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The Poetry Of...
Glen Batchelor........................................................

Two Deaths

You're going now,
And I'll be alone.
And you leave me,
Your breath ragged,
And your skin

The ever-present, crumbles;
It tumbles, it falls.
There is no more Now.
I see only dark
No matter, no care you,
You are gone.

But selfish am I,
As, while watching you die,
There was someone else
In that bed.
I saw me,
Dad, it's me,
Who is dead.


Winter has come
For Granny White
Earth brown Hair,
Once curled tight as fists
Now as snow
White in shallow drifts.

The fire dies.
But the soul still sings,
And stirs within,
The cooling hearth

So from the ashes
She will come
To take again
What she has loved.

Join the soil, worm
And leaf.
The body dead cannot retrieve
But soul alive and
Will always be
The one true thing that
Belongs to She.


I flicked through
Leaves of dry paper.
Dead, it said.

My first love.
First sex;
First heartache; first hate.
You are gone now;
Too late to say sorry.
Sorry for loving you
So much I hated

Love you forever
You said.
You too, I said.
You're dead.

Come back.
I need to say
Goodbye, Thank you,
and God bless

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