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The Mundi Club

Welcome to the mundi club's website. The mc is an independent, non-profit making, research group which uses geophysiology, the science of the Earth, to construct a geocentric philosophy and politics. In other words, the mc puts the Earth first - scientifically!
The mc is the first to provide a scientific definition of sustainability. This definition is quantifiable, scientifically modelable, measures both ooman and environmental phenomena, AND incorporates the Earth's Photosynthetic capacity which, for the last two aeons, has been the basis of the Earth's climate stabilization system, and thus the key component of the Earth's life support system. Other formulations are not quantifiable, comprehensive, and don't even include a reference to the Earth's Photosynthetic capacity. LATEST PUBLICATIONS
Subsidies to UK Pharmers - Second Edition

Who's Who in the Green Movement.

Forests and Global Burning.

The Bse, Bse-Cjd, and Foot and Mouth Epidemics.

The War in Afghanistan

The Failures of the Focus on Reducing Carbon Emissions

The Ideology of Fox Hunting.

The Essence of the History of the Earth. The Beginning and End of the Earth's Life.'

Live-stock and the Laughingstock

Corruption in the Brutish Establishment

Politics in the Brutish Pharmyard

Subsidies to UK Pharmers

Car Matrix


Pharmers, the Fuel Tax Insurrection and the Autumn 2000 Floods

The mc is also the first to provide a vision of a sustainable planet. It uses its definition of sustainability to formulate the structure of a sustainable planet.

This website presents the science, politics, and philosophy, of the Earth.
It outlines how the Earth's life sustaining processes work.

The Earth's life support system (otherwise known as the Earth's life sustaining processes) consists of a vast myriad of interacting, interconnected, interlocking phenomena. However, virtually all of these factors have been created or are dependent, in one way or another, on Photosynthesis. The Earth's Photosynthetic capacity is the basis of the Earth's climate stabilization system and, therefore, the key component of the Earth's life support system.

The mc is opposed to the so-called green movement because it believes the dominant force on Earth is not Photosynthesis but the water cycle and that the Earth is therefore a blue planet. So-called greens also believe it is possible to combat global burning only through technological means i.e. reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and thus dismiss geophysiological solutions such as Reforestation which not merely combats global burning but also provides habitats for Wildlife. In other words, greens are really the greenless greens i.e. people who should more accurately regard themselves as blues. The mc believes the green party is no different from conventional political parties. The mc promotes the Earth party because it puts the Earth first!

The mc provides the Earth's perspective on the activities of oomancruels and Animalkind.

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What’s the Minimum I could do that would make the Maximum Contribution to Protecting the Environment?

There are many people who aren’t in the slightest bit interested in environmental issues but who would be willing to do just one thing if, for a minimum amount of effort and inconvenience, they could make a substantial and critical contribution to protecting the Earth's life sustaining processes.
If you want to know what this is then click here

The mc publishes seven green magazines. To see the list of mags published and the main topics covered in each mag go to List of Publications. To find a particular topic then use our special open plan search engine,Index of Website, where you're bound to find a something of interest.

Dragging 'green' politics into the 21st century.

Mundi Club Introduction
JOURNALS - Terra / Terra Firm / Mappa Mundi / Mundimentalist / Doom Doom Doom & Doom / Special Pubs / Carbonomics
TOPICS - Philosophy & Politics / Who's Who / List of Pubs / Index of Website / FAQs / Latest News / Bse Epidemic / Terminology

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All publications are copyrighted mundi club © You are welcome
to quote from these publications as long as you acknowledge
the source - and we'd be grateful if you sent us a copy.
We welcome additional information, comments, criticisms
Why not contribute to improving this site?

Email us
First posted: October 30th 2000
Last update: December 16th 2001
The mundi club's website address

The Mundi Club

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