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The Poetry Of.
Dwight Bitikofer......................................

Watching For An Echo

Letters tapped in stealth of night
late hush
letters forming words
strung, deleted, cut and pasted
into sentences
or into the art form of a poem

sent across the silent cyber canyons
staring at the icons
on the screen
waiting for the blink
of an echo

a reassurance
I am not alone
my universe not limited
by pastel walls
and gold braid curtains

I Thought I Am

I like to think
I am
a great poet
among the undiscovereds

accolades at readings
but no invitations
to perform
to publish
to send my voice out
on the waves of public radio

And no invitations to teach
read in high places

where I dwell on a phrase
not quite perfectly turned
a misty morning metaphor
an offsides simile like a team of words
spirited, but ragged at the edges
the rhyme a rickshaw ride
through Siam
I am
mucking a muddle
an alliteration puddle
of purpled prose in primrose

Great poet that I thought
I am

Ice Melted in Memory

Tingle of blue fingers sliding
red on numbness
hot breath air
and needles poke
skin from inside out

too close the fire
and roasting warmth
turns stinging pain

memory skating now on ice
thickened by the passing years
the numbing cold
a vapid air
of recall
not here but there

and there was the morning
my father crashed through
the ice on the pond
I see him flailing still
pieces of blue ice
splashes of brown water
caught in morning sun

mine, not his, I think
then driving the old Chevy pickup
home from Uncle Allen's pasture
driving with skates still on his feet

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