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The Poetry Of..
Joan McNerney...............................................


Would you like to unwind
an afternoon at the lake?
Solar sparks spilling over us
in showers of golden sizzle.
Put on short shorts, skimpy tops,
stick our toes into oozy mud.
Breezes will shake treetops
while we listen to birdsongs.
Why not float on new grass
facing an Alice blue sky?
Read celestial comic strips
from mounds of clouds.
We can count sunbeams,
chase yellow butterflies.
Devour bowls of cherries
painting our lips crimson.
This noontime is perfumed
with illions of wild flowers.
Let's go away all day...be
embraced by the goddess.


As if you could come so swiftly
unnoticed like butterflies tapping
wild flowers with soft yellow wings.
Appearing before me quietly
while morning mist curls through
coolness of mint-green spring.
You walking over roads through
fields where tree shadows make
heavy slants against the sun.
As alive as day...saying my name...
filling me up with the taste of you...
kissing my mouth awake again.
By touch and whisper how we would
imitate long leaves weaving, undulating
and finally surrendering to silence.

Birthday Present

I wanted to bring back the
best gift from the country
for you, just for you.
I wanted to.

Some sky would be nice,
lots of lovely sky with
light fleecy clouds.

So I rushed through
stores and bought the
biggest shiny box and
looked for a perfect bow.

All shades of blue, violet
with red and yellow.
An entire spectrum of
colored ribbons for the
box to put this sky into.

Then on the bus my bow
fell apart. Somebody
stepped on the box. It's
all crushed and dirty.

By the time we got to
the city it was late. Did
my sky blow away?
The box is empty now.

I wanted to bring back the
best gift from the country
for you, just for you.
I wanted to.

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