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................................................................................................ Photo by Holly Northrop:"Polaroid:#257"

The Poetry Of...
Sharmagne Leland-St. John

There Were Dry Red Days

There were dry red days.
Devoid of clouds.
Devoid of breeze.
Sound bruised
My burning bones..
Dirt cracked my hands
And caked my cheeks
No buds on limbs of trees
No birds on branches
No hope of rain
Scrawny chickens
Kicked up dust
Scratching for food
That wasn't there.
In the stifling, stillness
Of the scorched night
We dreamt
Of cool oases
Tropical isles
Emerald bays
Not these dry red days.

Early Morning Haiku

.......... 1.
in the silver dawn
rivers of chrysanthemums
flow past my window

enter the sweat lodge
aho mitakuye oysin
sweet medicine sage

.......... 3.
in the still harbour
the quiet seagull dances
melancholy dreams

.......... 4.
drowsy we cuddled
crickets chirp down in the yard
summer symphony

.......... 5.
with my finger I
trace your delicate pattern
lace wing butterfly

.......... 6.
consumed with bouquet
like a summer evening
she blossoms secretly

.......... 7.
beyond the dark wood
the moon reveals still water
bright like a mirror

.......... 8.
hog and hen
bask in barnyard sunshine
bacon and eggs?

.......... 9.
dawn breakers, birdsong
better than alarms ringing
five more minutes please!

.......... 10.
woods shrouded in fog
silver mists hide the brilliance
of sapphire skies

.......... 11.
like glass lace
about the wind on a
blue morning

The House of Blue Leaves

on a painted
wooden bridge
over the
jade waters
of the sunlit
golden koi pond,

in the garden
of the House of Blue Leaves
we sipped green tea.

as white petals fell
like snowflakes
red lips close to my ear
"I Love You"
but I already knew
by the smile
in those brown eyes
beneath thick
black lashes.

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