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AR's STORY "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11)


I was an unmarried father with a son and step-daughter. I had no intentions of getting married. I had a small construction business and was doing okay. I started gambling and staying away from home for days at a time. I started to sell drugs to support my gambling habit.

The money was fast and easy from the drugs. I also liked the lifestyle that came with the drug game. I then started using the same drugs that I was selling. As a result of my gambling, selling, and using drugs, I lost my business and my family. So I went into the drug business full time until I sold some drugs to the wrong person one day.

My life changed that day. It changed for the better, but I didn't know it at that time. That sale got me ten years in the Maryland Department of Correction. That day the Lord set me on the path to salvation. Sitting in my cell all alone, I cried out to the Lord and He heard my cry. I was not arrested ~ I was rescued by the Lord! The Spirit of the Lord has cleaned me up and changed my way of thinking. The Lord is delivering me by the renewing of my mind (Psalm 119:11).

That work began in the Maryland Department of Correction. For me the Maryland Department of Correction became the Maryland Institution of Spiritual Learning! Hallelujah!

As a result of my incarceration, I yielded to the workings of the Holy Spirit. I have become an ordained minister under Bishop J. W. Smith in the Full Gospel Ministry of Atlanta, Georgia. I'm also a mission worker for the same ministry.

(Signed) A fellow servant of God ~ A.R. Jr.