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phunkycrazy rin words

ok, so i have this "thing" for words. i love them. i love when i can find the perfect word for what i want to say. that's why i like the english language so much. it's very concise. i've also improved the language a bit by adding or adopting my own words--phunkycrazy being one of them.

and here it is. . . erin's favorite word of all time(or at least this week). . . yerk: to beat vigorously. yes, boys and girls, it IS a real word. at first i thought it was made up, but it's actually in the dictionary. so go see for yourselves, all you cynical disbelievers.

ok. . . i have to retract my statement that yerk is my favorite word. my real favorite word is juxtapose or juxtapostition. it's just a fun thing to say. "the juxtapostition of the blah with the whatever. . ." it's one of those words that make you sound way smarter than you really are.

hmmm . . . more good words . . . aardvark. how can you not like a word that starts with, not one, but TWO a's?

deontology: the science of moral obligation or duty.
i don't really like the word. i just think it's kinda ridiculous that the english language has a word for "the science of just about anything."

serendipity: the faculty of happening upon or making fortunate discoveries when not in search of them.
this is just a fun word to say. :)
