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The Poetry Of...
Francis Masat..........................................

Dust Motes

A new face - with one suitcase -
waits in a noisy lounge,
hearing the same old stories
told by family and friends.
Evening shadows grow
as daytime memories fade.
Floating white dust motes
move through the rays of sunset,
past an unmarked door -
a blank where a name once was.

Within My Heart

With our love we've joined
our lives together -
Lifelong companions now.

As we share our warm
and gentle moments,
so shall we share
our joy and passion.

Tears will come and pass
as we live and love,
but I know we will abide.

The dreams and memories we make,
we shall hold dear forever.

But, when time has swept
all else away,
I will still be holding you -
within my heart.

Key West Cantos.*

sun diver
.... weave the light
........ read the signs of our dawns

sea maker
.... sooth the waves
........ count the births of our sunsets

coral bather
.... sing to our island
........ embrace the music of our age

sand dancer
.... speak to our beaches
........ grind the coming of loss

wind rider
.... test the storms
........ sweep away the folly of youth

sky crafter
.... carry our voices
........ sear within us the colors of love

time mover
.... show our art
........ harvest the death of the past

palm sailor
.... paint the flowers
........ write the scents of our future

*This poem first appeared in the Winter Issue of Words-Myth

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