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How Sad..
How sad it is that once again America is taking it's people to war
yet the people that want the war don't lead their soldiers into battle.
How sad it is that all the many soldiers who have already died
have died in vain for they died in the name of peace.
How sad it is that America does not lead by example
tho would rather lead out of insecurity and greed.
How sad it is that peace is only a thought away
yet very few think it.
How sad that our leaders cannot resolve
their disputes as wise and mature leaders.
How sad it is we do not respect our fellow man yet
alone our children by showing them the way,
instead we allow history to keep repeating itself.
How sad it is that we abominate terror
yet it happens every day in what is said.
How sad it is that we put financial and material wealth
before that of emotional and mental health.
How sad it is that we a world of peaceful people
don't stand up peacefully
and say enough is enough.
How sad it is that I felt the need to write this at all...

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