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Beautiful Friend

Dear Journal,Today is :

I just can't believe what I am feeling.
Is it really possible for me to feel this close,
so close to someone
I haven't even known very long ?

But I have to tell you, this friend
is becoming a very important part of my life.

I often wake up thinking about this person in my life,
And I feel happy and excited
just knowing we will be
talking to each other throughout the day.

My thoughts are consumed, so often,
all day long as a matter of fact.

I think about things we've said to each other
and special moments we've shared.

And I find myself thinking about
what I want to say the next time we talk.

Can you believe,
every time the phone rings,
I hope to hear that familiar voice
I love hearing that voice,
what a beautiful person,
inside and out.

These feelings have brought a new focus to my life.
And I just want to let my special friend know
how happy I am,
and how much this friendship means to me

Should I tell ?

should I tell this wonderful person
how beautiful they are to me ?

I hope,
when my friend reads these words,
the feelings will be the same feelings I am feeling too.

Good night my special friend

sweet dreams.

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