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Sarah's Virtual Photo Album

WELCOME!!! To my web page. My name is Sarah. I live in Platteville Colorado with my mom, Karen. Unfortunatly I have lived here for 14 years and Platteville is not a big town, it is very small and has ABSOLUTLY nothing to do in it. I am 17 and a senior in high school. I will be graduating in a few weeks and then going on to college to become a Master Chef. Someday I hope to own my own restaurant and be on the show "Great Chefs". I LOVE to party, hang out,cook, and just be a teenager. I listen to classic rock, heavy metal, alternative, and some rap. I am what you would consider an alternative chick. I wear baggy jeans with tiny-tees, I dye my hair, I pierce things, and have one tattooo(for the moment).


This is me. I was 14 and waiting for my date. It was my first and last Homecoming, because after my freshman year I started at an alternative high school because I was in the process of being expelled. I'm not a bad kid I just had a HUGE problem with attendance. I hated my old school. This picture is three years old but I look pretty much the same except for a few minor differences, my hair is longer and is now burgundy, not reddish brown. I'm taller, I now reach a woppin' 5 feet 7 inches, I weigh about 10 pounds less, I'm at 115 pounds now, I was at 125 pounds. I have one tattoo of two roses one one stem with a purple ribbon around it, and as soon as I turn 18 I will have many body and facial piercings which will include my bellybutton, eyebrow, lip, tongue, and other areas which are not right to specify. My eyes are brown for the moment that is until I make an appiontment with the eye doctor, and I am ALOT prettier. I wil update the photo as soon as I get my senior pictures. So keep your eyes open.

My best friend and I...

This is my mom and I. Her name is Karen and she is my best friend. I know it sounds wierd but she is the only one that has always been there and she knows absolutly everything there is to know about me. She is very understanding and a great person. She is also EXTREMLY open minded, she lets me do anything, that wasen't the case a few years ago but I have grown up and became WAY more cautious about the things I do or say. I love her to death! My mom is a boss lady/secratary (I say that because she does practically everything there and is the big boss lady when the owner is out of the office). She feels this photo does her no justice because it was taken 3 years ago and she has lost 7 dress sizes since then and is looking GREAT! She is like me except older and wiser. She dyes her hair like the my brother and I. She wants a tattoo for her b-day so my brother and I are going to get her that and make it a family bonding thing(Brad and I are going to get one with her). It will be her first and Brad and my second.

My Family

This is my family. My mom(Karen), my brother(Brad), and me. It is about five years old. I was around 12, Brad was around 19, and my mom was well I won't say because you know how women are with age. My brother is now 24 and a web page designer with a Bachalers degree in Illistration. I consider him my father figure because I haven't spoken to my father in five years( long story, I'll explain if you e-mail me and want to know). My family is my whole world, if I lost them I wouldn't be able to go on. Sounds pathetic but if you grew up with my dad and the other people in my family you would understand. Brad is my role model, he is the first person in my family to go to college and he has only been out for two years and already he has built a stable carrer. He is also writting a movie script because one day he wants to be a well known director like Quentin Terentino. He now has purple hair and lots of ear piercings and tattoos. When I turn 18 we are going together for our first facial piercing together. We are practically the same except he is male and I am female. He is a fantastic role model and friend.

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