Surviving Film

Welcome to Surviving Film. In time this section will grow to host a whole lot of goodies. Like: stills, scenes from Surviving films, and Surviving related films, links to scripts, and lotsa nice New Media toys for you to play with. Right now to get things started we are show-casing a New Media preview of 'The Shelves Tale'. 'The Shelves Tale' was written and directed by Daniel Feldman in 1997 (several years before the birth of Surviving). David Dreimann was amoung other things the DOP of this project. Here he has taken stills from the film, and using the skills and talent which saw him feature during the LOUD festival, rebuilt them into a short exercise in Digital Expressionism.
Currently in post production, the surrealist masterpiece 'The Shelve's Tale' will be soon availible to order. Stay tuned for more informantion, but for now enjoy the show!