? It was so unfair... she chanced a glance up at him through her interlaced fingers. He hadn't yet left--what was he waiting for?

He was staring at her most intently, a very strange expression on his face. It was as if he were considering from a huge number of potential courses of action--which, in fact, he was. At long last he took a step toward her, then reached for her hand.

Again, a bolt of electricity seemed to pass between them. And slowly, he leaned forward and gently kissed the top of her hand. Then he straightened up, gave her a bitter little smile, and turned and left. The door to Room 103 closed behind him with a solid thunk.


April 15th, 12:43 pm


As Sunny walked down the hall toward room 103, she saw a tall, darkly dressed and demeanoured man striding in the opposite direction. His expression certainly was confusing to her as he seemed to glower, yet something like a smirk dressed his face like a pretty little menacing bow. She nodded to him as they closed in on one another. He studied her muggle attire with distain and smirked even more distastefully.

They passed each other with not one word between them and Sunny looked back, wanting very much to slap him, yet not completely knowing why.
I wonder what his problem is, she thought, looking down at her jeans and top. Stupid jerk, now I feel lousy. Good thing I have chocolate.

Finally, she reached the door to room 103 and knocked. She heard a clattering inside as if somebody was scrambling for the door. A second later she was face to face with a very disappointed and embarassed looking Else.

Chocolate? Sunny asked, holding out a bar of Ghiradelli.


April 15th, 9:10 pm


Else gave a world-weary sigh and nodded. Chocolate was the best offer she had got all day ... more was the pity. She tried a friendly smile at Sunny, but only achieved a glowering smirk. Sunny frowned slightly at this.

I've just seen the same expression on a chap in the hallway. Looked like he had difficulty with smiling, too. What a misery!

Come in and sit down. And don't be flattered - he is like that with everyone! I thought the years might have mellowed him a bit. Pah! I swear that he walks under a constant cloud of gloom. That was the inimitable Professor Snape. I would do absolutely anything to put a smile on his face ...

Ah. Want to talk?

Not really, but the groundsel potion had other ideas, I fear. Probably why he left here without a smile. Oh heck! I am going to have a whiskey. That seems much safer than my potions. Just help yourself to whatever you want. Mi casa, su casa ... so they say somewhere or other.

They filled their glasses with their choices of drink and sat down eating chocolate. Sunny turned to Else and gave her her best 'well, I'm listening ...' face. Else told it how it happenned, bit by bit, blow by blow finishing up with ... then he kissed me! I doubt if I shall ever wash that hand again. This lightened the mood a bit and they both chuckled. Good drink, good chocolate, good company ... good grief! How was she going to rectify this situation?

It was as if Sunny had heard her very thoughts.

Send him and owl. Do it now while things are still on your mind. I guess he knows how you feel about him so what have you got to lose?

Oh well, Sunny. She gathered the quill, parchment and ink on the table before the both of them Here comes that snivelling, grovelling apology I hoped I would never have to give.

Dear Severus,

I fear that I owe you a huge apology for my unforgivable behaviour. However I will not go back on anything that was said. It has been a burden I have carried around with me for all the years I have been absent. Sometimes this burden has been a happy one, most times, totally unbearable. Now I have shared it with you I would have thought that I would feel the burden lift. I can assure you that I do not. Quite the opposite. I now feel that I have mortally insulted the one person on this earth I could ever feel anything for.

I would understand if you chose not to associate with me forthwith. However, come the school reopening, we must at least reach a truce as we will be working quite closely together.

Yours, most apologetically and filled with the deepest remorse,

Ms Miss Else Culpepper

Well that's it. When Turbo gets back from his posting rounds I shall send him on with this. So what do you reckon? Adequate? Sunny nodded and proffered another piece of chocolate, which Else gratefully accepted. Nothing to do now but sit and wait, she guessed. She turned to Sunny, What are your plans now? Fancy a trip down to the new shop? I need to check out some magical stones.


April 16th, 4:25 am


Before Sunny had a chance to answer, a barn owl swooped into the room and landed on Else's shoulder with a parchment. She unrolled it, gave the owl a small treat, and off it flew.

She read, then reread, then read the parchment a third time. And then she turned to Sunny and grinned.


My dear Miss Culpepper,

I see no reason for you to apologise to me. Let me just say that I am simply unused to being... flattered, is that a word with which we can both be comfortable?

When school resumes, I trust that we will be able to put our heads together and work on some of your brewing skills. Against my better judgment, I find myself looking forward to the interaction, if only for a good laugh. We shall see.


Else's grin widened.


April 16th, 5:11 am


Sunny looked at the woman in amusement. Alright, are we going to sit here obsessing over men all day or go to that jewelry shop? I hear there are some stones with very interesting effect on people.


April 16th, 5:33 am


Else tucked the scroll deep into the front of her bodice, much to Sunny's amusement. She pulled her long cloak over her shoulders and headed for the fireplace. She threw Sunny a spare garment.

Stick this on, save your clothes a bit from the soot. They look mighty uncomfortable those muggle ... er ... threads, but I would hate for you to ruin them. Floo powder is by the cauldron.

Else went first, throwing the powder into the grate and shouting 'Diagon Alley'. Green flames spat high and carried her on her way. Sunny followed.

Presently they were spat out at their destination. Brushing themselves down, they emerged into the street.

There it is. The Treasures of Khemet. Yes?

Else and Sunny walked over to the shop. It looked as if it was now open. Excellent.


April 16th, 6:04 am


Sunny and Else entered the shop. It certainly was a sight to behold. Soon, Mrs Hampton came up and introduced herself. She seemed genuinely pleased when she realised that it was, in fact, Else she was talking to. Else turned to introduce Sunny, but she was off looking around the wonderful displays in total awe.

The two women conversed awhile on small talk and how dreadfully inconvenient it was moving and setting up home, packing, unpacking. Eventually the conversation came to the order. Else thought for a bit:

The coral, the iolite, the fire opals and two of the black fire opals do not need to be large - about the size of a pea. I would like to have them set in some kind of necklace if that could be done. The third black fire opal I would like set into a ring - a man's ring. Er... size ... about the size of my thumb, I guess. Oh yes, the Watermelon Tourmaline. Let's have a look at those. That particular purchase, like the ring, isn't actually for me. It's for a colleague who ... er ... how can I put it kindly ... um ... Needs a little encouragement in the 'laughing department'. The ladies looked at each other and grinned. So, if you could manage that order, I would be grateful. I fear that my ... um ... love life or severe lack of it, needs a little prod in the right direction. Mrs Hampton busied herself and Else roamed the shop taking in all the wondrous sights. She had brought a sizeable sum of money with her today and was itching to part with some of it.


April 17th, 5:11 am


Else was enjoying wandering round the shop but she really had to get back. There were a couple of owls she needed to send. As she walked over to Mrs Hampton, a small stone caught her attention. She bent to read its description - Azurite. She found herself drawn to it.

That would make a nice little 'thank-you' gift for Sunny. She picked it up and handed it to Mrs Hampton. I've decided to have the large Watermelon Tourmaline. I will take that, and this Azurite, back with me now. The other stones ... if I could leave them with you to have set into the necklace and ring that would be wonderful. No rush, no rush at all. She dove into the pockets of her long cloak and presently came out with a sturdy looking purse. She counted out 10 Galleons. Please let me know immediately if it comes to more than this.

The ladies chatted for a little while until Sunny had finished looking around. Else and Sunny then left to return to Hogwarts via the Hampton's fireplace.


April 17th, 6:05 am


Else opened the door and went back into the room. She spied Severus' empty glass and cringed at the memory of the 'incident' earlier. She picked up the glass, filled it herself and drank. Time to write another owl. She fingered the Watermelon Tourmaline thoughtfully as she wrote:

Dear Severus,

I have been to Diagon Alley today. As normal, you were on my mind and I took the liberty of purchasing something. I will not send it by owl but would appreciate you calling in on me if you have a moment. I am not entirely sure how you will react to it, hence passing it to you in person. The choice is then up to you: either accept or decline. I will not be offended if you choose the latter option.

I thank you for your owl, incidentally. A most eloquent way of putting a rather 'embarrasing' situation behind us. I, too, look forward to working alongside you. However, I think you realise that goes without saying ...

Else M Culpepper

At least that would give him the opportunity to control the situation. He did seem a bit of a control freak. Always had actually, if she was really honest with herself.