The Memoirs of Sunny Daylee

Sorry about this! I'm sure nobody's even looking at this site anymore, as it's been so inactive. For my avid journal readers, I've moved that to LiveJournal, and you can reach it here!

I've been immersed in the wonderful world of role playing for the past...forever. The last site I was at, Hogwarts Community, became over-run by horrible players and the webmistress neglected the site horribly, so a good friend of mine decided to make a new site, where we all enjoy each other's good writing. It's a select role playing site for only avid fans and good writers and I'm enjoying it more than I can say. Visit Sunny Daylee in her office. She'll have all the links you'll need.

I have two new pages up, just strictly drawings. People and Eye Munchies are the two places. Check them out. And speaking of art, I have a new hobby called Your Daylee Wand. Enjoy.

A brief list of things you might find on my page

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