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When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a WITCH.
When I stand up for those I love, they call me a WITCH.
When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts, or do things my own way, they call me a WITCH.
Being a WITCH means that I am free to be the wonderful creature that I am, with all my own intricacies, contradictions, quirks and beauty.
Being a WITCH means I won't compromise what's in my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak up against it, I am defined as a WITCH.
The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish. I am proud to be a WITCH
It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be. I am outspoken, opinionated, and determined. By God, I want what I want, and there is nothing wrong with that!
So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.
You won't succeed and if that makes me a WITCH, so be it! I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.
* W - Witch
* I - In
* T - Total
* C - Control of
* H - Herself

thank you, Morrigan, for this pledge:

~ A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality ~

I am a Pagan and I dedicate Myself to channelling the Spiritual Energy of my Inner Self to help and to heal myself and others. I know that I am a part of the Whole of Nature. May I grow in understanding of the Unity of all Nature. May I always walk in Balance.

May I always be mindful of the diversity of Nature as well as its Unity and may I always be tolerant of those whose race, appearance, sex, sexual preference, culture, and other ways differ from my own.

May I use the Force { psychic power } wisely and never use it for aggression nor for malevolent purposes. May I never direct it to curtail the free will of another.

May I always be mindful that I create my own reality and that I have the power within me to create positivity in my life.

May I always act in honorable ways: being honest with myself and others, keeping my word whenever I have given it, fulfilling all responsibilities and commitments I have taken on to the best of my ability.

May I always remember that whatever is sent out always returns magnified to the sender. May the Forces of Karma move swiftly to remind me of these spiritual commitments when I have begun to falter from them, and may I use this Karmic feedback to help myself grow and be more attuned to my Inner Pagan Spirit.

May I always remain strong and committed to my Spiritual ideals in the face of adversity and negativity. May the Force of my Inner Spirit ground out all human violence directed my way and transform it into positivity. May my Inner Light shine so strongly that malevolent forces can not even approach my sphere of existence.

May I always grow in Inner Wisdom & Understanding. May I see every problem that I face as an opportunity to develop myself spiritually in solving it.

May I always act out of Love to all other beings on this Planet -- to other humans, to plants, to animals, to minerals, to elementals, to spirits, and to other entities.

May I always be mindful that the Goddess and God in all their forms dwell within me and that this divinity is reflected through my own Inner Self, my Pagan Spirit.

May I always channel Love and Light from my being. May my Inner Spirit, rather than my ego self, guide all my thoughts, feelings, and actions.


About My Religious Choices

Being raised in a conservative fundamental religion left me wanting more out of life. I have been on a lifelong search for a religion that felt "right" to me. As a child I was somewhat influenced by my Paternal grandmother, who called herself a Spiritualist (i.e. she used witchcraft and occult in her worship). So, after many years of searching I have finally found my religion. I am a Celtic Witch. What does that mean? I take my beliefs from many religions and belief systems. I have Christmas but I believe more in the spirit of love and peace associated with it. I "worship" nature - the beauty, the creatures, the spirit of it all. I love the Yule season and the Yuletide spirit that abounds. I take a lot of my beliefs from the Celts and Druids (hence, Celtic). I also believe in magic and fantasy (hence, Witch). Many people ask if I am Wiccan. Many folks think that Wiccan and Witch are one and the same. They are similar, but not the exact same. As a wtich I have the freedom of also being Christian. I just happen to have "powers" that I use to help deal with life. And, no! I do not worship the Devil. The Devil (or Satan) is a Christian god, one that many folks fear. Satan and the term, the devil, are no part of a Witch's vocabulary.

I can take a walk, see a beautiful view and stop to admire it and that is my "worship". When I stop to say "Oh, that's beautiful!" that's a prayer. The whole outdoors is my church. There are no rules to my religion except this: Treat others as you would be treated. Do no harm except in self-defense or for food. Part of the Witch's creed is this: "An' it harm none, do as ye will." Sounds a bit like the "golden rule" we all learned in grade school doesn't it? So if you respect the rights of others, be they human, animal, plant or spirit, you are following that creed, or golden rule.

You see, I don't like the formality, rules and restrictions of all the faiths I've looked at. I'm a free spirit. I need to be able to follow my path wherever it may take me.

A bit of advise for everyone. Stop for a moment and take a look at your beliefs. Do they still feel right for you? Or do you follow them because it's expected of you? If you feel they aren't right, maybe you should take a look at different religions and see if something else is right for you. Now, I'm not trying to convert you to my beliefs. In fact, mine is rather personalized and specialized to me. But the idea of it (taking the best out of many religions) may work for you. I guess my message here is, above all, remain open-minded, open-hearted and have respect for nature and it's creatures.

Would you like to know more about my beliefs?

Follow the links:



more to come as I get the pages done...

I found a great poem that I have the honor of having on my site. Feel free to spend a few minutes reading it.

The Circle


We walk around in circles all our lives
All day long
Not circles in which we are lost
But circles of the earth kind, as a spirit
Common to all living things

Spherical shapes hold wisdom:
The earth, the moon, the sun,
the ring,
the Earthweb, a tree trunk,
an apple, an egg, a heart
a medicine wheel
the sun's path

Connection from beginning to end
With All in between
Circles contain eternity in their midst
We belong to the Circle
We know it - grow it inside
That is our wisdom

© 2000 Stella Savoie *^*
