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The Poetry Of..
Paul Lutton.........................................................

Just Excuses

They got all kinds of reasons why it's ok
To shoot deer
Or torture terrorists
But I think
If you're a killer, you're a killer
If you're a sadist, you're a sadist
And the deer and terrorist designations
Are just an excuse
There is only one question
Who am I?


I would not turn over my independence to some government agency
So they came for me in the night and took me away to business school
Where I learned to steal gladly from those that have not
All in the name of progress, commerce, capitalism and America!
I learned to sneer at those that questioned the system
And called them naive
Liberals (gasp)
I hung out with Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh
And we bemoaned the state of the state
Complained of whiney little communists
Who would not work their fingers to the bone for Haliburton
And all those who know what is best for us
So now I lay my independence on the altar of all that is holy and sacred in America
Where the 99% eagerly do the bidding of the 1%
And anticipate the day when I too will be called before congress to justify
my record profits in light of the rest of the country going to hell

My Cat Tries To Teach Me Zen

My cat tries to teach me zen but I resist
I must do something, be someone, go somewhere
My cat smiles and licks his paws
T.S. Eliot ate a peach
And so became the Allman brothers inspiration
Do I dare to eat a peach?
Would I become Profrockish?
Or would I become a rambling man?
My cat smiles and licks his paws
Douglas MacArthur returned again
And so became a legend and a hero
He had his own cat
That cared not whether he returned
And he smiled and licked his paws
Throughout the cold war that followed
Stay in school! Stay in school!
Get a job and work real hard
So you can pay for your children's school
My cat just smiles and goes to sleep

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