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JN's STORY "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." (Psalm 51:17)


I lived a long time, most of my adult life, running away from God - running from the fact that I belong to Him and am chosen by Him. It took very extreme measures to bring me to Him. I had to be completely broken - shattered. I had to lose everything and everybody. I had to be brought to a state, a condition, in which I had no one to call on, nowhere to turn but to Him for help. I called and He answered me and He loved me and He blessed me. He gave me life!

Upon my release, I intend to establish a community outreach. My love is for the prison ministry and for the homeless. Both of these conditions have been a part of my existance.

Unfortunately, I am divorced. There are consequences for the way I chose to live, but I thank and praise God for His forgiveness. I have been operating a prison-to-prison ministry, sharing what I like to call "spiritual food."

The Lord has brought me out from so much and He has blessed me with so much. After prioritizing my life, He restored to me the music that I love so much. He blesses my hands and teaches my hands to play music for Him.

I love the Lord our God with all my heart, mind, body, and soul. It is an understatement to say that I am on fire for the Lord. His anointing is so much, so overwhelming, I can barely contain it all. In this love I cannot help but to tell all about the love of God, the blessing of living in a relationship with Him, the awesome priviledge of living able to stand still and behold the glory of the Lord. Hallelujah!

This place, although very dark by nature is full of light. There are so many here who have come to know the Lord personally, who are filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit and therefore know what it is to be free. Over 1/3 of the population attends some form of worship service. My Nondenominational group has three services on Sunday because our group is the largest. We have Bible study on Tuesdays and everyday in our respective housing units whether it be in the recreation room, on the tier, or in the cell one on one. I am blessed to have a cell buddy who is also saved.

I am going to close now. Know that I pray for you daily, as well as the others, that God keeps you in His loving hands. Be blessed, my friend, as you continue to be a blessing to others.