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TO THOSE IN PRISON "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness." (Romans 6:18)



It makes me so happy when God uses me in His work. Daily I ask Him to use me to tell more people about His salvation plan.

A long time back, I realized that it doesn't matter one bit if people think the end of the world (as we know it) is coming, even though it is. That's not the reason to be saved, although fear of suffering a sinner's fate at the end of the world has been the catalyst for converting many. But I realized that we only have our own lifetime to live, however long or short that may be. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow. We're not even guaranteed our next breath. We only possess the breath we have in us at this moment. For that reason, regardless of when the end of the world might be, I knew that people were dying daily who did not know God and who would not have the reward of living with Him forever. Then it became my desire to tell whoever I could about the love and forgiveness of God.

Now, I hope that you will copy and recopy those pamphlets so they can do their work. Send them home to your families. Scripture says that the Word of God does not go out void, or empty, or without results. He told me to open the concordance and then to type. Now He will use that information to bring people to Him. It's a mission field and He let me be part of it! Wahoo!

Do you love the Lord? Evangelist Tony Evans once said that, the more you love someone, the more you want to talk about it! Well, that seals it. I'm hopelessly in love with the Lord Jesus Christ!

It wouldn't be unusual to love someone who's saved your life. You know very well how happy a prisoner would be if the Director of the Institute came and told that prisoner, "This person has volunteered to serve out the rest of your sentence. You're free to go." You also know that not all prisons have locks and bars. Some of you served in a prison of bondage for many years before you came to the place where you are now. Many of you know what it's like to keep trying to find something to get rid of memories and the tortures of your past. I may be a sweet, gray-haired great-grandmother, but I know about those things, too.

God is in the construction business. Daily He takes people who have messed up their lives real good and He makes them new. But God's a gentleman. He won't come into your life unless you invite Him. Isaiah 40:8,9 tell us, "This is what the Lord says: ‘In the time of my favor I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you; I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people, to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances, to say to the captives, "Come out," and to those in darkness, "Be free!'"

Put yourself in those verses. If you allow Him to save you (believe that Jesus already paid for your sins, confess those sins and turn away from them), He will help you. He'll keep you safe and your salvation will be seen by other people as an example of God's restoration. Your life will be a testament, speaking to others and telling them how to come out of their own prisons.

Ask someone who's been saved. God will restore your self-respect, your virginity, and your hope. He'll make you a new creation. He'll open up your prison doors. He'll make a way where there seems to be no way. He'll love you and fill you with love for others. He'll change the way you look, think, act, and feel. Others will see what you've got and want it for themselves. You'll be foolish for Him. You'll be in love!

God Bless All, Barbara