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Jealousy Has Driven Oliver Mad

As the summer comes to end, Oliver Wood is up the last night before school starts. He sits at a desk with paper out, writing something.

"No, no, no! That's never going to work!" he says throwing the paper.

He looks around his room and sees a picture that Colin took last year of the whole team. He smiles and laughs at Fred and George Weasley.

"Those two!" he says with a smile.

He gets up and finishes packing. As he finishes that, he gets into bed and goes to sleep.

Meanwhile, not too far away is Katie Bell. She packs her stuff and looks at a picture of the team. She smiles at Oliver and sits on her bed.

"It's never go to turn out the way I want it too. He only sees me as a Chaser," she says and gets under her covers. She looks around before turning off her light and making a wish in her head. After that she turns off the light and falls to sleep.

The next morning, Katie gets up and goes downstairs. She makes her mum hurry up. As they are leaving the house Katie smiles at her mum and says," This year is going to be great."

Her mum smiles and says," Why sweetie? I thought you said before that this is Oliver's last year?"

Katie says with a smile," It is mum, but I'm going to have a great year."

Her mum shakes her head and stops in front of the train station. They both get out and Katie says," It's OK mum, you can go and get dad from work. I'll be fine."

With that Katie walks into the station and walks onto the platform. Angelina and Alicia grab Katie by the arm and say," So, did you write to him at all?"

Katie shakes her head. "I couldn't. I don't even think he likes me."

The two girls shake their heads and walk onto the train with Katie. Oliver seeing Katie with the other two stops and hits Fred and George.

"Watch where your going Oliver!" says Fred.

"Yeah, can't you see that we are walking here?" George replies.

Oliver says," Sorry mate. I didn't see you there. I didn't want someone to see me."

The twins shake their head and both say,"Girl problems!" Oliver laughs with them and gets on the train.

As the reach Hogwarts and get into the Great Hall, Katie sits next to Angelina and Alicia talking about Cedric Diggory.

"He is so handsome." says Angelina.

"I know. I just want to hug him." says Alicia.

Katie laughs that them and says,"You two are way to into guys. He is handsome, but nothing to big."

The other two laugh at her and smile. "OK, I know who you like now. It's so noticeable." says Lee Jordan.

Katie shakes her head and says," Yeah, who?"

Lee says," Cedric Diggory!"

Katie puts her head down and goes red. Angelina and Alicia say," So, it wasn't Oliver? You like Cedric? Whoa!"

Katie gets up and walks out of the Great Hall. Oliver not knowing what went on gets up and follows Katie. In the common room before everyone else gets up there, Katie sits in front of the fire. Oliver walks in and says,"What is wrong?"

Katie jumps and say," Oh nothing. Girl problems."

Oliver laughs and says," You got girl problems? I thought boys only had girl problems?"

Katie smiles and say,"Well, I like Cedric and I know for one he knows about it right now. Lee was so loud, I'm surprise you didn't hear him."

Oliver sits down next to Katie and says," No, well if he doesn't like you he is crazy. You are beautiful, funny, amazing, and everything that a boy would want." With that he gets up and walks up to the boys dorms. Katie smiles and gets up to go to bed.

As the first month passes, Katie and the others are beat from all the practicing. Katie finds Cedric in the library by himself. She walks in and sits next to him. "Ello Cedric." she says smiling.

Cedric say,"Oh hey Katie. What are you doing here?"

She smiles and says,"I was looking for you. I needed to ask you something."

He stops reading and looks into her eyes and say,"Ok, go on."

he smiles and says,"Well, the first Hogsmeade visit is this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" She looks down away from Cedric.

"Well, I think I can. I'm not going with anyone else. So, sure I'll go with you." He said.

She looked at him and said,"You will? Really? Nice! Do you want to meet me int eh front hall?"

He smiled and said,"Sure, that would be great. Oh, so how long did it take you to come up to me and ask me that?"

She laughed and said,"Ever since last year." They both laughed and started to study together.

After the news broke out that Katie and Cedric were a couple, Oliver was upset. Practices were longer then ever now and no one knew why.

"Oliver, you know we're not machines. We do need sleep." said Angelina one night after practice.

"Yeah, I'm falling asleep in Dark Arts." said Fred.

Oliver looked at the two of them and said,"I don't think we're good enough to face Hufflepuff yet, so we have to keep practicing."

Katie said,"Oliver, really. Hufflepuff never ever gave us a problem before. What is your problem?"

He got up and walked over to Katie and said,"Well, for one they got Cedric and two I feel we could be better. OK, we're down." The team left except for Fred.

"So, Cap. What is your problem really?"

Oliver looked away and said," I don't know what you are talking about?"

Fred laughed and said,"Oh yes you do. Ever since Katie started dating Cedric. You became the blood sucking captain. What is wrong with you?"

With that Oliver looked at Fred and said,"Your right, I don't know what is wrong with me. I wish I did."

Fred got up and walked over to him and said,"You love her mate. You are jealous of Cedric because you always loved her. It's killing you to see them together all the time. After classes, Hogsmeade, after practices, and during breaks. You are jealous." With that Fred walked out and left Oliver there to think.

The next few months were still as bad as the last couple. Oliver was still under the jealous bit. Katie and Cedric were showing how much they liked each other before classes and after lunch. Angelina said," OK, really Katie. Get a room!" As Angelina and Alicia seen the two love birds making out in front of DADA classroom.

Katie and Cedric stopped and he left. "OK, I'm sorry guys." Katie said.

"You are grossing me out. I really thought you liked Oliver!" said Alicia.

Katie made a face and said,"Ok, like that would happen. Captain Blood and me?!? In your dreams." She then walked off to class. Angelina and Alicia were noticing how Katie started to pay more attention to Cedric then to her Quidditch training. Oliver seemed to have noticed to. For when it came team to playing Hufflepuff, Katie was in the clouds. She would watch Cedric instead of the Quaffle. When Angelina noticed this she realized that Cedric wasn't looking back. He was trying to look for the snitch before Harry got it. As to everyone's surprise Hufflepuff won. No luck to what happen with Harry and the dementors.

Angelina grabbed Katie and said," He isn't good for you. Can't you see that?"

Katie said,"What are you talking about Angelina?" As they walked to the locker room.

"He is making you become bad at Quidditch. You were terrible today and Oliver knows about it." Angelina said.

"I didn't make us lose today. It was Harry and he's fainting gig. Cedric isn't making me terrible at Quidditch either." said Katie with a attitude.

The following month Oliver seemed to be getting over the fact that Katie wasn't his. It was close to ending school and Katie and Cedric started fighting. "I can't believe him." She said one night after she snuck back into the common room with tears in her eyes.

"What Katie?" said George. "He broke up with me. He left me for Cho Chang!" she said.

"Are you serious?"Said Fred.

"No, I'm joking you two. Of course I'm serious. He told me that I wasn't what he was looking for. After 7 months. 7 months and I'm not what he's looking for." She said with more tears.

Angelina walked over to her and said," It's OK. We're here for you."

Alicia hugged Katie and said,"You'll always have your friends Katie. That's what counts." The three girls smiled and Katie said,"Where is Oliver?"

"Oh, he went to send an owl home to he's parents." said Lee. As everyone was going up to bed Katie waited for Oliver. She knew she had to tell him.

While waiting for Oliver, Katie fall asleep on the couch. Oliver walked in and saw Katie sleeping there and walked over to her. "Katie...? Katie....? Wake up." He said shaking her lightly.

She opened her eyes and hugged him. "I'm so sorry Oliver." she said.

"OK, for what?" he said smiling at her.

Katie sat up to let him sit down. "For everything this year. Even though we won the house cup, I feel like I lost you somehow. " She said.

Oliver looked confused and said," You had Cedric. How could you be lost?"

She smiled and a tear fall down her cheek. She said," Because I wasn't happy. I thought I was, but I wasn't. I love you Oliver Wood. You!"

With a smile on his face, he said,"Really? I love you too. I was so upset when you started dating him. I wanted us to be together." He hugged her and she hugged him. They fall asleep in each others arms.

The last day when they left, Katie and Oliver were a couple. Katie said," What are we going to do about next year? When I come back and you go off playing Quidditch?"

Oliver smiled and said," Oh, I think we'll do just fine. I don't see us having any problems do you?"

She kissed him and said,"Nope, none at all."

They sat together on the train and they both knew that this was were they both belonged.