My Favorite Sayings: Click to View List Entries.


My Poetry

Literary Passages

Stories etc.


In Memory of Sarah and Bill

The Muse's Page: A page for the artist in me

Falling Thoughts


Quote of the Year:

Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave?
O'er the land of the free
And the home of the brave!
~Francis Scott Key, The Star-Spangled Banner

Holly Elizabeth Roder
Born January 10, 1980
What am I? Singer, Poet, Dancer, Would-Be Artist, Actress, Friend, Writer, Listener, and the eternal (no longer so hopeless) Hopeless Romantic
Graduate of Elmira College, Elmira, NY, cum laude; BA in English Literature, involved with EC Theater Dept.
Currently a work in progress for my "career," figuring everything out
Hometown: North Rose, NY, near the shores of Lake Ontario and "silver" Sodus Bay... Now reside in Elmira with my wonderful fiance, Andy.

Oubliette: French for a place of forgetting. Also the title of my first fully developed poem in a long time, after finally becoming inspired again, and since that time I have written many more. I wanted a forum on which to share my most precious poetry and other creative works and thoughts, which often come from deep within my heart and own experiences. At least, that's where it begins. From there, who knows where it will go? We'll just have to wait and see. I have also included, after a lot of stumbling and tears, a memorial to two amazing people taken from this world before their time: Sarah Thomas and Bill Sanford. I only hope that it comes slightly close to doing them justice. The latest additions include a page dedicated to the fine arts, as well as a journal of sorts (can't guarantee how regularly I will add to it!). Feel free to explore and sign my guestbook.

This page is long neglected, I know, but I'm trying to find time to post some new material--my overflow of inspiration seems to get stuck at the tip of my pen. Don't give up on me though!

Write me at

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