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................................................................................................ Photo by Holly Northrop:"Polaroid:#257"

The Poetry Of...
Francis Masat.....................................................................

The Winds Inside

The wind spirits gust hard,
shaking my heart, my being:
fear rides strong in the air.

Mona Lao, Liuani, ...
they are all here in the wind,
around me, blowing past.

Macduff, Macbeth, ...
they are all in the wind too,
blowing through me now.

My inner winds churn acid,
growing in their strength,
though I vow I will not hear.

Through the inner storm,
my mind whirls with images
spinning in black eddies

of the past, yet I resist
until I've won again,
stilling the winds inside.

Two Shadows

..- December; Honolulu, HI

Two shadows
on the pavement:
same shape,
same size.

One ahead
by a step,
though In life
one is
years ahead
of the other:
not today.

Time tries
to steal
the moment
but fails.

mother and daughter
a marathon

Taste of Kansas

a golden-white sun stings
hard hot constant wind
gray trees prairie twisted
wiry thin, pressed low
against clay-sand earth

a two-tracked lane winds
through old dead yellow
prairie grass swaying dry
up dead-end gravel washes
dust-devils lift and die

a stop for thirst, lunch
in tractor tire shade
hat and boots tossed
smelling oil and dirt
tasting blowing dust

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