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................................................................................................ Photo by Holly Northrop:"Polaroid:#257"

The Poetry Of...
Corey Mesler.....................................................................

The Ocean's Account

... "No matter: we swim in an oceanful of
.....story, but a tumblerful slakes our thirst."
.............................................John Barth

The ocean came to me
with cap in hand.
It wanted nothing more than
to be the repository
of every verb.
I took its heavy hand and lead
it onto the plains.
Here, I said, everything can
be spoken of.
The ocean looked grave. It's
all moving,
it said. As if alive with its own
death. Every story tells me this,
memento mori.

Sharilyn in San Francisco

Sharilyn in San Francisco
took my heart in her speckled fist
and squeezed it till it rang
with the final prayer. I looked at
her face so hard it burned onto
my screen. Later and later and later
I wrote endless words to her.
She broke them one, two, three.
Sharilyn in San Francisco
became then a bookend made of bone,
a stanch and lively head stone.

Our Life with the Mirror

When the mirror spoke
we tended to listen
as we thought it reflected badly
on us if we did not.
Sometimes the mirror told us
things we already knew.
Sometimes it lied
and in its lies were the seeds of
unrest we first felt
on tender mornings when our
hearts ached with too much
weight. And the scale
whispered its own admonitions,
about what we felt
about each other, about how we
go on, knowing only lies
and self-centeredness.
The last time the mirror spoke
we stood up as one.
We were ready to forget the mirror,
its questionable intentions,
its painted face, a distorted star.

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