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AFTER ...                                                   ...BEFORE
The artist with members of Irmandade da Boa Morte, Cachoeira, Brazil 1990
[Left, after honorary initiation. Right, meeting with Sisters in Convento]
Photo : E. H. Sorrells-Adewale


My work as an artist-scholar has been to identify important social issues in the world, to understand the relationship between creativity and the social culture of the art world, and to produce thought-provoking permanent works which capture the spirit of the times on our homeworld. Traveling, participating in artist residencies, collaborating with artists, scholars and communities in the U.S. and abroad has provided a privileged opportunity for me as an artist to come to terms with the perversities of our age and to play an active role in making and exhibiting art, teaching in a university, writing about and participating in cultural debates, and developing community-based programs.  We are all political beings. The older I get, the more I realize that my responsibility to this world increases with age. Always, there has been this sense of urgency in me, that art expose truths and make us advocates for a more peaceful world in which resources are more equitably shared. Finding a way to seal the breach between social science, life, art, and our role and responsibility as creative people will be the most important work for artists in the twenty-first century.

Women Hawkers at Market Theatre,       Johannesburg, South Africa   1994

Chandler has a Ph.D in sociology and is a member of IAAeC (Institute for African American e-Culture), comprised of computer scientists. social scientists, physicists and educators devoted to expanding research on the digitial divide and IT access for African Americans. She is an associate professor at Northeastern University in Boston.
Visit the IAAeC website at  <>

For copies of  Recent publications & Keynotes listed below  click on Contact:

 "Creative Parallel Spaces in Science and Art: Knowledge in the Information Age," Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society. Robin M. Chandler. Vol. 29.  No.3. Fall 1999 : 163-176. Ed. , Ann Galligan.

[go to JAMLS publisher webite <> or email journal editor at <>

"Building Creative Communities: Approaching the Arts as Social and Economic Development", Australian Journal of BahaíI Studies. Fall 2000.

[This article is a revised version of a paper presented at the Association of Bahaíi Studies Conference, " The Creative Inspiration: Arts and Culture in the Bahaíi Faith", September 1999 held in Melbourne, Australia]

[go to ABS Australia webite <> or email <>

"The Beautiful Flight Toward the Light: Reflections on An Artistís Life,"
Australian Journal of Bahaíi Studies. Fall 2000.

[ This article is a revised version of a paper presented at the Association of Bahaíi Studies Conference, " The Creative Inspiration: Arts and Culture in the Bahaíi Faith," September 1999 held in Melbourne, Australia.]

Women of Color: Laying Tracks, Building Bridges, and Moviní On Up in the Information Age ". Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  Conference,   "Cybersisters and Virtual Visionaries: A Celebration of Women of Color in the Information Age", Cambridge, Massachusetts Keynote Address. January 2000.
[ downlink to Cybersisters website <>]

Chandlerís courses at Northeastern University:

Foundations of Black Culture:

African American Art History

Other courses:

Survey of African Art
Visual Aesthetics in the Americas
Hip Hop

Professional affiliations:

-International Society of Education Through Art (InSEA)/UNESCO   <>
-Institute for African American e-Culture (IAAeC)    <>
-Cultural and Arts Policy Research Institute/Northeastern University        <>
-African Studies Association

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