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Poetry By Tarra Young

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****************************************************************** Death --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frozen in time A time that won't move forward I can still hear his words ringing in my ears Lost and alone Confused All my hopes and dreams shattered I struggle for words but none will come Suddenly I feel myself being sucked into a Large body of water I'm drowning The tide is pulling me under Faster and faster I try to fight it But it's no use I have no one to save me now My heart is racing I begin to fight it again But than I wonder if I want to If it's even worth it Everything is lost I have nothing left My world had beeen shattered I decide it's not worth the fight I let myself go to the tide I can no longer breathe I feel my life slowly slip away from me As I take my last breath ****************************************************************** Did You Really Love Me --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We use to be so close You were my best friend I could almost read your mind But now you seem so different Unlike the guy I married You pushed me out of your life Like I never meant anything to you You have moved on Like you never really loved me Just when I thought I could fully trust you You walked out on me You shattered my heart Left me to pick up the pieces Then wonder why I don't fully trust you Didn't you know That when you slipped that ring on my finger It was supposed to be forever? Not just a few short months I thought you were special I thought you were different from all the guys I knew But you proved to be no different. ****************************************************************** Now I am Left Alone --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my room I continue to dream Of the life that we had both seen A life of children and pure happiness But now I have to decipher this mess For I am left alone. The days are long and the nights are cold As I remember you so strong and bold You wanted to reach your goal, I didn't interfere So I spent many lonely days with only my tears Because I am left alone. The day finally comes when you reach your prime But you say it's definately not the right time I sat mesmorized by the pain, knowing that you're gone I reached out in the dark, thinking of what went wrong But I am left alone. If there was some way I could change your mind I would take the risk to make you mine But I know that you're gone and there's nothing more I played the game never knowing the score Now I am left alone. ****************************************************************** Now That You're Gone --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you're gone my life will never be the same again. Now that you're gone my life feels incomplete Now that you're gone I feel a big void in my life Now that you're gone I feel unloved Now that you're gone I miss you more than I have missed anybody. Now that you're gone my heart aches for you Now that you're gone all I can do is sit and cry Now that you're gone I will never love another Now that you're gone there is no longer happiness in my life Now that you're gone my hear feels like it has broken in two Now that you're gone I no longer feel whole ****************************************************************** Respect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have never shown me any respect But you have always expected me to respect you Just because you're a guy Doesn't mean I have to bow down to you Respect has to be earned If you expect respect from me You need to show me respect first ****************************************************************** Unanswered Questions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you came into my life It was a dream come true I felt like I was dreaming You fast became my best friend. You were always on my mind I thought that it would never end But I was wrong. How could you hurt me the way that you did? I trusted you with my heart But you crushed my heart like it was nothing How could you just up and leave like what we had meant nothing to you? How could you hurt me the way that you did? Will you ever love me again? I fell in love with you, I fell hard I gave you my heart You said you would love me forever. I believed ever word that you said You were so sweet to me You were perfect I had never felt more loved in my life. How could you hurt me the way that you did? I trusted you with my heart But you crushed my heart like it was nothing How could you just up and leave like what we had meant nothing to you? How could you hurt me the way that you did? Will you ever love me again? You told me we'd be together forever That you couldn't live without me But you seem to be doing just fine. You broke my heart Left me in tears And you don't even care I feel as if you were just using me. How could you hurt me the way that you did? I trusted you with my heart But you crushed my heart like it was nothing How could you just up and leave like what we had meant nothing to you? How could you hurt me the way that you did? Will you ever love me again? The day that you left me You told me we'd remain forever friends Again I was stupid and I trusted you. You toyed with my heart Kept the wounds open You seemed to get a lot of joy out of it all. Now you won't even speak to me You broke my heart all over again My questions remain unanswered. How could you hurt me the way that you did? I trusted you with my heart but you crushed my heart like it was nothing How could you just up and leave like what we had meant nothing to you? How could you hurt me the way that you did? Will you ever love me again? Will you had your fun It's over and done Never again will I trust you with my heart. ****************************************************************** When You Are Near... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- When You are near my heart beats faster When you are near my heart fills with a love I have never felt before When you are near I know you are the only man I want When you are near I'm glad to be alive When you are near I can't live without you When you are near I'm glad it was you that I married When you are near I can't get enough of you When you are near I am the happiest I have ever been in my life When you are near I want you to hold me and never let go When you are near I never want you to leave my sight When you are near my love for you grows stronger When you are near I realize how lucky I am to have you When you are near I never want you to leave me When you are near you cheer me up When you are near I feel more loved than I have ever felt in my life When you are near I realize just how much I love you When you are near I'm glad you are my best friend When you are near I am glad you are my husband When you are near I'm glad you are mine When you are near my heart fills with joy When you are near I fall in love with you all over again ****************************************************************** Where Is He Now? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where is the man I once knew? The man who could make me week in the Knees with just one kiss The man who could take me in his embrace And make me forget all my fears The man who told me he would never leave me The man who promised to love me forever I still reach for him in the middle of the night But he's no longer there The only thing that remains in his place is the teddy bear He bought me on a trip to Reno. ****************************************************************** Who Stood By You? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who stood by you When the going got tough? Who stood by you When you were so all alone? It was me. I was by your side When your mother wasn't speaking to you I was by your side When you had no place to go Who stood by you When the going got tough? Who stood by you When you were so all alone? It was me But as soon as your mother started talking to you again And she said you could come back home You repaid me by dumping me Who stood by you When the going got tough? Who stood by you When you were so all alone? It was me I'm no longer the fool who trusted you with my heart The next time you need me I'll be nowhere to be found I'm stronger now The tears are gone I'm moving on Who stood by you When the going got tough? Who stood by you When you were so all alone? It was me *******************************************************

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